A Note of Appreciation From the Poor:
Let's be honest, we're never going to win the lottery.
On the other hand, the chances are pretty good that we can fool you into thinking we're slaving away at some miserable job for the rest of our lives
when all we're really doing is making the least possible effort to get the most possible money from you for doing as little as possible. That's
because, in all likelihood, you think we were born into some "social class". Let's face it, while you're busy worrying about maintaining caste
systems, we're living our lives as leisurely as we know how, fornicating and propagating, eating, sleeping, farting and all the same things you do,
just with less money to do it. I'd say I'm sorry, but I wouldn't really know what I am apologizing for.\
As a result, we have decided to ignore the dumbed down public education you attempted to shove down our throats and have begun to educate ourselves,
and in spite of our upbringing, connections, manners, appearance and "good" taste, we are just the same as you. Even if we needed a book the size
of the yellow pages, (and it should be noted at this point, that your letter of appreciation to us hardly comes off as a letter written by a person of
"proper" education, and its overall structure and tone does not suggest someone whose upbringing, connections, manners and good taste are of that of
the caste system that author claims to be from), to list all the unfair advantages you have, we are still free and capable of remarkable
accomplishments without any of your education, upbringing, connections, manners and good taste. The fact that we don't need you is not why we're
grateful to you, it lies in the fact that your ignorance about justice and equality of justice, makes you weak and that weakness becomes our
Of course in a hierarchical social system like yours there's never been much room for anything other than pretentiousness and preening at the top to
begin with, so we really have no desire to party with you dudes. Besides, its all ready occupied by you dudes---and you seem so happy pretending and
preening, we find it kind of cute and if you're happy, we're happy. We don't find your proclivity towards kicking people in the teeth so cute, but
in fairness to you, there are plenty of poor people who do the same, so we do not tolerate such action, but we show you our compassion and understand
your sense of insecurities and self doubt. We are grateful you place a "lowly dishwasher" higher up on the caste system than...well, we don't
really know since you failed to spoon feed us that little tidbit, but we're grateful none the less. Your urging of gratitude for immigrants,
prostitutes, and homeless street people is unnecessary, since most of us are either immigrants or come from immigrant families, we are grateful that
the homeless have not yet organized and rebelled against a system that has shut them out, and we are no less grateful to poor prostitutes who offer
sexual services than we are to you guys who prostitute in other ways, but are prostitutes just the same.
We will always remember that while you hide behind your expensive prisons you call gated communities, terrified of anything that comes close to hard
work, we can see your soft decaying flesh march towards its death just the same as if you were to risk danger in order to get a job done, and while we
too often agree to do dangerous things for way too low remuneration, we also get paid for doing nothing, (you know that thing you call boring), so all
in all it tends to average out. As to your gratitude for fighting wars "for you", we return the gratitude for training us so well in how we can
defeat you when the time comes. Thank you sincerely.
We are also grateful for your naive belief that we don't possess the same greed filled drive to possess wealth, power and prestige, as one of the
very generous gifts you have bestowed upon us, is bringing us access to Sun Tzu's The Art of War, and we have learned to play the fool in front of
our enemies, so it will probably come as a great shock to you, when your are finally confronted with revolution, to discover just how greedy we really
are, and how that greed drives us just the same as you. We are grateful for your own delusional state where you believe it is just the poor afraid of
change, seemingly unwilling to recognize your own desperate fear of change, evidenced not just by your multi-billion dollar investments in political
capital, or in high tech low waged security, or in your desperate efforts to maintain the status quo, but also in your silly efforts to and wasted
investments for hair plugs, botox, liposuction, and all other sorts of expensive procedures spent on an attempt to halt the changes of nature. We
think that one is amusing, and entertaining so we are grateful. We are also grateful you project on to us, your own mechanical social games, and
while you are busy being so terrified what others think of you, these distractions for you make our lives easier, as you are too busy obsessing over
your own lives to be any real threat to us.
Naturally, we allow you to think it is you who is playing us against each other, we often stop to chuckle at your ignorance, and even if you were the
threat some conspiracy theorist claim you are, and even if you were attempting to practice some form of eugenics, you will always be a minority, and
if you ever get to the point where you have become an unbearable threat to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, even if you've managed to
decimate a large portion of the population, your numbers will never be able to withstand ours, and if you ever wake the sleeping giant known as
enough is enough, your ass is toast, and we are grateful you are seemingly too stupid to know it.
We are grateful you still feel compelled to place quotation marks around words like ethic, as it always reminds us what you think of ethics, and this
is important to us, ethics. We know most of you don't know much about work, but then again, most of us don't really care.
Of course, this letter of gratitude, written as a reply to your kind letter of gratitude as you probably will have no idea what what we are talking
about, since in all likelihood it was not you who wrote that letter, but more than likely written by some angry bitter poor person, who thought it
might incite other poor people to hate you even more. We recognize, especially towards the end, a left leaning ideology, that while not radically
different from your own, suggests it was indeed written by someone who does not come from your caste system at all, and sadly lacks the necessary
talent to properly imitate your style. Since, this letter sent and addressed to us, the poor, was most likely written by a poor dude, we would like
to conclude our own letter with some genuine gratitude for those things you have done that merit gratitude.
We are thankful for all your foundations and trust funds that operate outside of government that endeavor to ease the pain and suffering in the world.
We are grateful for all the theater's, opera houses, and museums you have built, and even though many of us are just as happy with four dogs sitting
around a table playing poker, or Elvis painted on velvet, we will occasionally go to your museums and check out that art too. We are grateful for you
taking on the brunt of taxation in this country, and we are ever so grateful for your amusing antics and spawning progeny such as Paris Hilton who
carry on your great tradition of rich white trash to amuse us on our leisure time.
So, from the bottom of our hearts we thank you for all the guilt you harbor that motivates your philanthropy, we thank you for paying more in taxes
than us, and we thank you for knowing your place in the entertainment industry...without even knowing it!
The Poor.
[edit on 5-4-2010 by Jean Paul Zodeaux]