posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 11:14 PM
Originally posted by jaamaan
15 years in prison for having 1.7 grams of a natural plant on him.
I could call the man stupid for bringing it in, but i find these laws much more incredible.
They are incredible.
Going into Indonesia with a gram of weed in your pocket ain't going to change them, though.
I say respect the laws of the country you are visiting and don't travel the world with a bubble around yourself as if you are still in your own
country and can do as you see fit. While it may be a slap on the wrist in your neck of the woods, elsewhere if they catch you it's going to end VERY
Don't try and change
their drug laws change
your behavior.
If you can't go a few weeks without smoking pot, just stay out of these places.
I think they need to re-air the Australian movie
Dadah is Death, because people still aren't
getting the picture.
This guy is lucky he didn't end up like Kevin Barlow and Brian Chambers.
- Lee