posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:56 AM
Hello to whomsoever may be out there (even if your Mi6, Mossad or the CIA) I'd just like to introduce myself and let people know why I've eneded up
Sometime, I guess around mid November, I was nearing the end of a book on particle physics when I had an epiphany. I suddenly realised that everything
that I'd read, heard or seen about physics, was woefully inadequate to describe reality. Probably a week or so later I was completing a payment on a
website - and there, at the bottom of of the confirmation screen was a three word phrase (actually made into a question) that I had adopted as a
smeans of self-help (I used to suffer a lot of depression and anger issues). I've had the odd hallucination, but this was completely
indistinguishable from reality and localised to a tiny area on the screen. In my opinion it was obviously real.
Early in the month of December I started to feel slightly odd, it was a curiously mild physical illness that seemed to have a strange 'other'
quality to it. After a few days, I felt that I'd have to take some time off work and after only a few of them, I found that I was waking up with this
illness, but it was clearing up on daily basis once I'd 'looked at myself'. I started feeling unconditionally contrite for all my 'sins' and
giving unconditional forgiveness for all those who'd sinned against me. I felt this energy starting to connect to me and despite the strange nature
of it, I felt protected. I soon asked myself if this was what people refer to as 'God' and thought that it was probably the best description I could
give it and therefore decided that I was - while independent of religion - being 'born again'.
At the start of January I was getting used to my new self and feeling pretty good in a way I'd never felt in my life, lying on my bed and listening
to a CD entitled 'Moment of truth'. In a rather jovial and self-mocking way I asked myself 'Does this mean I'll get some big truth delivered to
me?' and the next thing I knew, I snapped out of a trance like vision that seemed to be suggesting that the theory of evolution was made up. At first
I thought 'Oh great! I find God and it turns out He's a liar' and this rocked my newfound faith. It took me about two days to start thinking about
it, but then I came to the conclusion that this revelation seemed believable. I decided that not only this was true but, also much of science and
history was probably tampered with and was probably a primary weapon of the powers that be in order to effectively tell us how to think.
I remebered a book that hinted at the idea that the Freemasons were maybe 'a little but dodgy' and looked into it; a friend I hadn't seen in a
couple of years popped up, we got talking and he ended up lending me Jon Ronson's 'Them'; my Dad mentioned the Rothschilds in a conversation and
the word resonated with me, so I looked into it; other people were saying resonant words that were said somewhat out of place; key words would just
pop into my head and I'd look into them and connect them to what I'd all ready discovered and I found myself in a bookshop where within a few feet
of shelving there were maybe four books that all triggered further investigations. All this seemed to happen within a month or so, it felt like I was
being guided by a higher power. So here I am.
Hello again from 'Robert Reynolds'.