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Surveying all of ATS, etc.

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posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 01:36 PM
Okay, second try on this post (forgot the title). I've been using the ATS and NEWS firehoses to survey the site broadly and assumed that all new posts (except admin and RATS) come through these feeds. Now I'm not so sure because on a few forums there seem to be recent posts I haven't seen before.

Are my assumptions correct? Is/are there easier or more productive ways to see all the topics on the site in near real time (chronologically as posted)? Are there certain forums that don't catch etither the ATS or NEWS firehoses (besides the private forums marked as such)?

Thanks for the information. Please feel free to move or delete this thread if inappropriate or posted in the wrong forum.


posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:07 PM
Have you tried the Recent Posts link fifth button from left? That's what I use.

You will never see RATS posts unless you subscribe and will not see staff/admin posts unless you are one.

I bet the staff section is sight to behold.

Forgot to add you can CUSTOMIZE what recent posts displays.

Hope this helps.

[edit on 4/2/2010 by Kellter]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:29 PM
Thanks for the info about RECENT POSTS - unfortunately a lot of stuff drops off from there pretty quickly (this thread for example). I looked up the customization and it was set to ATS and PTS - although there is a note on that setting that says some forums are restricted. Other than the RATS and Staff areas (working groups too I guess) is there a list of forums excluded from either RECENT POSTS or the FIREHOSEs?

Thanks again for the information. Maybe I'll just have to change the way I use ATS - but I'm a little concerned I'd miss a rather long list of my favorite posters because I rarely notice what board a post comes from when using the firehoses.


posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:35 PM
Hold tight
Check out the link in my signature. ATS2010 will be amazing and layout/format will be changed up a bit. Until then, Just stick to the recent posts, as linked above

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