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Let's intentionally crash the financial system

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posted on Apr, 3 2010 @ 09:24 PM
I'm pretty sure crashing the worlds financial market is part of the NWO agenda.
Way to play into TPTB hands. But do your part, the governments have been doing theirs, and soon when their partners the Oil Companies and the cronies working the markets play their parts (that being A. Touting fears of shortages from the OIL Co's, and B. Running speculation prices up on the commodotie) fuel prices will skyrocket and bring us all to our knees as we try to cope...we've seen the test run a couple years ago, the result is where we are now, they do it agian, were over our heads and drowning with no life preservers in sight, they've all been used.

What happens when we can't afford food shelter and medicen...well, then we the humple lowly peoples of the earth start dropping like flies, until we are a more managable lot for the TPTB...and all of a sudden we will find there is plenty enough for those that are left to slave after, from THEM.
So, do your part, crash the economy just like THEY planned.


posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 09:14 AM
reply to post by drew hempel

lmao, damn! wish i had a second harvest in my town but sadly i dont, could really do with it though, times are hard no doubt but the sooner this severely corrupt world system comes down the better off we as a species will be.
peace amigo

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 09:18 AM
reply to post by washingtonsghost

You're about 5 years late. I've been doing this for a long time and it puts a smile on my face. I now feel empowered knowing theres nothing more they can take. I now know that whatever happens I will be first in line to draw my weapon and commence to wipn sum NWO ass. Theres nothing tangible, theres nothing left for me to part with or to hold me back from an out & out revolution new america style.

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by Xcouncil=wisdom
I'm pretty sure crashing the worlds financial market is part of the NWO agenda.
Way to play into TPTB hands. But do your part, the governments have been doing theirs, and soon when their partners the Oil Companies and the cronies working the markets play their parts (that being A. Touting fears of shortages from the OIL Co's, and B. Running speculation prices up on the commodotie) fuel prices will skyrocket and bring us all to our knees as we try to cope...we've seen the test run a couple years ago, the result is where we are now, they do it agian, were over our heads and drowning with no life preservers in sight, they've all been used.

What happens when we can't afford food shelter and medicen...well, then we the humple lowly peoples of the earth start dropping like flies, until we are a more managable lot for the TPTB...and all of a sudden we will find there is plenty enough for those that are left to slave after, from THEM.
So, do your part, crash the economy just like THEY planned.


Remember that old song "This land is your land, this land is my land"? Well it sorta is. No one has a right to claim any of it. Money is just an artificial representation of power. It is an absolute representation of greed. If no one will not fight, then we are doomed. If everyone knew what most ATSers know, TPTB would be doomed. The only way to do this IS to re-educate the masses. Thats too hard because they now CHOOSE to remain ignorant. This is what this whole illegal immigration thing is about. It is absolutely imperative to diffuse more ignorance (sorry illegals, no offense) into a well established populace of citizens whom are capable enough to run themselves..... CAPABLE ENOUGH TO RUN THEMSELVES. The next objective is to decay and distort the idiot box and media in general to ensure the masses remain unruly keeping TPTB in place. Quite an ingenious plan. Wana know why? IT WORKS!!!! So my dear keyboard commandos.... if you're still paying for stuff with credit/debit cards, there's no room for your input here. If you're swiping your discount saver cards, there's no room for your input here. If you're wasting time on facebook and myspace, theres no room for your input here. Just by sheer virtue of engaging in any of the aforementioned activities you help to perpetuate the cycle. YOU are advocating AND freely giving away your freedoms and dollars, yes thats right I said dollars, remember that info=$ to this racket that nets more money than all the illegal drug operations/transactions combined. You are now left with untraceable money to engage in the buying and selling of stuff. TPTB don't like that. Right now money is the universal language, not 1 merchant or person for that matter will deny cold hard cash. There needs to be put into place a plan, an unselfish plan that helps us all and our families from each other.... sadly, while the real PISSED OFF persons like myself are away violently flushing out the vermon spreading their disease. Too bad they already destroyed the element of trust and are miles ahead of us in the game.

[edit on 16-4-2010 by NOTHING 4 NO ONE]

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 10:02 AM

Originally posted by whoshotJR
I'm betting it could be done faster and much easier by praying on peoples needs and use of facebook and chain mails.

Pick a date about 2 weeks out and start spreading the rumor that you heard a large number of people will be pulling their money out of the market on that day. Warn them that its probably nothing but better to be safe then sorry so you might as well pull your money out that day also.

Post this message in mass emails/facebook/myspace/craigslist and you would be surprised at how fast this goes if its worded correctly.

Negative, thats a foolish idea. Look, these sites help no one but TPTB. You think these weasels aren't lookin @ what you post and try to spread? Furthermore, you'll only enforce the notion of crying wolf and setting the tone of further ignorance dulling the population moreso when true matters need to be brought out to light. That will just piss off people who revolve their lives around money and networking with their digital renderings of friends

posted on Apr, 16 2010 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by THEsmokefrog

Yeah for the past 5 years or so I was dumpster diving big time and thinking back on that experience I'm amazed at how much $$$$ I ate to sustain myself. Sure my nutrition was pretty messed up -- too much refined grains!!

But I also dumpster dived tons of meat sandwiches still good and quite a bit of fruit. I had a score on gourmet dessert and even big bags of arugula greens...

Anyway I was getting cracked down on -- but not after getting big bags of popcorn, lasagna, etc. haha.

It was pretty nasty but in India lots of people live of food from dumps.

I had this food warehouse job once sorting tomatoes - some 15 years ago -- and the owner had got caught shipping coc aine up from Central America in his banana boxes!!

I think he was mafia -- anyway we were throwing out tons of good produce so I wrote him a letter that he'd get great public relations and a tax deduction if he donated the produce to Second Harvest.

So he did it!! Tons of fresh fruit -- lots of berries, etc.

That was in Madison Wisconsin -- they even have community currency there.

posted on Apr, 18 2010 @ 07:31 AM
reply to post by drew hempel

INTRIGUING!! thats a pretty good site, like the different way of thinking going on there, and i hear ya on the dumpsters, not the greatest nutrition but just goes to show how many can be kept alive from the sheer volume of "waste" average communities put out there, ive been there myself, slightly stale bread from supermarkets over here, dumpsters full of it, still wrapped up and sealed just a day out of date! who could say no to that! =) and thas just one example, but with so many ppl laid off work or homeless or just plain broke places makin use of what would usually be disposed of are booming, just shows ya how bad everything really is getting with the numbers of ppl relying on these kind of initiatives. i dk you drew but i do know ur a good dude, i appreciate ur path in life.

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