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Fed in hot water over secret bailouts

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 04:17 AM

Originally posted by GreenBicMan
reply to post by Silver Shadow


I am not understanding you. What does that have to do with the FED taking on BS debt?

The bailouts were approved by Congress, and the money came from Treasury.
It was 100% taxpayer money that was used without any audit, or explanation where it all went.

Now the Fed provided the money which was then LOANED to Treasury, and then given to who knows who ???
Maybe private banks, maybe to big wall street investors, maybe quasi government organizations like Fannie and Freddie It just disappeared into a black hole of corruption without explanation.

The taxpayers are now on the hook for every single cent which must be paid back to the Federal Reserve WITH INTEREST.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:37 AM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
If the US military had spent 700 billion shooting and blowing up brown or yellow people, Americans would cheer.

But because it was all spent on crooked American Politicians and Bankers, that is very bad.

The absolute purest and unadulterated epitome of solid ignorance!
Take your hatred of America elsewhere, or at the very least, muster up enough brain-power to stay on topic!

To the OP... I don't think people fully grasp the ramifications of what has occurred here. ONLY the House of Representatives possess the legal authority to appropriate and spend federal money. The Federal Reserve is ONLY allowed to spend money with the "Full faith and credit" of the United States government.

This article describes it in detail! So what we havce here amounts to an almost $100 BILLION dollar theft of US taxpayer money sans Constitutional authorization to spend it - that we know about! If there is one instance, there are ten and if there are ten, there are 100 of them!

No wonder the Fed has fought so hard to avoid an audit as it will likely reveal all of the fraudulent and illegal activity it has been involved in. IN the business world, heads would roll! Please pay VERY close attention to this andlet's make sure that this does NOT get swept under the rug! This is criminal and I DEMAND people be prosecuted and time be served!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Silver Shadow... I think you've misunderstood. What you are saying is true with respect to TARP and Obama's stimulus but has NOTHING to do with this. This was done 100% off the books, in the dark of night, with zero oversight or authority from Congress. This amounts to a nearly $100BILLION theft from the US tax payers - again, that we KNOW about. If this deal was consumated in the dead fo the night, one has to wonder what other deals lurk off the books.

Time to AUDIT THE FED!!!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 09:42 AM
If anyone wants an insight into the big picture of what the Fed and the IRS are all about they should watch: America, Freedom To Fascism, by the late Aaron Russo. There is the ABC news, CBS, Fox, CNN version of reality, and then there is reality...

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Last time I checked, Britain and Australia both support the war in Iraq, and they do so with providing troops and other means of support. I don't agree with the war at all, and I wish it never happened.

However, since you want to be a pompous ass, you might want to remember those facts that I just told you. I'm sure you believe every American is stupid, fat and warmongering too. Nevermind the fact that Australia I believe held a one year reign over America with the obesity epidemic, even considering it's small population size in comparison. Does that strike a nerve?

Why don't you make sure your own house is in order before trying to insult day-to-day people on the faults of an out-of-control government that none of us can control. There is well over 300 million people in the United States, which basically means none of us have a voice.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 10:21 AM
Um, yeah, old news.

All done by GW as a last minute gift to the wallstreet crooks he supported and shepherded for 8 years.

Weren't you people paying attention back in 2008?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 10:51 AM

Originally posted by Zosynspiracy
It's seriously time for the American people to demand the end of the federal reserve and an end to our tyrannical government. If the US military and the troops fail to supprot the people in overthrowing our government then they deserve the same wrath that we as a nation will inflict upon the White House and Capitol Hill. Enough is enough. The time for holding signs and yelling is's time we enact our 2nd amendment and start handing out lead pink slips to Washington and the political leeches ruining our country.

Why aren't posts like this censored? We should not let violence be openly advocated here like this, as it does no good to anyone!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 11:24 AM
Cheers OurManInGlasgow,
That documentary gives a lot of honest incite; it also opens the door for people to believe in conspiracy. it did for me.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:10 PM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
If the US military had spent 700 billion shooting and blowing up brown or yellow people, Americans would cheer.

But because it was all spent on crooked American Politicians and Bankers, that is very bad.

Speaking as an American I am offended. I would like to see the Americans that actually feel as you claim to speak up. Anyone?

Um yes I feel the same way. America is a hypocritical place. 700 Billion to go kill other poor 3rd world countries and that's fine. Yet 700 stolen from us directly and given to banksters suddenly that's such a big catastrophe? Haha get real.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:54 PM
thats just not right we have so many problems we have they do something that meaningless just like the vice prez on day after tomorrow there to ignorant of whats happening before its to late

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:55 PM
reply to post by Silver Shadow

Silver shadow...really.
Maybe on aussie tv, you were shown americans draped in flags, hanging from lamp posts with Kabars in their mouth, itching to kill iraqis/afghans, but that not what I seen here, in america. Just as there was worldwide disapproval for the wars, the same thing was going here, but you wouldn't know that.

Please think before you make silly statements, as if I remember correctly, the original people of the land "down under" were all but wiped out to make another british outpost.

The 1.4trillion stolen could've kept some of my fellow americans working...instead of rewarding jpmorgan for ripping us...and throwing bullets at people so far as I'm concerned, war wise, have nothing to do with the towers.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 12:57 PM

Originally posted by Silver Shadow

Originally posted by Smell The Roses

Originally posted by Silver Shadow
If the US military had spent 700 billion shooting and blowing up brown or yellow people, Americans would cheer.

But because it was all spent on crooked American Politicians and Bankers, that is very bad.

Speaking as an American I am offended. I would like to see the Americans that actually feel as you claim to speak up. Anyone?

Of course you are offended. The truth hurts, huh ?

So tell me about Iraq, and explain to me the purpose, the strategy, and the objective of SEVEN YEARS of warfare and torture in Iraq.

As a proud American, I bet you can tell me exactly what America is fighting for in Iraq.

Your ignorance knows no bounds. I can't believe someone actually starred your post. Yeah us Americans think spending 700 billion to bomb yellow and brown people as you say is worthy of cheering...Man you are a total joke. Internet warrior. Come over to America and say that...I DARE YOU.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:26 PM
thanks for finding this, are there any other secret bailouts you know of?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:30 PM
reply to post by Equinox99

I hate to say it but that's why Americans will come to embrace terrorism in the future. The enemy of our enemy is our friend!

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 01:40 PM
reply to post by The_Tick

Wait a the "bailout" was actually a taxpayer paid takeover of JPMorgan? Why does that sound illegal? Why does my common sense conflict so badly with the way things are done in this world?

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 05:12 PM

Originally posted by SyphonX
Last time I checked, Britain and Australia both support the war in Iraq, and they do so with providing troops and other means of support. I don't agree with the war at all, and I wish it never happened.

Australia has never supported America in Gulf War Two. NEVER.

Gulf war one ended in early 2003, and all fifty nations that took part in the United Nations multi national effort to boot Saddam out of Kuwait then all went home.
Yes, there were fifty other nations involved in Gulf War One, not just America.

Gulf War Two was an illegal (by international law) invasion NOT sanctioned or backed by the United Nations.
Britain was the only nation to support America in Iraq in Gulf War Two.

None of this was made very clear in the US media.

Most Americans were led to believe that America was leading some mighty force of many nations against terrorism, but that was never the case.
It was all a great lie.

But not knowing is not your fault, you were lied to and deceived by your politicians and the US media.

The coalition of the willing existed only in George W Bush's head.

Australia has taken no part in Gulf War Two.
Not a single combat mission ever, zero.

Both the Aussie government and the Australian people have been dead against the illegal Gulf War Two right from the very beginning.

You will find no details of any joint combat missions in Iraq with any other nation besides Britain.

You might also be interested to know that Australia still has ZERO COMBAT deaths in Iraq for both Gulf War One, and Gulf War Two.
That is not bad going for so many long years of warfare in a hot war zone.

Australia certainly does have combat troops in Iraq, and still do even today.
At one time we had a peak of 1,600 military there. Today it is more like 400.

Their function is to guard the Aussie embassy in the green zone, and help with distributing humanitarian aid, food, medical aid, training, and rebuilding the infrastructure in Iraq.
A token force of about 400, which is about the minimum for a self supporting military operation on the other side of the world.

But we have never had anything at all to do with the ongoing war between America and the ordinary Iraqi people you call "insurgents".

So yes, Australia's hands are quite clean in the war in Iraq.
The Iraqi people know very well we are there only to help them, and Australians are never fired upon. They know our distinctive uniforms, flags and insignia, and they know we are friends of the Iraqi people.

While we use the very same roads as American patrols, we are never sniped at or road bombed. NEVER.
It is why we still have zero casualties, quite remarkable.

You will never read any of this in the American media, that would be unpatriotic to tell the real truth about Iraq.

But the internet is wide open for anyone who really cares about the truth.
Google is your friend.
The truth will really shock you.

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:01 PM
Totalitarian regime: kills or jails anyone who speaks.
Democracy: "Yell all you want, you are free aren't you ? Be happy we don;t arrest you, what more do you want ?"

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:34 PM

Originally posted by Rynocerous7
What ended up happening with Ron Paul's bill to audit the Fed? Last I heard it had a lot of co sponsors and support but that was months ago. If that bill gets passed imagine all the other info the people would gain about the feds dealings.

Reported in this thread
It is being sat upon in committee:

While the Fed chairmen lobby the BIG SHOTS to put pressure on congress to make it go away.

IMO they dont want you to find out that there is no gold in Ft KNox. (amongst other things)

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by SmokeandShadow
reply to post by The_Tick

Wait a the "bailout" was actually a taxpayer paid takeover of JPMorgan? Why does that sound illegal? Why does my common sense conflict so badly with the way things are done in this world?

Yes... and it is, there are calls to bring criminal charges under existing laws against Fed Reserve Gentner ( spelling )

And re your question re common sense:

Because you are not hypnotized...

(and I bet you dont watch much TV "news")

[edit on 3-4-2010 by seataka]

posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Stedlinn
thanks for finding this, are there any other secret bailouts you know of?

Not that I know of, I guess we will have to
wait for Ron Paul's bill to go into action.

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