posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:04 AM
I sent an email to Fox 4 DFW. Hopefully they wil at least review this story and give it some attention. Not holding out any hope, but it never hurts
to try.
I encourage all of you to do the same. Here is what I sent, feel free to edit and quote if you like:
On April 5th, released a video obtained via an anonymous source showing an attack on the morning of July 12th 2007 by US helicopter
gunships on a group of supposed Iraqi insurgents. During this attack, approximately 12 people were killed and two children were seriously injured.
Ultimately, it was discovered that the group included Saeed Chmagh and Namir Noor-Eldeen, both journalists from Rueters.
Initially, the military did not explain how the journalists were killed nor how the children were injured. Ultimately, after demands from Rueters,
military officials concluded that the actions of the soldiers were in accordance with accepted rules of engagement.
With the release of the video by, the statements made by U.S. military can be compared against the facts on the ground and are found to
be misleading if not completely false.
Please have you editorial staff review this video. Whether the soldiers acted incorrectly or not, the fact that military commanders have
intentionally lied about the murder of civilians and attempted to cover up the truth is not something that the American people should tolerate. has published the video at their sister site: In addition, they have included links to the reference
material used for the report.
Thank you for your attention to this story.