posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:13 PM
The more I think about this, and read about it, I am starting to become really curious.
Now, I need a real geologist or someone that is a elite amateur to help see if this theory has any merit. I was considering writing a thread but ,
I'll hold off until I gather more info first.
Ok, think of how Baja is separated from mainland Mexico by a narrow bay. Well, after the "Big One" hits Southern California, and it metaphorically
"Falls off into the Ocean" as is always said; won't this cause present day South-Western California to splinter off WITH Baja and form a even
longer strip of land?
Essentially just extending the "bay" in between Baja and mainland Mexico by another few hundred miles/km?
Admittedly I am only a amateur so I am seeking more knowledgeable opinions about this possibility?