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New Age vs Christianity Conflict Rising?

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posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:38 AM

Originally posted by toochaos4u
The thing is that New Age beliefs are highly individualistic so are more appealing to the masses in the long run. Christianity calls for conformity and converts while pressing people while New Age people really doesn't seek converts at least through intimidation.

There is always a conflict with Christians. Even if all the gays, other religions, abortions, blacks etc were eliminated which unifies the factions they would then turn on each other through their different denominations. Christians love to scrap and have a common enemy. For instance the Baptists here in the south have always called Catholics the church of the Anti-Christ. The Catholics call the Baptists heretics.

True Christians do not want to "rid" the world of blacks, whites or any other color of the human rainbow.

Abortions? Yes, absolutely - that is intentional killing of unborn babies - and the majority of the females today use it as ready means of birth control. You can scream "Women's rights" and "Women's Choice" all you want - it still does not make it not intentionally killing of unborn babies. Planned Parenthood really got the female generation of that day, and today's women - hook, line and sinker. Telling them that the fetus was not a baby yet, it was just slime - Slime? That word pops up alot in the non believer's "evolution" theories.

Truth is - a fetus is not slime - it is created - it is an unborn baby at that point, a little person waiting for nature to mature it's body and mind, and at conception begins the process of becoming a human being - just like you, just like me. Stop sugar coating it as a "right" or a "choice". It's the killing of an unborn baby, period.

If you need to research this topic, by a former Planned Parenthood Director, who resigned after she actually witnessed an abortion, you can do so at THIS link.

Abby Johnson, 29, used to escort women from their cars to the clinic in the eight years she volunteered and worked for Planned Parenthood in Bryan, Texas. But she says she knew it was time to leave after she watched a fetus "crumple" as it was vacuumed out of a patient's uterus in September. - Source: FoxNews

Just because the woman doesn't have to "see" the baby while it's being sucked out with a hose, does not change one iota of the facts of what takes place.

You can view the video of this previous PP Director HERE

True Christians are repeating the Scriptures - we didn't make this stuff up - it's the history of our Earth, and mankind. If you have a problem with what the Book says, you will have your time, on your knees before Jesus, just like the rest of us will.

And no, we don't like to "scrap" - for me, I find it extremely aggravating to even attempt to have a civil conversation with a sarcastic atheist, non believer, or "new ager". As Christians, we want to alert the ones who may be being misled, or weren't raised in a God fearing home - but I've found that the majority of the "non believers" today are foul mouthed, sarcastic and only want to verbally attack Christians. Yes, we get to the point of thinking "Why even bother - let them find out on their own when it all comes crashing down".

Homosexuality? It is an abomination according to the Bible - you can twist words and verses all day long but you cannot "make" it not an abomination.

Used to, back in the day, the gay community stayed pretty much hidden - bad way to live? Sure, anyone that chooses to live a sinful life is bound to have to hide what they are doing - because society just isn't going to accept it.

But nowadays - it's being forced into our face, our schools, our cities and counties, our military, our society in general. And no sir, no ma'am, I won't accept it - Jesus tells us not to accept it. Hate the sin, yes, love the sinner. Loving a sinner does NOT include accepting the sin.

So ya, given my views, and the thread title, I guess one could say there is a "conflict" between "new agers" and "Christians".

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:44 AM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI

Originally posted by nomorecruelty

Originally posted by lambs to lions
reply to post by nomorecruelty

Definitely, the earth is quickly becoming a huge playground for satan. Non-believers, new agers, occultists, even if they don't believe in satan, they are indirectly serving his agenda. We try and wake someone up, or just give them advice and we are labeled as fanatics. All I know is, you reap what you sow.

I used to believe that non believers only claimed this status as a way to try to avoid accountability for their sins - thinking if they kept on denouncing God, they would somehow be exempt from Judgement Day.

And while that may be some of it still, I think today's mankind is just puffed up with too much pride to bow down to anyone, much less their very Creator. But numerous "societies" got too full of pride over the centuries - and looked what happened to them.

You know I think that's a big part of it. Most people are to arrogant, self righteous, and prideful to ever bow down to anything. But those same people have no problem bowing down to their boss or their government. I used to be one of those people. I don't consider myself any one religon but more of a cornucopia of diffrent beliefs that are in my heart and from experience.

The main difference between a believer and non is the inability to believe in something greater than ones self. Letting go of that arrogance and believe me when I got the courage yes courage to get down and bow before the Creator and admit my lack of knowledge I got a peace in my heart that is untouchable, most people work there whole lives and never get it. My life is much better because my perception has changed. So no iys not about Jesus, or literalism in Scripture, dogma or ritual, its about acknowledging God and accepting that we submit to his will every day like it or not.

I think one of the things many athiests and agnostics and various other non believers on ATS don't see is the conspiracy now is not religon. Religion was useful to the Tptb before the industrial age. Now they attack Christianity and Islam and get those two to do the rest of the work for them. Turn over your dollar bill it says "NEW SECULAR AGE" that's what America was built for and there agenda is fast coming to fruition. Once we are completely secularized there will be no united front left to stand against tyranny.

Exactly - well put. And if people would do some research, they'd discover that God didn't create, nor suggest the creation of, all of these umpteen so called "religions". Mankind is who created all of them - for power, control and probably simple old fashioned competition i.e. "My religion is better than YOURS" type of mentality.

God is God - there isn't any manmade "religion" attached to Him. He created everything, and He gave us His laws for us, for all of mankind.

But as usual, "mankind" got all pompous and self loving - deciding that we didn't need God, or any "god" telling us what we could do and couldn't do.

And people wonder why our lovely lit'l planet is about to run out of time. Sigh.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:57 AM
Once again I am not a Christian or new ager, but I do come down slighty on the conservative side on these topics. What kills me about Christians is the whole Jesus or nothing thing, and the preaching of ignorance against other religons. For one there is no one way to God. Most Christians if they read the Quran would be astonished at how much they have in common with Islam, yeah its as close as a twin brother, yet people fight and seperate over petty little details. The new age adgenda is basically Christianity with a heavy eastern Buddhist Hindu influence. Can't say I agree with it all but the fundamentals are still the same except for the heaven and
hell thing. On a basic level you know right from wrong and just cause some guru may validate your wrongs doesn't make them ok. But enough I'm getting preachy which isn't me.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by ISHAMAGI]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:09 PM

Originally posted by ISHAMAGI
Once again I am not a Christian or new ager, but I do come down slighty on the conservative side on these topics. What kills me about Christians is the whole Jesus or nothing thing, and the preaching of ignorance against other religons. For one there is no one way to God. Most Christians if they read the Quran would be astonished at how much they have in common with Islam, yeah its as close as a twin brother, yet people fight and seperate over petty little details. The new age adgenda is basically Christianity with a heavy eastern Buddhist Hindu influence. Can't say I agree with it all but the fundamentals are still the same except for the heaven and hell thing.

Have you ever wondered why the Quran so closely resembles the real Scriptures?

The only reason the two are so "close" is because the Islam "church" took the Bible, and made changes in it and now want to claim originality. It isn't the original - it is just another manmade "version" that has been rewritten and altered.

The Islam worship an entirely different "god" and it is not Jesus Christ - it is Allah.

Yes, Islam and Christians share similarities - both faiths are human beings.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:18 PM
The church has fallen on hard times...not like the good old days when if people had a difference of views regarding the divine nature of man, the church would respectfully discuss the problems with the new age viewpoint.....

and then promptly quarter that individual, or simply burn them at a stake.

Now you actually have to make a better case than the others with words and reason...what a pain.

Cant the church just give the goahead to murder any whom speak differently again? I mean...its traditional...these liberals with their wanting not to die for their concepts are ruining the world!

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:32 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

Originally posted by On the Edge

Are you waiting on Science for evidence of the Soul?

God says His existence is made evident in His creations. In the perfect creation of the earth and the heavens and animals and the human body,....It's not by accident that it functions the way it does!

Yes and no. I personally believe that the soul exists and that there truly is a Grand Architect working in and behind all manifestation. But that's just me, many will need to see this proof before they come to the realization that they are responsible for their actions in this world. Whether this truth comes from science first or some amazing revelation, I don't know, but I believe that the day the majority of the world comes to this realization of the soul will be the day that marks the beginning of the new age.


[edit on 2-4-2010 by Neo__]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:40 PM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
reply to post by Neo__

The Bible, and Jesus, warn against dabbling in astrology or the occult - which is considered 'new age' practice. If you would like to research that topic, feel free

Yes, we do need a "book" meaning "Scriptures" aka Jesus' Word.

People can keep telling themselves that alllll we have to do is "look for the light" or become "enlightened" - all they want - but to "find" Jesus, one has to sincerely seek Him, and seek wisdom/instruction in His Scriptures.

I stand fast in my comment(s).

Since this is the Easter weekend it's probably a good time to remind you that Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of Astrology. It's the first Sunday after the first full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

Yes there are warnings about Astrology in the Bible. And for good reasons, we should never worship the stars and think that we can find the real truth in the mapping of the Heavens. The real truth lies within. With that said, however, the Bible is full of references to Astrology. From Genesis to Revelations there are references to the "Signs in the Heavens". "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright MORNING STAR", and "surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"

Christ prophesied when He would reappear amongst us again when the disciples asked him about where to go to prepare for the last supper. He said to them, "Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in." This, of course, has much deeper meaning than the simple fact the disciples did indeed, according to Luke, find a man bearing a pitcher of water in the city and followed him to the house for the last supper. The man bearing the pitcher of water is the symbol for the sign of Aquarius and the house is the symbol for period of time when all of humanity will receive the Holy Communion, and not just the disciples.

And I could go on and on. The wise men following the "Star of Bethlehem", the "stars in their courses fighting against Sisera", and the "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars. Christ was born at the time where the signs of the Zodiac lined up with the actual constellations of the Zodiac, e.g. between the Age of Aries and the Age of Pisces.

The ancient priests and wise men knew about the Precession of the Equinoxes and this why it was prophesied that the messiah would appear at this time. Christ was known as the "Lamb of God" because he came during the transition between Aries and Pisces. The opposite sign of Pisces, the two fish, is Virgo, the virgin with the shaft of wheat. Christ fed the multitudes with two fish and five loaves of bread. The fish is the symbol of Christianity.

Again, there is so much reference to Astrology in the Bible that it can't be ignored. The secret, however, is to understand that the truth lies within and not in the stars, or books or any teachings per say. The stars, like everything else, are only the sign posts and symbols on our way to finding the truth.


[edit on 2-4-2010 by Neo__]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:52 PM
First thing to get straight is - - - there is nothing NEW about NEW AGE.

NEW AGE is primarily a compilation of ancient beliefs - with perhaps a modern viewpoint/perspective.

It is Christianity - that is the new belief.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 04:44 PM
reply to post by Neo__

Since this is the Easter weekend it's probably a good time to remind you that Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of Astrology. It's the first Sunday after the first full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

"Easter" is the celebration of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb - not about "astrology" or stars.

Yes there are warnings about Astrology in the Bible. And for good reasons, we should never worship the stars and think that we can find the real truth in the mapping of the Heavens. The real truth lies within. With that said, however, the Bible is full of references to Astrology. From Genesis to Revelations there are references to the "Signs in the Heavens". "To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven". "I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright MORNING STAR", and "surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age"

The Bible also is full of examples of "sin", as well - that doesn't mean it is advocating for it. The Bible makes it clear - about sin, as well as astrology.

Christ prophesied when He would reappear amongst us again when the disciples asked him about where to go to prepare for the last supper. He said to them, "Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water; follow him into the house where he entereth in." This, of course, has much deeper meaning than the simple fact the disciples did indeed, according to Luke, find a man bearing a pitcher of water in the city and followed him to the house for the last supper. The man bearing the pitcher of water is the symbol for the sign of Aquarius and the house is the symbol for period of time when all of humanity will receive the Holy Communion, and not just the disciples.

Your observation is an "opinion" - not unlike I could cite that the mention of a "house" could mean, in my opinion, the importance of "houses". A water pitcher is a water pitcher - there is no scripture that validates your "opinion".

And I could go on and on. The wise men following the "Star of Bethlehem", the "stars in their courses fighting against Sisera", and the "signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in the stars. Christ was born at the time where the signs of the Zodiac lined up with the actual constellations of the Zodiac, e.g. between the Age of Aries and the Age of Pisces.

The Star of Bethlehem was from God announcing the birth of his Son. To make it a tad clearer, Joseph and Mary were on a donkey - one could also, from that, create an "opinion" that this would mean that donkeys should be worshiped.

The ancient priests and wise men knew about the Precession of the Equinoxes and this why it was prophesied that the messiah would appear at this time. Christ was known as the "Lamb of God" because he came during the transition between Aries and Pisces. The opposite sign of Pisces, the two fish, is Virgo, the virgin with the shaft of wheat. Christ fed the multitudes with two fish and five loaves of bread. The fish is the symbol of Christianity.

Christ was known as the Lamb of God because He is the Lamb of God - His only Son. It has nothing to do with equinoxes or fish.

Again, there is so much reference to Astrology in the Bible that it can't be ignored. The secret, however, is to understand that the truth lies within and not in the stars, or books or any teachings per say. The stars, like everything else, are only the sign posts and symbols on our way to finding the truth.

Yes, there are numerous places that mention astrology - and all of them warn us against partaking in the practice.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by nomorecruelty]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by Annee
First thing to get straight is - - - there is nothing NEW about NEW AGE.

NEW AGE is primarily a compilation of ancient beliefs - with perhaps a modern viewpoint/perspective.

It is Christianity - that is the new belief.

Dunno - you'll have to take that up with the new agers - that is what they refer to themselves as. Wasn't something that anyone dubbed them.

Christianity isn't new, hon - it's been around as long as the world has been around.

New age can be ancient, or just invented yesterday - but if a person doesn't accept Jesus as their Savior, it isn't going to matter how long its been around - or not been around.

I'm under the impression that the thread author was using the term "new age" to refer to newly created religions - if not, he or she can chime in at any time to let us know.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by nomorecruelty]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 04:58 PM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty

Christianity isn't new, hon - it's been around as long as the world has been around.

Does the acronym A.D. mean anything to you? As in Anno Domini? Last I heard, Christianity is about Christ..

The world isn't less than 2000 years old, it's billions of years old, and people have been around with their beliefs for about 2 million years...

Chistianity is a very new game..

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 05:20 PM

Originally posted by purehughness

Originally posted by nomorecruelty

Christianity isn't new, hon - it's been around as long as the world has been around.

Does the acronym A.D. mean anything to you? As in Anno Domini? Last I heard, Christianity is about Christ..

The world isn't less than 2000 years old, it's billions of years old, and people have been around with their beliefs for about 2 million years...

Chistianity is a very new game..

The worshiping of God, has been around since the world began - His Son's birth brought about "Christianity".

Is that better explained?

I say God and Jesus in the same breath - as both are one.

So sue me.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 05:24 PM

Originally posted by GrandKitaro777

I can concur with Christianity that the New World Order or the Elite are possibly New Age Theologians, [edit on 1-4-2010 by GrandKitaro777]

[edit on 1-4-2010 by GrandKitaro777]

I disagree. Look at who is really in power. They are either Muslim or Christian. I look for Islam to be the enforcer of the NWO...Take a good look at what is really going on in the world.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 06:16 PM
Everything goes in cycles. The world is primed for a mass spiritual explosion along mystical lines. There will be great esoteric freakouts and ritual work, people turning to the arcane and splintering into mandalic bliss-nexi. There is no reason Christianity can't benefit from this; in fact, its possibly the one way to save the soul of true Christianity, which has been shackled too long by dour blibical literalists and corrupt potentates of all sorts. Let the ancient, sacred divine arts blossom in a new renaissance of trans-doctrinal mystical realization. Even as the economy and outward order of societies collapse, intense new inner revolutions are always possible. Look to the cosmos within; its where its going to be at in the coming years.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 06:22 PM
reply to post by silent thunder

The only reason why they won't benefit is because they choose not to. The Abrahamic religions are about controlling the masses. Now, this applies to Islam more than it does Christianity, but it applies to both in varying degrees.

The era we are entering now is about personal freedom, not shackles. Of course, there will be a great war before this happens, but in the end, freedom will win over stringency.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 07:42 PM
reply to post by Neo__

Originally posted by neo
Since this is the Easter weekend it's probably a good time to remind you that Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of Astrology. It's the first Sunday after the first full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
"Easter" is the celebration of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb - not about "astrology" or stars.

Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of the procedure of calculating which day Easter falls on every year. See Computus.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Neo__]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 08:59 PM

Originally posted by SpeakerofTruth
reply to post by silent thunder

The only reason why they won't benefit is because they choose not to. The Abrahamic religions are about controlling the masses. Now, this applies to Islam more than it does Christianity, but it applies to both in varying degrees.

The era we are entering now is about personal freedom, not shackles. Of course, there will be a great war before this happens, but in the end, freedom will win over stringency.

Absolutely - Christians won't benefit from it because we don't share in those beliefs. And yes, it is because we 'choose not to'. You have that part correct.

But no, the Abrahamic religions aren't about "controlling the masses" - contrary, it is your free will that will determine what and who you choose to believe, and follow.

Yes, there is coming a "great war" - Jesus vs satan. And all evil will be cleaned off the planet.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:03 PM

Originally posted by Neo__
reply to post by Neo__

Originally posted by neo
Since this is the Easter weekend it's probably a good time to remind you that Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of Astrology. It's the first Sunday after the first full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
"Easter" is the celebration of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb - not about "astrology" or stars.

Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of the procedure of calculating which day Easter falls on every year. See Computus.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Neo__]

Sorry, my friend, you and I apparently don't serve the same God - and that is your choice, as it is mine.

You can continue to gaze at your stars, and attribute all of it TO the stars
and astrology.

I will continue to serve Jesus Christ, and all of His Creation.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:17 PM

Originally posted by nomorecruelty

Originally posted by Neo__
reply to post by Neo__

Originally posted by neo
Since this is the Easter weekend it's probably a good time to remind you that Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of Astrology. It's the first Sunday after the first full Moon of the Vernal Equinox, which marks the first sign of the Zodiac, Aries.

Originally posted by nomorecruelty
"Easter" is the celebration of the physical resurrection of Jesus Christ from the tomb - not about "astrology" or stars.

Christians are celebrating the resurrection this weekend because of the procedure of calculating which day Easter falls on every year. See Computus.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by Neo__]

Sorry, my friend, you and I apparently don't serve the same God - and that is your choice, as it is mine.

You can continue to gaze at your stars, and attribute all of it TO the stars
and astrology.

I will continue to serve Jesus Christ, and all of His Creation.

No problem nomorecruelty, I didn't expect us to see eye to eye on this subject. But I would like to add that the fact that you don't see or refuse to see the references to astrology in the Bible is typical of what is wrong with Christianity today. It kind of reminds me of when some Christians, and I'm not suggesting you in particular, but whensome Christians didn't have a valid argument as to how the dinosaurs could have existed if the world was only 6,000 years old, so they came up with the argument that God had placed those fossils there as a test of their faith. does one argue with that type of logic...

Christianity is, I believe, not being honest with itself in relation to the many, many references to the stars and the heavens and why they are there. I'm not suggesting that you go out and hire a astrologer, I'm just saying the authors of the Bible very much believed in astrology and it shows in the myths and symbolisms of the Bible. Take the cross, for instance. It's no co-incidence that were 3 crosses on Calvary on the day of the crucifixion. Each cross represented one of the 3 main crosses in the Zodiac: the Cardinal cross (of spring, summer, autumn and winter), the fixed cross (with the face of a man, Aquarius, the face of a lion, Leo, the left the face of an ox, Taurus, and the face of an eagle, Scorpio), and the mutable or changeable cross. The 3 crosses, each with 4 points, make up the 12 signs of Zodiac, symbolized by the 12 disciples, with the Christ, like the Sun, in the centre.

There are many secrets of the Bible that one can discern if one dares to look at them with a fresh view. This is what the new age is about, thinking without the chains of doctrine and dogma holding it back. If this is blasphemous, then I guess I'm guilty. But so was Jesus when he challenged the status quo in his day. Remember it was the priests and Sanhedrin council of the day that conspired to have Christ killed for not conforming.


posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:27 PM
reply to post by Neo__

It's ok that we don't see eye to eye - I'm not interested in numerology/astrology - you are.

This at least proves we are not twins.

As far as the dinosaurs - the Bible does describe what was probably 'dinosaurs' but that word wasn't around then - but if you look up what the Bible says about "behemoths' and 'leviathans' you will see that their descriptions are extremely close if not identical.

I've never heard of the 'placing the bones there for faith' thing - that's a new one on me. I'm of the mind that if you find a bone somewhere, chances are that at one time there was meat on it - human or animal.

Re: "Fresh Ideas" - I am a big fan of 'fresh ideas' but not about the Bible - God's Word.

The reason I say this is because while yes, we are human and prone to having questions, I don't think that Jesus wants us to try to re-invent the Scriptures into something it wasn't meant to be. i.e. The Bible's purpose is to instruct us, to guide us, to give us hope until Jesus returns. I have a gazillion questions - but just because I don't understand alot in there doesn't mean I question His judgement or the words He has given us as His true Word.

And too, I would imagine that the authors of the NIV, NKJV, etc., also thought they would give the real Bible a "fresh" look and meaning.

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