posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:35 PM
Well this is just a little thread, that i thought i would start, because its easter Sunday and there is absolutley nothing on the T.V. to do with the
origin/ or the story of Christs death or reserection. Instead there is a"most haunted" marathon, a "Nostrodarmus" special, "Friday 13" "diary
of the dead" " sin"movies, and to top it all of a nice little documenrty titled "the history of the devil" all on Easter Sunday.... To me there
is something seriously wrong with this..
Any thoughts??? or if anyone could tell me if there is any crap like tis on t.v. where they are??
Thank you and happy easter.
JESUS is te reason for the season!!!!
Please move if this is in the wrong spot.