posted on Apr, 11 2010 @ 03:41 PM
Originally posted by Zeus2573
For anyone that thinks Sun-dogs create what appears to be a second sun, here is what a sun-dog looks like. The conditions have to be just right for
them to occur.
I never even knew what a sun-dog was until recently.
~ Zeus
ummm... ok, on this wikipedia link, I scrolled down to where there were lots of pictures of these sun-dogs. Take a look at the one labelled
"A sundog produced by sunlight passing through thin cirrus clouds. The true sun is outside of the picture to the right"
- I personally don't see a whole lot of difference between this pic of a sun-dog and the video of "nibiru" slightly further up this page. They
both show what appears to be 'two copies' of the sun.
It's a cool effect, I'll admit - pretty amazing actually - but doesn't mean there's another planet up there.
I'm really struggling to understand how something apparently as large as Jupiter could be hiding behind the sun without having *major* gravitational
effects on the earth.
And no, I don't think the recent earthquakes are caused by such effects (I think the effects would be a lot more, on gravity etc) - the earth has
always had earthquakes and violent weather, and always will - we as humans only experience a tiny wee length of the earth's existence, who are we to
say that such-and-such environmental occurences are unusual? They surely only seem that way because we haven't lived long enough to experience
everything that ever happens to earth.
Edit to add:
The video I'm talking about "further up this page" was on page 7, titled 'nibiru video - second sun - planet x' - I'm just not getting the hang
of linking/embedding here yet
Oh, and I'm not directing my posts directly to you Zeus, I only quoted your post cos it had the wikipedia link in it
[edit on 11-4-2010 by tappy]