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The Mysterious Death of Pope John Paul I: the Vatican Conspiracy

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posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:38 AM
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

The smoke of Satan has indeed entered into the Vatican

You do realize of course that Satan is a completely fictitious character that was invented by this organization in order control and obtain wealth .

Seems to have worked pretty damned well so far


Great thread well presented thanks for this s&F

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:48 AM
reply to post by piedsniper

Whether or not satan is an actual being is entirely irrelevant. It simply means evil has infiltrated the Vatican.

[edit on 1-4-2010 by ShadowArcher]

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 07:02 AM
reply to post by ShadowArcher

Whether or not satan is an actual being is entirely irrelevant.

Not to the poster I was responding to it's not it would "appear" that this imaginary being could indeed be major influence in his/her life. Don't want to stray off topic here so we'll leave it at that.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 07:28 AM

Originally posted by piedsniper
reply to post by doctor j and inmate c5779

The smoke of Satan has indeed entered into the Vatican

You do realize of course that Satan is a completely fictitious character that was invented by this organization in order control and obtain wealth .

Seems to have worked pretty damned well so far

You do realize that "Jesus the Nazarene" was also a fictitious character that was invented by the Roman Empire in order to subjugate the various peoples they conquered under a "universal" submissive faith as well as undermine the historical authority of the Jews that were a near constant thorn in their sides right up until the destruction of the Temple in around 70 AD. Funny how formal Christianity came about in that same time frame. Rome has been at the center of world domination for a very long time. It has not always been as open of that fact as it was prior to implementing Christianity.

"And Jesus said unto them, Render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and unto God the things that are God's. And they marveled greatly at him."

When we dissect this in what would have been the historical context, we realize that Caesar considered himself a perfect man, a "living god". And so Jesus is subliminally telling his followers to give everything to Caesar. It's Roman double-talk. Subjugate yourself in this life or risk eternal damnation in the next. "Love thine enemy." "Turn the other cheek." Do anything but stand up to TPTB in the world. And as an example, Jesus died for our sins in this world. Not at the hands of the Romans. In the story Pilot puts it back on the Jews as you well know. Jesus died for being "King of the Jews". He even gives us the hint that the Romans were the authors.

And Pilate asked him, “Are you the King of the Jews?” And he answered him, “It is YOU who say I am.”

And so Romans set up the fictional Jesus as the Jewish messiah and then took him away, showing the Jews that their hopes for an earthly king leading them were over. Consider that the Jews expected a mighty military leader as their messiah. A more zealous leader, a Zealot.

From Wiki:

Zealotry was originally a political movement in first century Judaism which sought to incite the people of Iudaea Province to rebel against the Roman Empire and expel it from the holy land by force of arms, most notably during the Great Jewish Revolt (AD 66-70). Zealotry was described by Josephus as one of the "four sects" at this time.

Titus Flavius Josephus was a Jewish scholar that defected to the Roman side and was adopted by Caesar. He wrote the history of the Roman destruction of the Temple. He likely also authored the New Testament at the request of the Roman court. He had full knowledge of the Jewish holy books and the messianic prophesies and could tie all the loose ends into a book(s) of subliminal rules for the subjects of the Roman Empire to obey.

That seems to have worked pretty damned well for over 2000 years too.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 08:52 AM
reply to post by FortAnthem

The quote from Pope John Paul I in the beginning of the thread, while most would mistake it for an endorsement of Communism, is actually pointing towards a third way, economically speaking.
Thats a really good point.

Something to consider tho is that TPTB realise that most people dont know that there are any other economic theories than capitalism, the command economy of communism, or the redistibutive half-way of socialism. So, even if TPTB themselves did actually understand what the Pope meant, to many people it sounded pretty Marxist. Also, whatever the Pope was advocating, he definitely was criticising the status quo. Worth noting also that in Italy the "left wing" of politics is actually "left", with policies of redistribution, rather than the pseudo "left" elsewhere which is actually "centre right", with a policy to give the poor precisely as much as will keep them quiet & no more. When the Pope speaks, a lot of Italians listen.
Thanks for the thread OP. Its very well put together.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by Hemisphere

Titus Flavius Josephus was a Jewish scholar that defected to the Roman side and was adopted by Caesar. He wrote the history of the Roman destruction of the Temple. He likely also authored the New Testament at the request of the Roman court. He had full knowledge of the Jewish holy books and the messianic prophesies and could tie all the loose ends into a book(s) of subliminal rules for the subjects of the Roman Empire to obey.

Indeed, Ralph Ellis makes a very good case for Josephus being one and the same person as Paul/Saul. If there is any truth in all this (which I personally think there is) there seems to be a far stronger case for a flesh and blood jesus but a pretender to the crown of the patriarchs/akhenaten and perhaps some legitimacy in the claims to a European bloodline.

This is indeed a fascinating subject which I am staggered that your average joe xtian is too brainwashed to investigate.

It would nice to see the Vatican brought down just to see what is tucked away in its' archives if at all possible.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 10:24 AM
Was it not the same "gods banker that was found dead in London with the traits of a typical masonic murder? I believe he was drowned after being tied to some rails over a river.

very interesting INTERNOS as always a great read.
oh I'm a ROMAN CATHOLIC but I follow NO religion so don't worry about upsetting a few bible bashers who cant take the for you.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:40 PM
reply to post by piedsniper

Wow - your knowledge and wisdom astound me. I'd better chuck out all my experience of dealing with demonic forces and believe you instead..! Anyway, I'm glad you're here, because now we can all rest safe in the knowledge that black magic isn't real, and that demonic complicity in the affairs of mankind is an imaginary problem.

Anyway - ignoring PiedSniper completely for a moment (trolling if ever I saw it), I originally just wanted to congratulate Internos for an excellent post, well-presented and interesting, especially considering that he is dealing with a language barrier by the look of things. A story I hadn't known about previously, and useful for background knowledge with regards to my writing.


posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:59 PM

Originally posted by NoahTheSumerian
reply to post by piedsniper

Anyway - ignoring PiedSniper completely for a moment (trolling if ever I saw it),

Written like a member with only three days of posting under his own belt. Don't tell me, you and piedsniper are either friends or one in the same person. Wink, wink! Talk about your trolling.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:02 PM
Worth noting that Karol Józef Wojtyła, who succeeded John Paul I, as JPII, was Polish & the 1st non-Italian Pope for 4 1/2 centuries. An extremely intelligent man, given the antithetical relationship between communism, under which he had lived, & the church, we can be certain that 1 thing we would never hear from him would be any rhetoric that could, even mistakenly, be construed as Marxist.
How's that for a message? "That John Paul was defective. Here's version 2! Guaranteed to work properly, even at the expense of 455yrs of Italian tradition."

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 02:39 PM
reply to post by Hemisphere

Fair enough - before I came back to this I'd already figured I should apologise to PiedSniper.. I realise that opinion is entirely subjective, as is experience, so I retract my mean-spirited jibe.

On the other hand, a thread dealing with something serious like a murder shouldn't attract comments about essentially irrelevant stuff (like whether or not a certain entity is real or not). That's why I reacted, without much forethought, using my own experience as a springboard.

I should add though, that just because I've only been a member for a matter of days, that doesn't mean my opinion or experience is any less valid than someone who's been posting for years. It's all relative.

Anyhoo, this is the sound of me reeling myself in. ***

Moving swiftly on...!

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:27 PM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

A nice recovery Noah (Ziusudra). I welcome you both, not that I'm the welcoming comittee for ATS. Just another member.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 03:31 PM
reply to post by internos

G'day Internos

Thank you for establishing such a fascinating thread.

This is not a subject in which I am well versed.

I am learning a lot from your information & from the ensuing discussion.

Kind regards
Maybe...maybe not

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Ridhya

Sometimes people that have the real power think that promoting someone that may be a problem is a good way of keeping that person from creating bigger problems.

Some times it works, some times (when the person that gets promoted is really honest to him/herself) it doesn't, so I think this may have been an attempt of silencing him by promotion that didn't work, so they had to do a silencing by death.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 05:44 PM
Great post, internos, and one subject that is an obvious target for conspiracy theorists but that looks like a forgotten topic (or maybe there's another conspiracy in that

I remember the talk at the time and the suspicions that appeared at the time that John Paul I was killed, and how nobody thought it was strange that the case was not more (publicly, at least) investigated.

But we should not forget that the Pope is a head of state and the Vatican is a sovereign nation, so there wasn't much someone from outside the Vatican could do.

Great work, and thanks for bringing this to the attention of many people that did not knew it, sometimes we forget that some things we take for granted are not as widely known as we think.

posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 06:33 PM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

Fair enough - before I came back to this I'd already figured I should apologise to PiedSniper.. I realise that opinion is entirely subjective, as is experience, so I retract my mean-spirited jibe.

Apologies accepted but not necessary I got thick skin dude, anyhoo I'd just like to point out that I was not the one that introduced Satan into the discussion but merely responded to it.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 05:51 AM
reply to post by ucalien

Wise words ucalien, but you'll not be thanked for them, except by myself and a few others i suspect. The truth is a rare commodity where organised religion is concerned. Organised anything, really.


A couple of points to the OP, Thanks. Very good and unbiased presentation.

Masonic involvement = 33 days after they resolved to murder, is a significant number within masonic circles, then as well as now.

The embalmers report the dead pope to have a 'serene' look on his face. 'Almost smiling' = Cyanide poisoning.
One characteristic of Cyanide poisoning is the victims are left with a serene facial expression and is predominately accompanied by a smile, due to the effects of the poison on the facial muscles and nerves.

In the 1970's cyanide was a widely used weapon of covert assassination, since the 'heart attack by touch' had not yet been developed.

An autopsy would have shown if cyanide was the culprit or not, even now over three decades later it would still be an easy task to find it's presence. As it remains in the hair and nails.

Unless he was cremated of course.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:30 AM
reply to post by spikey
I dont doubt that the man was murdered, but could you give us a link to evidence of smiling as a result of cyanide poisoning? As far as I understand it, death from cyanide is caused by inability to bind oxygen to hemoglobin & eventual heart attack, all of which would be extremely distressing.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 11:32 AM
reply to post by spikey

Cyanide leaves clear traces of having been used, the most known being the change in the colour of the skin, like all things that prevent the normal oxygenation of the blood.

A drop of nicotine is much cleaner and it's hard to notice even in pathology tests.

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 01:42 PM
I'd like to thank all the fella members who have found the time to read the OP and to post, and thanks also for being polite.
There's a point, in my humble opinion, that deserves to be mentioned: some things seem to indicate that Pope John Paul 1st was aware of his fate since his day # 1 of his papacy (and not only, as we'll see). He's reported to have said to the cardinals, during the Conclave, right after his election: "May God forgive you for what you have done". (Note: on some websites, you will find it translated as "May God forgive you for what you have done on my behalf": honestly, I don’t know which one is the correct translation.
This was obviously very hard to source, but finally i've tracked down at least one source, mentioning the witness who reported this.
It was an interview to Aloísio Lorscheider;
Aloísio Leo Arlindo Lorscheider, was a cardinal of the Roman Catholic Church in Brazil during the 1970s and 1980s, and was in Conclave that day.
The full transcript of the interview can be found here:

Q: Do you remember Luciani’s reaction to his election?
A: LORSCHEIDER: From the position where I was I could see him in the face ... Luciani became pale and to the usual question addressed to him by Cardinal Villot (note: the question was, in Latin: "Acceptasne electionem de te canonice factam in Summum Pontificem? -Do you accept your canonical election as Supreme Pontiff?) in a faint voice he answered: "I accept."
When we went on to pay tribute to him, he kept saying repeatedly,

What have you done? May God forgive you for what you did
. Someone told him "Holy Father, be strong: God won’t forsake you." Then he said:

I'm a poor Pope.
Also, on August 30, during the first audience with the cardinal said:

I hope you all Cardinals will help this poor Christ, the Vicar of Christ, to carry the cross.
The manner in which he spoke these words impressed me very much. It was the Pope, talking like that. His humble humanity was not a facade. He was sincerely humble, that only comes from consciousness to be poor sinners and from the experience of forgiveness.
This, by itself, would sound some statement like “what have you done? I’m not worthy”: but in the light of further witnesses, it sounds much different: he was also used to say that his papacy would have been brief.
A sourced one, is the time he said it to Jaime Sin, the then Archbishop of Manila:

Before the election:
Sin: " Eminence, where is the toilet ? ".
Luciani: " I don't know".
Sin: " But you will know soon because you are going to be the owner of this house ".
Luciani:" Are you a prophet? ".
After the election, John Paul I said to Sin: - " You, Eminence, have been a prophet but my Pontificate will be brief ".
We’ll never know the real reason why he said that, and maybe it’s better.
Bishop John Magee acted as private secretary to both Luciani and Wojtyla:
He revealed as John Paul I predicted his own death and named Karol Wojtyla as his successor

The Pope's startling predictions began almost immediately after he became pontiff in August 1978 when he received an invitation to visit Mexico.
"At the very first general audience, when Pope John Paul I received from Mexican journalists a facsimile of an air ticket inviting him to go to Mexico for the conferences of South America in Pueblo, Mexico.
"He took the ticket, handed it to me and thanked them. On our way back to the Papal apartment he asked me 'Could you give me that ticket?' And I said: 'It's not a ticket, Holy Father.'
"He said: 'It doesn't matter, I just want to see it.' So he looked at it and then he handed it back to me and he said: 'I will not make any visits outside of Rome. And I want you to give this ticket to my successor. He will go to Puebla'.
"The meeting in Puebla was in February 1979 which was only a few months later and he was giving me that ticket and told me to hold onto it.
"And in fact, I gave it to John Paul II and I accompanied John Paul II to Puebla in Mexico in February 1979, which is a clear indication."

Sunday Mirror (London, April 17, 2005)
And, from the same article:

Bishop Magee said: "Two nights before he died I was sitting alone with him at dinner and he started to talk about the fact there were others in the conclave that he thought would have made a very good Pope.
"And I kept saying: 'Well you're doing fine Holy Father. The Holy Spirit doesn't make any mistakes.' And he said: 'Oh I know that but right in front of me was one that Paul VI had indicated'.
"Now he had judged that because Paul VI had called Cardinal Roydiva in 1976 to preach the retreat to the Roman Curia and to the Pope in the first week of Lent. And so that was considered by many as an indication that Paul VI was presenting him as a candidate."
Then John Paul I told him: "He will come where I am."
Bishop Magee never asked John Paul I who was sitting opposite him at the conclave. And when he died and John Paul II was elected, he never asked the new Pope where he was sitting either.
The bishop said: "Four years later when John Paul II appointed me as Master of Ceremonies, I went to the ceremonial office and I went on a tour of it.
"I found a cupboard with the name of the conclaves of '78 on it. I asked for the key. When I opened it and took out the seating positions in the Sistine Chapel during each of the conclaves, I saw that sitting right opposite Cardinal Luciani - John Paul I - was Cardinal Wojtyla."
He had correctly predicted that the Polish cardinal he called "the foreigner" would be the next pontiff. And the next day, when Bishop Magee told John Paul II the story of what happened, all the Pope would to him was: "Well, John Paul I was a very holy man."

Sunday Mirror (London, April 17, 2005)
Also, as ArMaP has correctly pointed out, being the Pope head of state of a foreign Country, neither Italy nor other Countries could do anything against the will of Vatican in their territory. For example, Italian Ispettorato di Pubblica Sicurezza "Vaticano" is a team of italian police that escorts the Pope once he enters in Italy: they are approx. 150 officers and they’ve also the task to watch over Saint Peter's Square, but in a way established by an agreement protocol which is part of Lateran Treaty; while in general, it’s the Gendarme Corps of Vatican City State the one which cares about security within Vatican: the safety of the Pope is warranted by the Corps of the Vatican Pontifical Swiss Guard. Vatican has the faculty to ask for the intervention of Italian Police and Italian magistrature: but for example, it didn’t happen even when a swiss Guard ( Alois Estermann ) was murdered in his apartment in the Vatican City together with his wife by another man who later, allegedly, committed suicide: all they did was some not better explained “internal investigation” and their prosecutor ruled that the case was closed: but that’s another story (and another conspiracy itself, since Alois Estermann was a former STASI agent, not according to some conspiracy theorist, but according to this man).
With regards to the possible autopsy on John Paul I, many, even from within Vatican later stated that it had been a mistake to don’t perform any post-mortem examination, since it would (allegedly) have put to rest any conspiracy: if you have nothing to hide, then what better than prove it?
Regarding the possible poisoning method, I’d have to add that David Yallop suggested that it could had been used Digitalis.
Thanks again everyone

(Ed. to fix link)

[edit on 2/4/2010 by internos]

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