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Nevada: Capitol locked down in wake of threats

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:53 AM
reply to post by Misoir

Hi Misoir-

I understand your point of view that we shouldn't have violence, and that it is wrong to do such things, but I would like to say a couple of things on this topic.

First, do you think what the government and big businesses are doing to the working class people in this country is right?

Second, in my opinion the American people can scream till they are blue in the face and nothing will change. Look at wall street, big businesses, and even our own government that are destroying the middle class for their own profit. The people who have all the money and power don't care about us and as long as all we do is complain nothing will change. Stuff like this is going to take place becuase nothing is being done to change the problems we face today, and up until now people have been voicing their opinion on how the working class is being hurt and destroyed and Nothing has been done at all.

Third, How can we have no new laws on wall street or on the banks to stop what is happening from happening again?? The supreme Court just make it "OK" for big businesses to basically spend as much money on any political figure, so now they will own everything. Do you really think they will care about you or your family? I have always been told actions speak louder than words and from what I have seen none of them care. The government, big businesses, anyone with money and power in this country only cares about more money and power. Middle class?? What middle class? It is almost gone even as we speak.

So yes, violence is a sad thing in this world that usually comes from people not listening to others concerns of wellbeing, and if you think the government or big businesses care about you I would think again....

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Trudge]

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Trudge]

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Trudge]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:13 AM
I like how they bring up Tim McVey as if this group was violent and as if Tim McVey actually was acting on behalf of any militia, when Oklahoma City was a staged terror event as much as 9/11 was. So they use a lie to back up negative propaganda to create another lie that this group is violent in some way.
The real terrorist are the ones who force you to buy insurance even if you can't afford it after sending your jobs to Mexico and China. The ones who steal money from you and give it to the big corrupt banks or threaten marshal law and financial collapse if you don't do it. These are the real terrorist hailed as heroes by the main stream corporate media.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by crusaderiam]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:20 AM
This could just be the FBI setting up another big lie,
covering there tracks b4 there is any

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 11:53 AM

Originally posted by SirPsychoSexy

What makes them think the people want them commandeering the office?

I don't particularly love my governor.. and there has been some scandals and whatnot in the past few years.. but he's not the Antichrist. At least he is predictable.

The joker in the newest batman has a line for this. He says something along the lines of "people love predictability. Kill one little mayor without telling anyone, they freak out. But if you TELL them you are going to blow up the hospital and you DO it all goes according to plan, and everyone is satisfied.

Just because itss predictable doesn't mean its a good thing if its still bad! As a Christian I like what they are doing, but they said they are not going to infringe upon peoples rights (to sit in and watch TV all day, sloth around, have free sex etc) and will worry about it later. Some of the things I see them doing is

1. Remove IRS and institute back money (end fed reserve) and declare US corporate state null
2. Give power to states, have all state taxes stay in state (unless the state votes on letting these taxes go to say Alabama or whomever else needs help (with such low taxes people could send Alabama money themselves, the way the bible encourages us (again from Christian standpoint)

Again, they say on the site that, although they are religious, theres no way a bunch of people would accept them unless they do not infringe on, say, the atheist's rights. Nor do they plan on doing so. its almost like the slavery part of the first constitution. They wont outlaw those things BECAUSE some states (people) wouldn't have accepted it, even though it was "wrong" (lets not make this a debate about slavery OR religious freedom is right or wrong, because it is NOT, and is very far outside the scope of the argument).

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:31 PM
Any further word on this? Can't seem to find anything on the net other than CT sites and the op's link.

Need to know whether to get my ark ready.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:32 PM

Originally posted by On the Edge
This lines up perfectly with the recent thread by TrueAmerican,"Provost Marshalls to Serve Notice To Governors of All 50 States? Restore America"

Most people were skeptical that it would be done,but looks like it was more than talk!

Hope they haven't bitten off more than they can chew.

The Military and Supreme Court and 50 Constitutionally provided State Militias are all backing the Restore America Plan. The senior Senator in each State and each of the 50 State Governors have all received their packets from the 50 State de jure Grand Juries on March 30, 2010. Part of the information provided is a time limit for each official to make a decision to take an oath to swear their allegiance to the Republic of America rather than the United States Federal Corporation.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by kyle43

So here's a question, to anyone who has an answer(or even musings on it):

What happens *IF* the officials do step down? Or if their positions are 'commandeered'? Who then do the positions of power transfer to?

These people which are doing the commandeering?

Now, I absolutely do believe it is time to throw the bums out, so to speak. But this seems to me as though a group wants to replace corrupt officials with unelected ones.

Is that really a path that we want to go down?

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 01:05 PM

Originally posted by endisnighe

Do you know what the for entertainment means?

It is a standard disclaimer used for legal reasons. That way if anyone uses the information, they cannot turn around and sue.

Do you know what the Provost Marshal does, that is the head of the military police system.

This is not a coup, it is the legal implementation of the Sovereign powers of the citizens.

The government has been acting as de facto government. Now the citizens are taking back the power under de jur and re installing the Constitution as the law of the land. Common law. Research it, you will be needing it.
[edit on 4/1/2010 by endisnighe]

Well yes, but it also means entertainment. I'm sorry I can't take that website serious This government was built by violence and it will end in violence, not by peaceful right of law!

This group says it can do it by peaceful legitimate, by right of law etc... BUT warned the Nevada Capitol and probably the other states... "if they don't resign, members of the group will come and “commandeer” their offices."

Sorry dude that is a coup d'état, even by right of law can be a coup d'état, especially if one is in contact with the Provost Marshal and threatening commandeer their offices. To think they can do it legally and peacefully is a joke... entertaining though.

However I like to see it happen, either way
We need real change... not entertainment.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:12 PM
Maybe the "Restore America Plan" is true ? Who wouldn't want it ? The corporate greed mongers wouldn't. Obama wouldn't. TPTB sure as he** wouldn't.
I hope this country can change for the better in a non-violent way ! We need change-but nobody wants a new world order! We are human beings-not animals we care about each others greater good-most of us any way.

Most Americans have lost faith in our politics. We don't like how the world calls us stupid sheeple. We aren't sheeple-we are people being poisioned in our food and water and have an arrogant bunch of people in office who are the most selfish people on earth who don't care about us. We have a president who I voted for who is a puppet for the powers that be. I like things about him-but why doesn't he care ? What is he scared of ? Maybe he doesn't want to be the next sacrifice on the altar at bohemien grove idk.

Any way "We The People" not "Sheeple"should have more than just a voice and opinion ! Just my 2 cts.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:21 PM
"You're going to call off your rigorous investigation. You're going to publicly state that there is no underground group. Or... these guys are going to take your balls. They're going to send one to the New York Times, one to the LA Times press-release style. Look, the people you are after are the people you depend on. We cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls, we drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Do not... # with us."-Tyler Durden

Thought this quote might get some chuckles.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:29 PM
So, let me see if I understand the rationale behind this. One group, admittedly small, feels THEIR interpretation of the Constitution is the right one, religious endorsement (violation of the 1st amendment) and all. So, they're going to "take back" the legally elected government, and force me to live under their conservative thumbs?

Wow...that sounds absolutely atrocious.

[edit on 4/1/2010 by VneZonyDostupa]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:08 PM
reply to post by Misoir

I am glad that there are people that will cheer this on, we have remained silent and still for far too long. there was a reason we were given the second amendment. To protect us from the tyranny of those we have CHOSEN to represent us, if the system of government fails to represent the people, then the people must force them to represent them. That is what the forfathers envisioned.

"From time to time the tree of Liberty must be refreshed with the blood of patriots"....


posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:17 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Your entire premise is faulty. There is no need to interpret the Constitution. It is quite clear. What is done, or should be happening, is a case presenting a set of circumstances is presented to the court and they "apply" the constitution against those circumstances.

It is a complete prevarication to suggest that there is any Constitutionally mandated "Separation of Church and State". It doesn't exist. The framers only sought to forbid the creation of a mandated State Church or mandated State Religion. The ACLU and others, who have sought to eliminate religion from society, have created this distortion as a means to their end by suggesting that freedom "OF" religion means freedom "FROM" religion. Laws passed restricting the rights to prayer and any other exercise of faith anywhere, including public facilities, is an outright violation of 1st Amendment rights.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by VneZonyDostupa

Not exactly. We have several documents that were agreed to be followed by all of the states. It was agreed when the states formed our nation of nations that the rule of these documents would reign supreme. That is the only reason that the UNITED states of America exist and we aren't a group of individual states like had been in Europe.

Those men who were ingenious enough to devise the best possible form of government studied history and realized what was likely to happen, even in a government as close to perfect as possible as our democratic REPUBLIC is.

They foresaw the problems that we have, they foresaw the corruption of government and they foresaw that when the system had broken down to the point that the documents that were supposed to reign supreme no longer were held in the highest esteem, then the need for the populace to keep and bear arms would be necessary to restore it.

There is a reason that we swear an oath to defend the constitution against all enemies foreign AND DOMESTIC.

When the carefully planned checks and balances no longer function and the tyranny of the men we select to represent us reigns supreme, then it is necessary, it is our duty to restore the sanctity of the documents that are supposed to be the Supreme authority.

When we have politicians that state, we know what's better for you than you do, we have supreme court justices stating that they are not supposed to be legislating from the bench after stating that she is doing exactly that and a president that states stay silent and let us do what we want, then those checks and balances no longer exist, the politicans that are supposed to represent us have become domestic enemies of the constitution and it is our responsibility to do whatever we have to, to restore our liberties and the sanctity of those supreme documents that our representatives are supposed to hold sacred over all else.

In the past, the checks and balances have aided in preventing the total usurpatoin of our government (although small items have slipped through the cracks). This healthcare bill showcases that they have completely failed and unless the supreme court steps up and does their job, then it is our responsibility to step up and do it for them and to stop anyone else from going against the constitution as well. The constitution was never meant to be open to interpretation, that is farsical and laughable. It was written in plain English and has been corrupted through the very notion that it IS open to interpretation.

Read Article 1 section 7 and tell me that what congress just did with the healthcare bill was consittutional. If you can with a straight face, then I will be sad that you can be that gullible and or corrupt and against our form of government. If enough of our people have been deulded to think like that, then I fear for the future of the world.


posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 04:47 PM
reply to post by mrbarber

Would you rather live under a one world system of slavery ? Not me dude ! I would be willing to give some old constitution of ours a retry. We have no clue what freedom is friend-if this happenes we will find out-maybe this is the awakening older generations past have spoke of before???idk-Peace

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:08 PM
Reply to post by KonigKaos

No, the Revolution will stem from the elimination of these people... they want to be the martyrs that finally wake up the masses. OK honestly I haven`t researched them enough to know. But I do know that comparing this to a death threat over the phone from an anonymous caller is poor judgement at best. Anyway, here`s a possible scenario: They know they can`t really succeed. But this is the only way they know to get enough people`s attention. I`m not going to speculate too much on their possible plan, I don`t want to inadvertantly change the outcome one way or the other. At least not yet... more research and more waiting need be done.

edit to add---> There are questions that need to be answered. I understand some of them cannot be answered except by waiting to see what action they do or do not take while carrying out their plan. But I would like to see HOW they plan to do this if not violently. Or at least without casualties. What are their intentions if they succeed? Which they can't. What are their stances on all the issues our county is dealing with today? Or do they not have a stance and intend on some other democratic way of deciding things? Do they mention any specific religions or God at all as a part of their inspiration or beliefs? Are they made up of people experienced enough and with enough already-built-in authority to run a country? Like military, politicians, etc.? Why have we never heard of them? Why should we trust them? I'm just sayin... the antiChrist is supposed to be a guy who comes out of nowhere and solves all our problems... Which of course should be the least of all the other valid reasons to want to have these and more questions answered. It was just a passing thought that caught my attention. But while I'm sure there are some of us who know more than others, I think we can all agree that there is a lot we don't know right now. Namely: What is going to happen NEXT?! ?! ?! ...

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[edit on 4.1.10 by doctor j and inmate c5779]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:40 PM
Let me see if I'm reading this clearly. They barricaded the state capitol building because they were afraid that the visiting governers might get ... letters?

I wonder if I can get an armed guard on my mailbox to prevent bills, tax assessments and junk mail.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:01 PM

State workers and visitors to the Nevada Capitol were surprised Wednesday morning to find all but the front door locked and metal detectors for both packages and people set up at the entrance.

The Capitol was locked down late Tuesday after the FBI advised the governors of all 50 states they would be receiving letters from an extremist group demanding their resignations.

How did they set up metal detectors and everything so quickly? It was over night, and the feds basically said - "You will get some letters today". If they had prior knowledge, couldn't they have prevented the letters or at least got the identities of those that sent it?

Seems strange to me as it takes the feds a long time to do much of anything else. It's when they spring into action this fast, that it's very curious.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by patmac]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by patmac

The FBI knew exactly who sent the letters, and knew that it was not a harmful event. Perhaps the FBI knows not to prevent the delivery of the declarations, because they have learned of the true intent of the plan. Perhaps they have discovered that there possibly is a military backing, and have learned that they should also be backing the Restore America Plan.

I believe the reactionary grandstanding taken by the Capitol building was to promote the sense of terrorism, in order to more easily demonize the efforts of the Restore America Plan in the media. All of the media reports are clearly biased and written without true understanding of the events.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by Ionized]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Ionized

I think the media does understand. I don't think they work for the people. I think they're deliberately trying to discredit this group and what they're trying to do. I've seen about four states now and each one seems to be getting more vicious each time.

Here'e one article where they associate the group with Oklahoma bombing accomplice Terry Nichols and even the plane crashing into the IRS.

I swear these media reports are making me so angry I'm getting to the point I want to join one of these groups myself.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by theyreadmymind]

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