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The Writer of the Health Care Bill is Confirmed

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posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:01 PM
reply to post by David9176
How about those that don't have health care INSURANCE get off their welfare asses and get a job so they can afford health care INSURANCE.
I make the point that EVERYONE has health care, it is just being paid by the ones that actually work for a living.

Go to any emergency and they can't turn you away, you WILL get treatment, hell they won't even ask you if you are a legal resident of the U.S..

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:20 PM
reply to post by joey_hv

Let's see, since I haven't had health insurance for approximately six years now, I have saved approximately $40,000.00. During that time frame I paid $0 dollars for health care. So, please explain to me why I need to get health insurance? Because I am a healthy individual I should pay for a "just in case" scenario that isn't going to happen unless I start doing unhealthy/risky things. Oh wait, I have car insurance that pays for medical (So I'm covered in an "accident") and I have worker's compensation for when I get injured on the job. This rhetoric of everyone needs health insurance is too much. Health insurance =/= health care.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:22 PM
reply to post by joey_hv

How about those that don't have health care INSURANCE get off their welfare asses and get a job so they can afford health care INSURANCE.

Many are working. They just can't afford the insurance or the employer offers no insurance.

I don't like this bill, but I see no need to stereotype my fellow Americans because of it.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:26 PM
reply to post by saabster5

Well, one of the reasons that the big insurance companies wanted a bailout is because after a study they did for the next 10 years projections of their profits will be facing a downturn as the baby boomers will become older.

That is where the health care mandate comes into place, they wanted to get their hands on young healthy people like you with no insurance to pay for their lost profits that will come with the aging baby boomers.

The irony of the deceptions . . .

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by joey_hv

Go to any emergency and they can't turn you away, you WILL get treatment, hell they won't even ask you if you are a legal resident of the U.S..

And they don't pay because they simply don't have the money to. Businesses are dropping healthcare insurance left and right or dropping it altogether for people WHO ARE WORKING.

What do want to do? Turn these people away to die on the street? This problem increases the burden for every person in this country financially...which is why it needs to be fixed.

I went without health insurance while I was on unemployment for 2 months as Cobra was simply unaffordable. I had a terrible ear infection but didn't go to the doctor because the cost was to high...if it had gotten bad enough...I would have ended up in the emergency room with gigantic bills and would have most likely lost everything.

There are many problems with our health care system...but shouting out diatribes of how people are lazy is ridiculous.

Many people...even WITH insurance...are one accident away from bankruptcy.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by David9176

God Bless America

Kill a man - go the slam

and you can see a doc and get a course treatment

Shoot at an American soldier

get capped and you can see a doc and get course treatment

Do get high enough off your lazy ass and American cap other Americans

God Bless America! Eagles and Very tall horses and I guess a man is garbage
as I am a fascist

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:10 AM

Originally posted by jam321
reply to post by joey_hv

How about those that don't have health care INSURANCE get off their welfare asses and get a job so they can afford health care INSURANCE.

Many are working. They just can't afford the insurance or the employer offers no insurance.

I don't like this bill, but I see no need to stereotype my fellow Americans because of it.

Jam, as always, your fortitude is so hardcore it can travel thru fiber optic cables

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:21 AM
reply to post by David9176

You repeatedly ask for sources but cannot levy the proper use of their, there and they're?

As a highly independent thinker, I have been contemplating and researching this idea that health care is a 'right' or necessity that needs to be placed upon the populace via government control for a long time.

While some have argued it is a good thing and others it is a bad thing I have continued, and still continue to analyze it all.

A rough idea is that this is about control and not about the well being of citizens. Most believe it is a good thing because they are on the receiving end of the benefit.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:26 AM

Originally posted by jam321
Many are working. They just can't afford the insurance or the employer offers no insurance.

I only take issue to the 'can't afford the insurance' portion....

I was unemployed. paying 1000+ in child support, single father with two little ones to account for and yet I maintained catastrophic insurance during this time.

One cannot tell me that someone cannot afford some form of health insurance. Sacrifices were made no doubt, but they were made along, in accordance of my situation and for the best of my little boys.

Can you tell me how many have made sacrifices to maintain some form of health insurance? You would be astound to find out that many that could afford some form of health insurance simply do not pay because it would cut into their 'fun' portion of their budget......

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 02:49 AM
reply to post by Signals

So...she's the head of a health insurance company.

I'm going to walk a thin, slippery line here: I can understand someone who is an expert in the field of Health Insurance writing the bill (From a technical standpoint)- Who would want someone who's an expert in Aerospace trying to write the thing?

And right about there- my agreement with the whole blasted mess ENDS. We're still pawns in a giant corporate game of chess and tag mixed together, and the only ones coming out on top are the rich, fat *insert as many expletives here that you want* who should NOT be in control of the country.

To say this will end in tears is a really large understatement....

[edit on 31-3-2010 by wylekat]

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 03:46 AM
reply to post by David9176

Fowler is an English and/or Scots surname with a linguistic origin in the Old English fugelere, indicative of a person occupied as a bird-catcher.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 04:01 AM
All that had been field tested in Greece like the good little patient guinea pigs they are, you lucky Americans, you are going to have BOTH your social welfare system AND your own health insurance.
You're just going to get crappy service if you just fly with the social welfare but if you TIP the doctors you're going to have a much better service.
Voila! Both systems can coexist!
It's the Greek system that used to be called "fakelaki".

It even has its own wiki entry!

25$ be admitted to a non ghetto area hospital.
35$ convince the ambulance personnel its not time for an eating break and that they should be getting you at the nearest health care center ASAP.
50$ be checked by medical personnel in the same hour you enter the health center.
100$ be included in a list and wait for your turn for an examination.
200$ be examined right away from a doctor or a general pathologist.
400$ be examined right away from the doctor of the right expertise and be forwarded.
1000$ be fully committed in the medical facilities and treated from experienced medical personnel and not the trainees.
1500$ so the surgeon will not forget anything inside you while you are operated.
2000$ for all of the above an a nice corner room with view and occasionaly sunshine.
3000$ for also a private nurse.

All that plus the normal medical fees you would have been charged (plus the nurse) if you had stayed with the old health care bill.


[edit on 31-3-2010 by spacebot]

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 06:59 AM
I dont understand how on teh front page of ATS, a site that one would think would understand the games, the smoke, the mirrors that these a-holes play, there is always 2 or 3 HC threads of the main 4. HC reform essentially does nothing. It makes us buy health insurance, it sucks and is anti-constitutional, but in the long run all they are trying to do is divide, and make sure no one sees this one coming along:

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:21 AM
Well since I can't say how I really feel.

This will have to do.

I wish we could just put this insurance crony into a spaceship and blast her off into the Sun.

That should be subtle enough.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:36 AM
reply to post by David9176

That was a joke about Beck right? He is a joke, a sick sick person and a puppet. I think your kidding, no offence if you are not, just be careful with that slime ball.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:38 AM
Well, back the OP... Everyone who stated that the insurance companies, pharma, hospitals etc were against this were WRONG! Take a look at this list of K-Street Hustlers who supported HCR to the tune of about $122 MILLION dollars! So, to discover that the Bill was written by a health insurance insider doesn't suprise me in the least. The pieces so carefully hidden away are starting to emerge. Again, problem, reaction, solution!

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:46 AM
reply to post by kozmo
Of course they wrote it, they are the biggest beneficiary!

Them, and big government.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:50 AM
reply to post by wylekat

Yes, you are right, experts to write bills in their field, but an expert is not the same as a pay by insurance companies lawyers.

With millions of dollars of lobbying money to give away in congress.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:55 AM

Originally posted by David9176

You can vote them all won't matter. Not when the ones who fill the seats are still being lobbied by corporate powerhouses that don't give a S about the little man. Term limits will change nothing but the faces of corruption. The lobbyists writing the bills behind the scenes will remain hidden and will continue to go in/out of the revolving door.

So true.

People may not realize it, or are just becoming aware, but the system was always corrupt. The same sort of thing happened with President Bush and his cronies, as well as the Presidents before him. There will always be a certain level of it too, because it is the cost of political power. None of them are fully on your side no matter how much they shout that they are for the little man. Any politician is either complicit or directly involved in the way we do business here in the States.

Their owners are given more and more power over our lives and we are more and more dependent on them right down to our last penny. Otherwise they can't stay so far above us.

And if you should ever even be allowed to look into it properly...

"Dig six feet, find three bodies. But dig twelve feet, you find maybe forty.

We have laws against it precisely so we can get away with it. Corruption is our protection. Corruption keeps us safe and warm. Corruption is why you and I are prancing around in here instead of fighting over scraps of meat out in the streets. Corruption is why we win." - Jimmy Pope, Syriana

The corruption is just evolving and when one President sees how much they can get away with without public alarm (and people have been TOO silent just because of their political affiliation) the next one moves the goal post. This isn't just about Obama no matter what people want to believe and when you let YOUR party president get away with it, it will STILL come back and get you with the other.

In the end it gets all of us.

We seriously need a major overhaul and not just a new democrat or republican in the White House.

The problem is just too entrenched and they just keep us all fighting each other by labeling which group, progressives or conservatives, is the real enemy.

Honestly, we just can't even see this obvious shell-game, and I doubt we will anytime soon.

If we do, there goes the house of cards.

- Lee

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 07:59 AM
Well, for the record, I was for the bill that the health care corporations were lobbying against.. You remember, the one that had the public option? Then there were cries of socialism from the right. The dems compromised and dropped the public option. Now you see what we're stuck with instead?

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