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could this be niburu

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posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 10:54 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Forget about the one article, I have been dropping links, pictures, illustrations/clues right and left with real Evidence & Facts in the mix.

Has anyone actually gone over the Facts section?

I am sure you have not - otherwise we would not be having this discussion right now.

So do you also believe that "Nemesis" does not exist and could not exist?

There is nothing beyond the third dimension right and if there was you already know everything out there beyond the third dimension right?

Go over the Evidence & Facts!

Learn something,

Think just a little beyond!

Someday you will remember this because clearly there is a cover up going on and you won't hear much about it from the governments but I KNOW!

It's you're choice do whatever you want from here!

Best Wishes!

p.s. To the Viewers:

You can expect disinformationists,

Do you're own research and make you're own decisions!

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:01 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Go over the Evidence & Facts!

Learn something,

The fact that you have been calling this thing Nibru the whole time shows only that you need to go over your own 'facts' and learn something.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:02 PM
Added Information:

Rabbit Hole:

By Lucas at Brave New Books:

By Lucas at Brave New Books:

The Earth Changes video section:

The Earth Changes Evidence & Facts section:
52+ more documents to come!

Rabbit Hole:

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:05 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Yes, but if you think that the "Rabbit Hole" has anything at all to do with reality there is nothing more to be said. Please read through everything that your "sources" say, not just the part that you like. Otherwise, you're thinking way inside your own little box.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:09 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

You have not been posting facts. You have been posting hoaxes.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Hi Serbsta,

Originally posted by serbsta

Originally posted by ET_MAN

Go over the Evidence & Facts!

Learn something,

The fact that you have been calling this thing Nibru the whole time shows only that you need to go over your own 'facts' and learn something.

I have never personally referred to "Wormwood" as Nibiru, if you would have actually read the entire Evidence & Facts section you would already know that!

I also have another thread on ATS dealing strictly with this Brown Dwarf and what I know is coming for those interested!

That can be found

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:15 PM

Originally posted by ET_MAN
Hi Serbsta,

I have never personally referred to "Wormwood" as Nibiru, if you would have actually read the entire Evidence & Facts section you would already know that!

Yes, yes you have. Many times over.

Originally posted by ET_MAN

So let's discuss the heart of the subject here. "Brown Dwarf" Object-X, Niburu, Wormwood, just more human names/labels to better define...

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

Once again. You have not posted any credential evidence and your lack of basic understanding with simple names really doesn't say too much about the rest of your theory.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:16 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

I'll field this one, Serbsta. ET, do you read cuneiform? Even Akkadian, never mind Sumerian. Please post the original Sumerian texts if you're going to cite them.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:21 PM

Originally posted by stereologist
reply to post by ET_MAN

You have not been posting facts. You have been posting hoaxes.

This will be the last time I reply to you stereologist, I'm a little tired of pushing your wheel chair around.

Now why don't you go ahead and disprove the Facts & Evidence section.

Make sure you show us references and real scientific facts with backup!

You see Coming Earth Changes is such a big topic that even some of the experts in the field are divided over it and debating about it all the time. It's never a black and white issue!

If you simply don't believe what is being presented then you wouldn't take so much time and effort to continuously reply.

This truly goes to show who you are, it says a lot about yourself.

Best Wishes!

[edit on 14-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:27 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

If you simply did not believe what was being shared you would not take so much time and effort to continuously reply.

Has the motto been changed here to "Ignore Ignorance?" Some hoaxes are indeed funny, and I'm sure we've all had a good laugh now and then. On the other hand, apocalyptic hysteria can be dangerous. There are enough genuine problems on this planet that we don't need fear mongers distracting people from finding solutions to them.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:33 PM
reply to post by serbsta

Yes, yes you have. Many times over.

False statement serbsta,

You're flat out wrong or have misinterpreted what I wrote, I have been at this for a very long time now and most definitely know better.

If you review the first page of my other thread I clearly state that it's not a Nibiru thread or a Hoax!

The object is not Nibiru (though some ancients referred to such objects in mythological/metaphorical ways as you have suggested and I also know a few things or two about it but it's not the object I've been referring to) The real object is "Wormwood" a Brown Dwarf - and there is much more than meets the 3D-Zone eye.

Life is full of Illusions rest assured.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:43 PM
Hi DJW001,

Originally posted by DJW001
reply to post by ET_MAN

If you simply did not believe what was being shared you would not take so much time and effort to continuously reply.

Has the motto been changed here to "Ignore Ignorance?" Some hoaxes are indeed funny, and I'm sure we've all had a good laugh now and then. On the other hand, apocalyptic hysteria can be dangerous. There are enough genuine problems on this planet that we don't need fear mongers distracting people from finding solutions to them.

Clearly you have not gone through the Evidence & Facts, if you had you would not make such a statement. The message is not about Fear but about "Awareness/Preparedness" and if you want to keep your head in the sand by my guest.

I suggest you work on overcoming FEAR if your capable of FEAR...

Afterall death is an inevitability for everyone (As humans know it) and you will leave the flesh whether through a catastrophic event or eventually so have you come to that understanding/realization just yet?

Have you overcome FEAR?

Read my signature among the many other quotes/information that I've presented in my other thread to better understand where I come from.

Even better- go over the Evidence & Facts Section.

Now that's a smart idea!

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:44 PM
reply to post by ET_MAN

Well ET_Man instead of using hoaxes as you do to support a failed concept as you have, I will use a real expert.

Where Are You Hiding Planet X, Dr. Brown?

So who is this expert? Let's see

Mike Brown is a professor of planetary astronomy at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) and an expert dwarf planet hunter, accredited with discovering over 100 minor bodies in the Kuiper belt. Dr. Brown is also very well known for his part in the re-classification of Pluto.

Ian O'Neill: I think the favorite doomsday object is that Planet X is a brown dwarf (!!) lurking somewhere near the Kuiper belt. Wouldn't we have spotted something like that before now? I think THAT would have played some serious planetary billiards with the Solar System by now -- those "perturbations" would be planetary U-turns! Mike Brown: It is not impossible that the sun has a brown dwarf companion, but to be hidden from us it would have to be much, much further out than the Kuiper belt. Maybe like 100 times further. And at those distances its effects on the earth are pretty much zero. There are very good limits to what you can hide at what distances in the solar system and not detect their gravity. You could put a Mars at a few hundred AU (10 times more distant than Neptune, say) and everything would be fine. You could put a Jupiter at a few thousand AU (1000 the distance of Neptune), and, again, you're safe. There might even be things out there that someday we might find. I certainly hope so! Ian O'Neill: Wow! Those distances are pretty huge! If there was something of note out there, it would have to travel pretty quickly to make it to the inner solar system by Christmas 2012! Mike Brown: Yeah, that's an interesting calculation. Let's see, 1000 AU in 2 years is... ...2400 km/sec. At that speed you would not be in orbit around the sun. You would not even be in orbit around the galaxy. You would have to have been shot at us from intergalactic space faster than any known object (cue spooky music). Ian O'Neill:That's stupidly fast! That's faster than a hypervelocity star! Mike Brown: Only by a factor of 100 though

Yeah, so Jupiter 2.0 CAN'T live in the Kuiper belt. We've known that for decades simply from watching what the other planets are doing.

A real expert says no planets close to the earth. No brown dwarf close to the earth.

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:46 PM
reply to post by DJW001

Here are the Links again in case you missed them!

The Earth Changes video section:

The Earth Changes Evidence & Facts section:
52+ more documents to come!

Rabbit Hole:

Best Wishes!

posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:52 PM

A real expert says no planets close to the earth. No brown dwarf close to the earth.

OH I have come up with many other experts absolutely supporting the "Nemesis" theory, but you see if people would have gone over the Evidence & Facts sections and other rabbit holes provided they would have already known that!

General statement not necessarily directed at anyone, but it's good to see some people doing a little needed research and looking around.

They just might run into something and learn a few more things you never really know.


posted on Apr, 14 2010 @ 11:57 PM
So now we report links. I am reposting the link that shows how far out we can exclude planets from the solar system.


This tells us that a Pluto sized object would have been detected by now if it were within 320AU of the earth. A Jupiter sized object would have been detected were it within 2140 AU of the earth.

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:31 AM
Many are in the Know!

2 of
Don't Be--->

The Earth Changes video section:

The Earth Changes Evidence & Facts section:
52+ more documents to come!

Rabbit Hole:

Best Wishes!

[edit on 15-4-2010 by ET_MAN]

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 12:44 AM
reply to post by ET_MAN


MARCH 22nd, 1980 - The Georgia Guidestones Erected
1982 - Deregulation Allows The United States to Create Endless Funds
1984 - The REX 84 Test and Operation Garden Plot (VIDEO)
OCTOBER 9th, 1986 - The FOX Broadcast Network Channel is launched. This will grow into the world's biggest media company ever known. Television, radio, movies, music, and news will never be the same after this. FOX's base company was The Sun Pictorial that was founded 09/11/1922
AUGUST 2nd, 1990 - Iraq invades Kuwait for "slant drilling" under the Iraq border into Iraq oil. Before the fact it is shown that The United States basically gave Saddam Hussein permission to do so. The whole thing is shown to be a big set up.
JANUARY 17th, 1991 - Operation Desert Storm will drop "177 MILLION POUNDS" of bombs on Iraq course of the next 6 months. After 12 years of intense sanctions, bombings, terror attacks, and United States imperialistic subversion, Iraq will be ready to be invaded in 2003.
SEPTEMBER 11th, 1991 - President George H. W. Bush Delivers a very chilling speech titled "Towards A New World Order". (VIDEO)
1992 - NASA redesigns it's LOGO to depict a rebirth of mankind.
1993 - The Vatican Advanced Technology Telescope is built.
MARCH 19th, 1994 – Denver "New World" Airport is constructed behind the highest mountains is the US.
SEPTEMBER 4th, 1998 - Google is launched. Although several search engines have already established huge user bases, Google somehow manages in a couple short years to rise to supreme overlord of the Internet. It is later revealed by an ex CIA agent that Google got millions in "seed money" in exchange for user information.
2000 – Rev. Sun Myung Moon buys 300,000 hectares in Paraguay strategically placed behind the Andes Mountains.
SEPTEMBER 10th, 2001 - Rumsfeld tells Congress the Pentagon has "lost" 2.3 TRILLION DOLLARS! (VIDEO)
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2001 - TUESDAY Exactly 10 years to the day of George Bush's "New World Order" speech come the Staged False-Flag Attacks On The United States. It justifies invasion of Afghanistan (to build a pipeline) (VIDEO), it justifies the invasion of one of the world's largest oil resources (Iraq), beefing up the military, and moving trillions of dollars in funds covertly.
SEPTEMBER 18th, 2001 - HIGHLY REFINED, MILITARY GRADE ANTHRAX is sent to several locations and to politicians who were questioning things. The Anthrax Spores were traced back to a US lab.
OCTOBER 7th, 2001 - United States invades Afghanistan to secure an oil pipeline rout and to take control of the trillion dollar poppy crop industry. (VIDEO)
OCTOBER 1st, 2002 - United States establishes United States Northern Command in Colorado Springs.
OCTOBER 26th, 2001 - The USA PATRIOT ACT is signed into law. This basically allows the US Government to do anything it chooses. This 342 page piece of filth is the framework for tyranny.
MARCH 20th, 2003 - Claiming weapons of mass destruction, The United States and the UK invade Iraq. The United States builds the world's largest military base there. The WMDs claim proves to be a lie.
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2003 - Swedish foreign minister Anna Lindh dies from multiple stab wounds.
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2004 - Patriarch Peter VII of Alexandria dies in UNEXPLAINED helicopter crash.
AUGUST 29th, 2005 - Hurricane Katrina strikes. FEMA is very slow to act, thus causing the disaster to become much more grave. National Guard and Police practiced confiscating guns, beating up old ladies, and enforcing a police state. (VIDEOS)
MAY 6th, 2005 - The CIA Relocates its headquarters to Denver.
JUNE - 2006 - The EPA starts closing down its library network.
JUNE - 2006 - The Doomsday Seed Vault constructed deep inside a mountain in Arctic Norway.
OCTOBER, 2006 – George Bush Jr buys 98,000 acres in Paraguay strategically placed behind the Andes Mountains.
OCTOBER 17th, 2006 - George Bush Jr signs "H.R. 5122 [109th]: The John Warner National Defense Authorization Act which usurps the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act that forbade The US Military from operating on US soil.
NOVEMBER 2006 - Video Sharing site Youtube is aquired by Google. Youtube had over 100 million users when it was acquired by Google. Shortly after the censoring, manipulations, and various anomalies started.
NOVEMBER 19th, 2006 - Bush meets with Putin and Jintao
2007 - Report Card on America's Infrastructure released.
FEBRUARY, 16th 2007 - South Pole Telescope achieved first light.
MAY 4th, 2007 - George Bush Jr. drafts the National Security and Homeland Security Presidential Directive
JULY 17th, 2007 - Vatican closes its library open to the public for over 500 years!
SEPTEMBER 11th, 2007 - TUESDAY Russia tests the largest conventional weapon ever created called "The Father of all Bombs"
FEBRUARY 28th, 2008 - Neil Bush meets with President of Paraguay and Hyun Jin Moon, son of Reverend Sun Myung Moon
JUNE 23rd, 2008 - Story runs about Dutch Preparing for catastrophe (VIDEO)
OCTOBER 1st, 2008 - Northern Command deploys 6,000 REGULAR MILITARY troops on US soil.
OCTOBER 2nd, 2008 - Congress Threatened With Martial Law (VIDEO)
OCTOBER 3rd-10th, 2008 - Stock market crashes 2,000 points under it's own weight
DECEMBER, 2008 - Northern Command raises original troops on homeland soil from 6,000 to 20,000
DECEMBER 6th, 2008 - The Panoramic Survey Telescope And Rapid Response System went online.
JUNE 11th, 2009 - Incoming "Space Rocks" now classified top secret.
NOVEMBER 19th, 2009 - Climategate - Thousands of climate documents hacked reveal huge cover-up
DECEMBER 2009 - NASA launched the WISE Telescope
JANUARY 13th, 2010 - New seismic equipment sent to Yellowstone days before quake swarms!
JANUARY 24th, 2010 - Marion Berry makes the 12th House Democrat to Retire in Last 24 days!
JULY 2011 - US troop withdrawals from Afghanistan to start.

Nope. No fear mongering here. By the way, you quote the Buddha in your signature. I don't recognize where it came from. Which Sutra is it from? If you've read any of the sutras, you would know that the Buddha's whole point is to free ones' self from delusions. starting with the delusion of selfhood. I am moved out of compassion for the suffering of the deluded, who listen to these hoaxes and fear. (To the Mods: sorry for the long quote. Edit at will.)

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:06 AM
ET-MAN: are you posting links to your own websites as "evidence?" Couldn't this be construed as advertising?

posted on Apr, 15 2010 @ 01:07 AM
Hi DJW001,

reply to post by DJW001

That's a good list for people to really look at - "AWARENESS" being important- thanks for sharing it.

You see, I already know for myself what lies beyond the 3D-zone earth reality in which homosapiens reside. I have absolutely zero fear and part of the reason/purpose of "souls" being on earth is to overcome those fears.

Death is an inevitability is it not?

If you don't mind me asking how old are you and have you accepted leaving the flesh and do you have NO FEAR Of leaving because you know inevitably that death will come for you (As humans perceive/define/understand) death to be?

What is real?

How are you so sure about it really being real?

Best Wishes!
Best Dreams!

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