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Confirmed By Me: June 21st or June 22nd = Doomsday (Operation BlackJack is real)

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 04:35 AM
It seems to me that Operation Blackjack had one piece of information in it that was actually valid.


You see... for some reason, which I've yet to figure out... is that TPTB have to, have to, I repeat... THEY HAVE TO show you the event before it happens.

9/11 was shown to us many upon many times in our entertainment industry... and it was for a reason. (Occult Reasons)

Now I hate that I have to include youtube videos in my OP, but I have to do this to illustrate my point. (and I don't like using Alex Jones for an example either, but he's the only guy I know that's touched up on the subject.)

(for those familiar with the Lone Gunman episode just skip to 2:15... or actually skip to 3:33 to get my real point.)

So now we have Operation BlackJack... and unfortunately I need you to watch this video to understand the true nature of what THE HELL WE ARE DEALING WITH!!!

I think it's becoming clear that Operation Blackjack was created by TPTB themselves!!!!!!!!!



And we also know that Alex Jones is not a real team player... But for some reason, he is the Face of our Movement. (but that's another debate)

I made another thread about this: that goes into more detail about why June 21st is Game Time.

(please read^)

So let me go ahead and say that I think we need to seriously consider June 21st or June 22nd as a day to be ready... I know I will.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:16 AM
Can I be first to say:


Seriously though, I have not errased the possibility of Blackjack being a real plan. Or something along similar lines. Thanks for reminding us of it, I will be watching carefully towards June.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:50 AM

Originally posted by Wide-Eyes
Can I be first to say:


Seriously though, I have not errased the possibility of Blackjack being a real plan. Or something along similar lines. Thanks for reminding us of it, I will be watching carefully towards June.

You know.... The only reason June 22nd was brought to my attention was because of this April 19th crap.

This thread on ATS just recently got alot of attention, and this video was included:

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 06:54 AM
Oh and BTW:

If there is one thing I've learned about TPTB, they like to hide their secrets in plain sight... with that said...

Operation Blackjack was hidden in plain view.

It will happen... not the way we saw it on the comic strip.... but the date is correct.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:03 AM
This is quite interesting. But i have to ask, this event was predicted to happen June of last year 2009?

The other odd thing about this event is the accused terrorists. How is the government going to sell a story like this to the public if it did happen like the MI5 slide shows indicate. If Iran has problems creating nuclear weapons. How is a fundamental christian group or Taliban/Al Qaeda going acquire such weapons? I mean if the intelligence on Iran is so accurate why haven't the intelligence picked up on this terrorist group?

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:09 AM
There is something significant about the date. But it has nothing to do with Op Blackjack or Alex Jones. It is a VERY important date as far as ritual. I could tell you more, but I don't post jewels of info sharing a thread with Alex Jones.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:11 AM

Originally posted by spy66
This is quite interesting. But i have to ask, this event was predicted to happen June of last year 2009?

The other odd thing about this event is the accused terrorists. How is the government going to sell a story like this to the public if it did happen like the MI5 slide shows indicate. If Iran has problems creating nuclear weapons. How is a fundamental christian group or Taliban/Al Qaeda going acquire such weapons? I mean if the intelligence on Iran is so accurate why haven't the intelligence picked up on this terrorist group?

[edit on 27.06.08 by spy66]

My feeling (my opinion) was that operation Blackjack was created to give a date, and only a date.

The purpose of the Illuminati is one thing... and one thing only....
(check this out)

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 07:50 AM
It would not surprise me to have something happen beginning on April 19th and building up to some major action like war with Iran beginning on June 21-22. If most will remember, it took a while after 911 before we went into Iraq. There was a period of build up and I believe we may have the build up stemming from April 19th to June 21 when the SHTF. While this scenario is more than possible, it is time to begin remembering their dates and their use of the occult to give their evil actions a measure of success.

Time will tell, because I went ahead and noted the dates just in case, because last time I tried to follow Operation Black Jack I was really left feeling as if we had been played for fools.

Anyway, thanks for the heads up. I for one think we are in for a very busy and a very tumultuous period of activity which will begin to unfold on April 19th.. Stay alert because when it starts happening it will be happening fast. This is why if you haven't prepared for the worst, then you might find yourself one day realizing that the worst has arrived and you, and the fact that you never took the time to prepare for the worst means you must deal with the worst at a time when things are going to be insane.

This is why preparing for an impending period of uncertainty is really a smart thing to do because having it and not needing it is better than needing it and not having any way to get it. Just food for thought.

Thanks for the posting.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:11 AM
reply to post by MaxBlack

Well prior to 911 there was a lot of media focus on the Afghan problems that the Taliban were creating. You could say the media prepared the public to view the Taliban as evil and as terrorising the Afghan people on behalf of religious grounds. But there is still no mentioning in the media about missing nukes or functional groups trying to acquire chemical or nuclear weapons to destroy a city or 5 as of to day.
I dont think this slide show has the grounds to acquire public support of its own. Operation Blackjack would need something more real to seam real.
Its only two months to June and the media hasn't displayed any news that could point to such a event as Operation BlackJack?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:17 AM
It's a bit frustrating to read all these doomsday threads.

I don't know if your right or not, then again, you probably don't know 100%.

I do however, hope your wrong. Enough blood has been spilt already.

I guess we will just have to wait and see. My guess, if there is a conflict it will involve Iran and Israel.

Blackjack however, seemed just like a social experiment for those who wrote it, I have a hard time taking any of it as a serious event that could occur.

I don't think things are quite in place for that sort of scenario and it would still take a few years to be at that level of preperation.

There are more rights to remove and also they would need to drastically reduce the movement of the general population. Ohh and you still have your guns, which is bad for them, good for you.

Interesting theory none the less.


posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:24 AM
Here comes another one, just like the other one..

Another Doomsday prediction. I'll have to wait a little longer to see this will never happen..

Couldn't you have predicted it for next week?

Ok, Seriously now, Sometime in the future I believe another event like 9/11 will happen. Might be in a country other than America but I doubt it. America needs it. It's in dire straits at the moment and needs an event to happen to take the Peoples mind off their troubles.

They also need it to happen, to Usher in new laws that take more of peoples rights away and to create new taxes so more money can be grabbed. This time I think the American Government has their eye on retirement funds.

I'm not sure how the American System works but the Government needs more money and it needs it quickly. The only thing left is peoples Retirement Funds. Self Funded retirees included.

I'm just thinking aloud. If I needed money quickly and I already pillaged all the other ways of getting money out of people I would grab the Retirement Funds. That's really all that's left. And how do I make a grab for those Funds? Create a Catastrophe that takes the people mind off what's really going on.

If you look at 9/11, What was the Government doing that it didn't want people to notice? What had the Government done that was about to be revealed? How much money was missing when 9/11 was instigated?

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:28 AM
Thanks OP for bringing this up. When I looked at Operation Blackjack last year, I felt that it did a great job of spooking many conspiracy theorists. While many people said that it was a fictional piece, what I found strange or unnecessary was the inclusion of a code that meant "This is not entertainment" and a website with strange pictures and countdown timers. At the very least, I think that Operation Blackjack did an excellent job of data mining and profiling the conspiracy theorists. This data could be used by TPTB at the time of their own choosing.

As far as the next false flag related to Operation Blackjack is concerned, I think Israel can be safely kept out of picture. If the Israeli government really wants to initiate a conflict against Iran, all they have to do is to fire a couple of Katyushas from across the Lebanese border and then blame the Hezbollah. Once Israel goes to war with Hezbollah, Syria and Iran will get involved in the hostilities.

In one of the slides of Operation Blackjack, there is a reference to Islamic extremists and domestic Christian doomsday cultists as being responsible for the fictitious attacks. In many discussions, people said that domestic Christian doomsday cultists can be interpreted as conspiracy theorists. Now in the wake of IRS crash incident (Stack),Pentagon shooting (Bedell) and militia raids, the new villain (read domestic terrorist) is ready for the TPTB. As far as selling the story to the people is concerned, TPTB and its puppet media could give any spin and then the story will be bombarded 24/7 on the sheeple. A new rogue, hate agenda filled website could spring out of nowhere.

S&F for you.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 08:58 AM
Are events shown to us so we create it in the matrix (I dont want to use that word but ) and then it is easier to manipulate/create for them.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 09:02 PM
I don't think that there will be a Terrorist Attack on that day. I do know listening to Coast To Coast Thursday Night on the web bot guys predicton are right here.

* No warfare between Israel and Iran, at least not until November.
* Six very large earthquakes are yet to come during the rest of 2010.
* A major tipping point will occur between November 8th – 11th, 2010, followed by a 2-3 month release period. This tipping point appears to be US-centric, and could be a dramatic world-changing event like 9-11 that will have rippling after-effects. The collapse of the dollar might occur in November.
* From July 8th, 2010 onward, civil unrest will take place, possibly driven by food prices skyrocketing, and the devaluation of the dollar.
* A second depression, triggered by mass layoffs, bankruptcies, and the popping of the "derivatives bubble," will see people moving out of cities.
* After March 2011, the revolution wave will settle down into a period of reformation.
* A "data gap" has been found between early 2012 running through May 2013. One explanation is that "our civilization gets knocked back to a pre-electronic state," such as brought about by devastating solar activity.
* A new benign form of capitalism will emerge during 2017-2020.

Now your prediction takes place would co inside with this one.
*From July 8th, 2010 onward, civil unrest will take place, possibly driven by food prices skyrocketing, and the devaluation of the dollar.

But what is described in Operation Blackjack is something that will change our lives and thats the prediction in November. It described a similar event to 9/11.

Now from what I understand, they can't tell what is going to happen, but what they can tell are the emotions that will be present during those times and that is how the infer to what might happen.

I don't know why, but I don't see something bad really happening this year, it's next year that is giving me the creeps. I really wish that the Defense Department really took people in with bad credit, like me, but since we're considered a security risk, then I can't join. Really sucks though, I was hopping to be killing Crazy Conservatives in the name of the USA.

Well, I'll be looking back from time to time, to see if there is a change. Trust me, this event will not be the end of the world.

posted on May, 22 2010 @ 04:40 PM
I know this thread has been abandoned for about a month but I need to give out a few details related to "Operation" Blackjack:
*Someone calming to be the maker said it was a social media experiment but got hacked, (But he also said the date on the bombs were never 2009 they were 2010)
*In the hex code in the comic, there was a link to a website ( where it had "hints" on the bombs and also had a count down timer (8:03 AM June 22nd 2010)

theres a 103 page forum thread on ATS somewhere. Just search operation blackjack.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 12:15 AM
What really disturbs me about these predictions is that people seem almost "gleeful" in making them, seemingly hoping they come true. Like if it comes true they can say "see, i told you so!!"

It's like people do these just get get S n' F's, especially since none that i know of have come true.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 12:37 AM
Just stopping by right now and read this thread. The scary thing is, something major DID happen on April 19-20. The Gulf Oil Disaster...

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 01:04 AM

Originally posted by Gumshoe
Just stopping by right now and read this thread. The scary thing is, something major DID happen on April 19-20. The Gulf Oil Disaster...

yup, it sure did. Now the next date is june 21st or the 22nd. So what will happen that day? It would have to do with the economy in my humble opinion.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 01:36 AM
My God man I thought this bubbahotep of a conspiracy died a year ago. There I was lurking in the thread calling out for a logical list of everything that had been learned about OBJ. The long hours of pointless searches of websites that did not exist. The mocking website that put a blackjack game on the front page when I demanded to play a game. All those hexadecimal clues. For what: nothing my friends, nothing. June 20th passed without bombs in major cities. Do not be decieved my friends.

"confirmed by me" means "hey, I think something so it must be real"

dude you need more evidence than a 100 page thread, alex jones, and an x-files spin off.

posted on May, 23 2010 @ 01:36 AM
reply to post by dragnet53

but it will kill the economy along with other things.
if it does happen.

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