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Are you a Blood Donor? You are Wanted more than you could ever know-Vampires are Real!

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posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 10:22 AM
They are just people.

People with a fetish that they've turned into an identity.

BTW - I used to wear fangs. I had several custom made pairs.

And people will seek you out at parties because of it. And I am too old to be in on this recent vampire craze.

Most of them will out grow it. Some will not. However, they are all just silly people.

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 11:55 AM
vanpire are jus people who wana be unique so they drink blood lmao

posted on Apr, 9 2010 @ 03:28 PM
( Yay, first post on this forum. Might as well say hello and what not. )

The video " Interview with Vampires from Poole " is a spoof documentary.

Here is a link from a website that has a bio bout Sharon.

Since completing the Devils Feast, Sharon and Mischief Pictures have concentrated on making shorts. These include romantic comedy The Anniversary (8 min)and spoof documentary Interviews with the Vampires from Poole (28 min). The films were screened at cinemas and at UK & International film festivals.

Do have to admit the other info is interesting. Just was hoping my research on the video will help show that it was just a spoof.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:47 AM
You are right. They exist. Just bumped into this thread by some synchronicity.
Sometime back, I used to live close to Montgomery Airport in San Diego Ca.
Usually used to take a short stroll at night after dinner.
On one such night, on my return lap, 3 tall beings in long balck gowns were blocking my path on the pavement. 50 ft or so b4 I got to them, I instinctively stepped off the pavement and started walking on the road. When I was passing them, I looked at them out of curiosity, when one of them said to me How You Doin , and I replied, I'm fine thanks. His teeth were kind of red. Were they expecting me to pass thru them, I will never know. But out of curiosity again, afer about another 50 ft or so I got on to the pavement and looked back. Heck they had disappeared into thin air.


posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:35 AM
A human vampire isn't possible. They would have to consume about half their body weight in blood per day. This is why blood drinking critters are small. So average human 10 pints of blood. Average man 180 ibs. So thats 18 humans drained dry every day to get enough nutrition to sustain internal organs. Not to mention the stomach, kidneys and liver would have to undergo extensive modifacation to consume that much water. Not possible. Sorry. Next.

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 01:50 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Some vampires may look like humans, but they are not human at all.
I'm no expert on their organs or reqd nutrition.
Just that you have not come across them does not preclude their existence in any way. In this world, it is often difficult to say where reality ends and illusion begins. The illusion being also a reality in its ownstanding.
Hitler also mentioned vampires in his Mein Kampf

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 02:09 PM
If you read you will see that I said "Human Vampires are not possible". A human vampire in the traditional sense is not physically possible. The extensive modifacation to the stomach,liver and kidneys does eliminate the possibility of the human vampire. Because that isn't even a mutation it's a different species.

That doesn't mean that there isn't some sort of vampiric alien or undiscovered organism out there. It simply means that a human dracula type vamp isn't capable of existing.

Stick to faking antigravity savvyys84.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by DrJay1975]

posted on May, 28 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
If you read you will see that I said "Human Vampires are not possible". A human vampire in the traditional sense is not physically possible. The extensive modifacation to the stomach,liver and kidneys does eliminate the possibility of the human vampire. Because that isn't even a mutation it's a different species.

That doesn't mean that there isn't some sort of vampiric alien or undiscovered organism out there. It simply means that a human dracula type vamp isn't capable of existing.

[edit on 28-5-2010 by DrJay1975]

I see your point, but the traditional bite from a vampire and a slow metamorphosis into becoming one is surely possible. Medical science i believe knows this but will not admit it.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 03:33 PM
Actually it isn't possible. THere is nothing in existence outside of lab created organs that would allow for that transformation. And it's highly unlikely they would be able to function as well. The transformation of the stomach would make conventional digestion impossible. And a gradual transformation would kill the host. Same with the kidneys. An average adult human vampire would have to consume 180 pints of blood per day and urinate 95% of that. It isn't sustainable and makes zero biological sense. Evoloution is improvement not a setback. A mutation is possible but it would have to be in utero and the organism wouldn't be sustainable and wouldn't survive until birth. Not possible. At all. In any way shape or form. Anyone with a working knowledge of human physiology could tell you that. Stop arguimg the point because it simply isn't possible without lab intervention. And then it still wouldn't be a sustainable organism.

The closest things out there to vampires are catholics. This is my blood..... This is my body.... Short of that it's all bunk. Go explain antigravity reptillian interdimensional travelers and it will hold more water than a traditional literary vampire.

posted on Jun, 1 2010 @ 11:56 PM
reply to post by DrJay1975

Tks for the info.
The slow metamorphosis I spoke about is from some first hand experience, of bitten by something. Cant elaborate on that I'm afraid.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 12:21 AM
The vast majority of people following the vampire culture are no threat. As with any large group of people, you are always going to have a few people who break laws so those are the bad apples you'll need to watch out for. If you thought everyone who was a fan of vampires was a threat, you would have to lock up a vast majority of teenage girls who went to see all the latest vampire movies. Any fear about large numbers of people joining vampire sites is overblown if anyone had any fear. As far as, psi vampires or energy vampires go, I think the thinking about that is a bit imaginary as well. Almost anyone might be able to think of something that happened to them and then think of themselves as absorbing energy from the environment. That means almost anyone could think of themselves as being an energy vampire. Have you ever felt more energetic after or during a thunderstorm? You could argue that you absorbed energy from the storm.

I do enjoy seeing hot looking females with some nice fangs though. Some people are even into a form of biting (without fangs and without any blood) as something they enjoy.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 12:39 AM

Originally posted by orionthehunter
. Some people are even into a form of biting (without fangs and without any blood) as something they enjoy.

People playing about is understandable, but some other dimensional entity imparting bloodless bites or implants is a whole new ball game.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:12 AM
Um. Well... I'm probably gonna sound nutso to ya'll...

My fiancé is a vampire. They exist. They're a lot like normal people. Except that food isn't all they need to keep going...

I mean, they can. But they get tired quick, and moody.

He draws off me all the time, and I'm fairly comfortable with it. He gets energetic during thunderstorms. When he's upset or in pain he shorts out light bulbs. He draws energy from people, and sometimes electricity.

He does some interesting things. Um... Yeah.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:45 AM
Those individuals who made those forum quotes in the OP's introduction sound like young people getting their jollies by trying to freak people (or each other) out. People of that mentality, IMO, are very misguided and in need of attention. They don't scare me, they piss me off.

That said, when I hear the folks from Transylvania talking about the reality of vampires, that's an entirely different story. I think those people know what they're talking about.

It seems to me if vampires do exist, they would not be inclined to co-mingle with the general population and draw attention to themselves. It just seems it would not behoove them to be identified for what they are; then again, what the hell do I know about it.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 10:17 AM
So savvyy, you were bitten by a vampire. You were attacked by secret nonexistent govt weapons, talk to god, met the reptillians created zero point energy and time travel... And you were bitten by a vampire and are turning into one. You are a liar. You lied in your antigravity thread and you are lying know. A human turning into a vampire is not physiologically possible. And surprise on every topic you cant elaborate. The only thing you are transforming intto is a schizophrenic. I'm sorry it's bad enough when you lie and hoax in one or 2 threads but your expanding your reach. Shame on you. You claim to be a good christian so this makes you a hypocrite or a borderline psychotic.

Look at his other threads. Zero credibility.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:01 AM

Originally posted by NightGypsy

It seems to me if vampires do exist, they would not be inclined to co-mingle with the general population and draw attention to themselves. It just seems it would not behoove them to be identified for what they are; then again, what the hell do I know about it.

That's a fair comment and I completely agree.
Though other dimensional entities are a different ball game altogether, very potent and effective.
Woder if any1 out there has the same experience as me.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 11:06 AM

Originally posted by DrJay1975
So savvyy, you were bitten by a vampire. You were attacked by secret nonexistent govt weapons, talk to god, met the reptillians created zero point energy and time travel... And you were bitten by a vampire and are turning into one. You are a liar. You lied in your antigravity thread and you are lying know. A human turning into a vampire is not physiologically possible. And surprise on every topic you cant elaborate. The only thing you are transforming intto is a schizophrenic. I'm sorry it's bad enough when you lie and hoax in one or 2 threads but your expanding your reach. Shame on you. You claim to be a good christian so this makes you a hypocrite or a borderline psychotic.

Look at his other threads. Zero credibility.

Get into the nitty gritty of mass anolouge parallel processing. This serial digital processing seems to pu ya'll in timeless loops and sub routines.
You belief that vampires do not exist in the sense i have described, does not necessarily make it a fact does it? Except for you of course.
THEY EXIST. Take it from me.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 01:10 PM
Um... Vampires exist. But they don't have fangs. They don't sleep during the day and hunt at night (well... my fiancé does, but he's been dealing with insomnia. That's a lot different. He'll wake up at 2 p.m.)

Some drink blood (small amounts, mind you. Like, half a shot glass worth), others feed off human energy. The same stuff you emit when you see auras. Some use sexual energy (when their sexual partner is that the peak of excitement, is when it's best, I've been told.).

Some are a mix, others strictly 'feed' one way. I've met many since I've met my fiancé.

They mingle with normal people, but they usually don't advertise the fact that they're vampires. If you know what you're looking for, it seems that a normal person CAN sense them. It's just... hard? I don't know. I can pick them out of a crowd easy now, but I think it's because I'm starting to subconsciously pick out traits of vampires.

They all seem to have very magnetic personalities. Not like "come here I wanna suck on your neck for a bit", but, you want to sit with them. Talk with them. Hang out with them. In all honesty, some of them are physically and socially repulsive (I've met a few), but I still felt drawn into the conversation and into speaking with them.

If you're... in a similar relationship with a vampire that I have (*ahem* donor.), and you go out with them enough, and you DO meet other vampires, often, yours will attempt to stake claim to you. In all honesty, I've never met a vampire who likes to share donors. And the idea of it is often uncomfortable not only for the donor, but also the vampire. My fiancé often wraps an arm around me in the presence of other vampires, makes it clear that I am his, and that unless he or I give permission, no one is to touch me, as often psy vampires need to touch to feed (We generally make acquaintances with psy vampires , which in this area seem to be most common. I have the idea that most Sanguine vampires don't come out due to the 'freak factor' - blood drinking is taboo, since you can actually see it happen). Before this rule was clearly established with other Vampires in the area, I would end up passing out/ falling asleep within a group of them. It was like they were consciously/ subconsciously feasting on me like a pack of ravenous wolves. Even one extra vampire within the area would knock me right out.

My fiancé had an excellent remedy for this (generally something high in prana, according to eastern teachings. Yogurt, fresh fruit, V8.), and began to stake his claim a little more obviously, and kept others from touching me for a while. It worked well...

But, I digress.

Vampires are just like normal humans, except they can't get everything they need to happily survive from food (And when I say 'happily survive', I mean without lethargy, aches, illness, depression). They need to supplement their diet with human energy, whether from the psychic energy we radiate (auras, anyone?), the sexual energy that makes a well-loved woman glow, or from blood.

So... yeah. That's what I have to say about that.

posted on Jun, 2 2010 @ 04:58 PM
Savvyy what you are saying is completely ignorant to modern medicine. Find one organism, infection etc... that is capable of transformering your internal organs into something completely different and altering their structure. You won't. And it would be impossible for it to be a slow transformation. Impossible. Because your body wouldn't be able to obtain an appropriate amount of nutrition. You would die before it finished.

It isn't possible. There is nothing on this planet capable of doing what you claim. Therefore the mythological vampire in the traditional sense is nothing but a myth.

Now my background isn't in statistics. But what are the odds that the same person would get bitten by a vampire, turned into a vampire, be a hypocrital christian who has physical conversations with God, meets with reptillians, creates zero point energy, antigravity and a time machine all the while getting attacked by secret government weapons? Any math whizzes care to calculate.

How many people meet reptillians-1 out of a 15 million
Claim to get bitten by real mythological vamps- 1 out of 3 million
claim to get turned into a vamp- 1 in 10 million
claim to get attacked by nonexistent govt weapons 1 in a million
claim to have conversations with god 1 in 500000
claim to create zero point energy 50 out of 3 trillion
claim to invent antigravity- 10 out of 3 trillion
claim to invent time machines 5 out of a trillion

As best as I can tell for you to have all these things happen to you there is a 1 in 576,885,580, 003,744,666, 485 % chance your telling the truth. Now I didn't factor in all of the lies you've already been caught in, maybe KJ Gunderson can help me figure this out. If you want I'll get you on the phone with Art Bell on Coast 2 Coast. But I think you'd better be served in a mental institution.

posted on Jun, 3 2010 @ 01:31 AM

Originally posted by iusethisforeverything
Um... Vampires exist.
Vampires are just like normal humans, except they can't get everything they need to happily survive from food (And when I say 'happily survive', I mean without lethargy, aches, illness, depression). They need to supplement their diet with human energy, whether from the psychic energy we radiate (auras, anyone?), the sexual energy that makes a well-loved woman glow, or from blood.

So... yeah. That's what I have to say about that.

Thanks for your entire post, quite informative.
No I dont have any donor relationship with any creature.
Is this psychic aura energy quantifiable in any sort of way?

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