reply to post by MR BOB
Dear ATS Members,
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year..
Firstly, allow me to apologise for calling you all monkey's, of course you are not and rightfully are entitled to your views and opinions of me. It
was wrong and uncouth of me, so I am sorry. Especially considering that a facebook page was organised to enlist support for the unfortunate and
unsuccessful stunt I pulled back on March 31st 2010. I would also like to apologise for my use of grammar on facebook, it also is not an exacting
forum for intelligent and reasonable discussion. My page is casual and I kept it that way. That's not to take away from the incredible people who use
the site, good discussion does go on there.
Outright I will say that the tribunal was definitely the wrong forum to even begin to broach a subject as all encompassing as Truth Amnesty/
Exopolitics or in a nutshell, UFOlogy. Now looking back I can see very easily that I was in error to do so. Though there was a background of
circumstances that lead to it, which on all accounts still makes sense to me today. From the outside looking in, and I can see how insane it is.
But I guess insane is only a perspective considering our Government bombs the hell out of countries and is complicit in mass murder with a view to
creating more peace. So, I will leave you to ponder that one.
Much has been posted about me on this forum, by many people most of whom I have not met. I can see your reasoning for holding the opinions that you
do, and in some cases I have given you just reason too. My lack of response or interaction on this site for one.
I will not try to explain myself too much, your opinion of me is not high enough for me to think you would believe any different anyway, and I am not
here to justify myself, only rectify this thread and make sure that I have voiced myself clear enough. I will not address everything that has been
labelled against me on this site, though will attempt to summarise the key points.
I'm an ordinary guy, it is clear that I am not a diplomat in the traditional or Government sense, and from that perspective I am not a diplomat at
all. The same goes for my Cosmic Security, it, of course is not issued by any traditional Government. By all accounts it is of my own making, and I
have never alluded to anything on the contrary. I was clear with UK Border security when I first came into the country with it in 2008, "I put it in
there". Yet I was still cleared to come through by the Border Agency.
Though there are some with high enough security clearances that do know of my involvement with things that as you would put it, are "above top
secret". I am not asking you to believe me, I do not require your belief. My vindication is that some rare people will know what I am talking about.
The same people who put me on a plane on August 26th 2006 in London when by all accounts I was not suppose to be flying.
As for my claims of free energy. do I have a device ? No, I do not. Do I know inventors with proof of concept, yes.. Like many people in this
community. Are some more private and further down the track than others, yes... They are... I have always tried to stress this point. I have also
always tried to stress that I did not know when I would be able to do this, I never gave it a fixed date.
I know when I speak I have a tendency to get carried away, I am excited by the prospect of ZeroPoint science. Have I ever alluded to the fact that I
understand the theoretical nature of it in detail? If someone can show me where I have, I would be happy to clarify myself. To many people I have
always said that I am simply an organiser. I have always only ever attempted to put the right people and money in the same space to create something,
this is the role of a producer, nothing more, and I am nothing more.
What has been my key area of focus is attempting to unlock large investment for promising inventors and scientists, including the alchemist. Thanks
Isaac, that's not just any "lump of slag" as you put it. Those who have taken the time, and who are lucky enough to hold the Alchemists trust know
well the stage of his science.
I notice that no-one has been able to refute the Platinum Cert's that I also brought into court.
You see, I lost access to my children because of what my Ex liked to call, "the UFO stuff". It was indeed all prevailing for me, (since I saw one
with my folks in Narrabri as a kid) and in my attempt to create something that might help the planet, I, like many other Father's and husbands am
responsible for letting my work overtake my family. I have paid a high price for that. I guess that's why providing proof of the contact event that
happened was such an emotive subject (because maybe I could prove I was not crazy and win my family back) and why, after much correspondence to
Government and Military the only place left to be heard, and the only hearing they would give me was my tribunal case. So I brought everything I had
to it. Was it desperation? Absolutely. Ask any other Father who has been through or is going through something similar, would they do anything in
their power to prove themselves to see their kids ? Would you ? I know I would, and I will continue to until my last breath.
I'd like to point out, that through this whole legal process I have been within the law. I am not hiding from UK authorities, quite the contrary. I
am now doing everything that the law requires of me to stay in the country. And UK Border Agency knows this.
Looking back, did I waste Government's time with the Exopolitical content? Probably, but lets be serious, I think Government does a good enough job
time and money wasting on their own. I'm sure with all the multiple Billions that they have, and considering your opinion of me I really didn't
concern them all too much. The world has kept turning.
Lets be further honest, anyone who has proper contacts knows about my involvement with UK intelligence. So is there people on this thread deliberately
slandering me ? Of course. But I asked for everything I was served here, so all if fair in love and war right!? Bless you.
As a Father I helped raise my Children, I was there at both their births and I love them. I have no alterior motives for being in this country. Where
I was born is a Paradise, I would love to go back there, but after a very long time of dealing with all this, I have come to the deep reasoning and
understanding that it is irresponsible of me to do so. So many Father's find it easy to just walk away, and men get labelled as being shallow because
of this. As a Father, I will do everything in my power to stay close to my children so that there remains a shred of opportunity that I may see them
again before they are so old I entirely miss their childhood. All who know me can agree, I am a good Father. I may be a bad businessman (considering
how many times I have failed attempting to give you ZeroPoint Energy), but in my heart I know I am a good Father. And my children deserve that, even
if you believe I don't. But this isn't for you to judge.
Be careful guys, because one day (and god forbid I would never wish it on any of you) you may find yourselves in the same place I was/am. Its very
easy to read a few things connect the dots the way the thread is flowing and cast dispersions. It takes more time to read between the lines of a
person, to know the personal circumstances.
There are agencies in the UK that still know mine, intimately. Better than you guys ever will, and they know how real the content I put on the Contact
Zero site is. Thats enough for me, and I would hope that it is enough for you. Without guys like me shaking the apple tree, you guys would have no-one
to bitch and moan at and nothing to discuss (jokes).
So, as for teleportation. Please read Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe", really contemplate the ramifications of the facts and research
that went into it, as ask yourself why not ? Why is it any more outlandish than the act of dreaming ? I guess you all missed the Scotsman article on
the American Military training their soldiers to, "walk through walls". Some rare children have these abilities from birth. I am sure there are
forums on your site about it for more information.
I for one dream, and will continue to dream of a better world, a world where I am a capable and loving Father who is close to his children ~ and a
world with technologies that help alleviate the third world, and where killing people to bring peace is deemed to be as stupid and unnecessary as it
actually is.
May you all have a wonderful and honest 2011 ~
I would be happy to go point for point with you Isaac on Radio one day in a civil and reasonable discussion with someone like Sandra Sabatini as
In Peace ~
Eliahi Priest
~ Remaining in Scotland ~ December 29th 2010 ~