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DISCLOSURE Tribunal 31st March UK~ Eliahi Priest

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posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 12:39 PM
I have waited for some time until finally reporting on this story, as like me, many ATS readers enjoy instant results...
Tomorrow, on Wednesday the 31st March, Eliahi Priest (will explain him in a minute) is attempting to take the U.K government to Court, in a tribunal, in Glasgow.

"The Material ELiahi will be bringing to light at the Tribunal with fact, evidence and Law can change the World forever ~ Including full official disclosure and proof of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Exotic Technologies and financial mechanisms to provide resources for global scale humanitarian initiatives."!/group.php?gid=356419616009&ref=mf

Eliahi Priest's website is;

This "contact zero" is an organisation created by Eliahi, with a few other people involved, which binds the ideas he holds and discusses, ones which ATS members will be familiar with e.g Zero Point energy suppression, Majest[y] 12, UFO disclosure, alchemy etc.

(I will try to be unbiased and non judgemental in the reporting of this man and his story, and leave judgement up to you).
As well as being a member of 'contact zero', he holds a position of authority in
Which strives for, " A transformation of the war industry into a peaceful World Cooperative Space Industry?", an idea that once again is supported by many ATS members.

Eliahi claims to have discovered, with help of some scientists (one which he frequently name drops, Malcolm Priest PHD), the Philosopher's stone, which can turn base metals into gold, in some elusive process.
In addition, he claims to have witnessed some kind of higher intelligent life form coming down from the clouds at one point in his life, undergoing reconnaissance.

If you watch any of Eliahi's videos, or read his (many) facebook notes and website articles, you may become frustrated at his hard-to-get-your head around barrage of words. He frequently mentions that he is a "world peace diplomat" whose authority has a signature of Hilary clinton on it to verify it's authenticity, the signature which I BELIEVE, to have been obtained through a loophole
(not formally from Mrs Clinton signing something that he wrote, and working with him personally).

His life situation is also a little confusing at first, he is a native Australian (with his first paranormal experience occurring to him at the age of 17) but has two children here in the UK, with a (presumably) English mother.
The tribunal on the said date (tomorrow)is also to do with his rights as a father;

Firstly as a loving Father to his two young children Eden and Arianna. If the Government succeed in forcibly removing ELiahi from the United Kingdom, it is unlikely he will have the opportunity to see his children. As a loving and committed Father, he has a right of access to his children in the United Kingdom."

While his speeches in his numerous videos, (accessible from Justin TV or from Facebook) may seem rambling and confusing(such as the repeated use of the term His frequent use of the term 'psy op'), there are some definitive positives about his work and ambitions.
Eliahi Priest does not offer ANYTHING to sell, he is NOT pushing some book or Workshop for a ridiculous amount of money (i.e David Wilcock or Steven Greer)(Steven Greer who he claims to have held dialogue with).
In a UFO community filled with men making money, this is refreshing to say the least.

Equally, you will become confident that he truly believes everything he says, and doesn't fear talking to members of authority with any information he has (in some of his video's, he telephones the court etc).

The main cause for my curiosity in this case, is his claim that tomorrow, on his court date, he will present the jury with evidence of ET intelligence, which is being hidden by the UK and US government.


posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 12:48 PM
I encourage you all to read as much as you can about him, the best source of info being from him directly, his Facebook page (at the bottom of post), and the facebook group page.

I would like to know people's opinions on the man after reading about him and his opinions.

Also, what will become of tomorrow? Many of his followers predict a systematic collapse of the Military industrial complex, because of the information he shares with the Jury;

While this may be a tad unbelievable, it will be fascinating to watch the story unfold.
Tomorrow, he will likely release videos of himself leaving the court, with a story to tell.
I would like to know what a judge will say when he is confronted with this "evidence" that Eliahi supposedly holds.

I'm more than happy to answer any questions about Eliahi (not that I know him that well) but I can probably point you in the right direction.

Please join me in watching this story unfold, there have already been some big twists in the situation.
(such as his partner being forcibly taken to a hospital for an evening!)

Happy Researching, and lets hope that some form of change, be it in UK government ET clarity (IF there is information on ET's that can be clarified) or anything of interest.
I should finally mention, that Steve Bassett is a member of the facebook group, supporting the cause.

Tell me your opinions!

Facebook group:!/group.php?v=wall&ref=mf&gid=356419616009

Eliahi's facebook page:!/profile.php?id=608079041&ref=ts

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 12:58 PM
Ive been following Eliahi Priest for a while, hes doing a lot of work with Alfred Webre of Exopolitics, here a link from an article I found that is very relevant

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:14 PM
I also have a video of Eliahi Priest here talking about The Truth Amnesty~UK Disclosure ~ ZeroPoint Energy

[edit on 30-3-2010 by cosmodromia tis parnasida]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:29 PM
I don't know whether to laugh, cry or take hostages.

Wait...I think I've used that one before. Oh well, it still applies to this asininity.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:30 PM
S&F for you. Keep us posted will you. Hopefully

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:31 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

I would suggest cry, because that is what people in denial usually do. Thanks for the great info OP. Will be following along, and will also go through all this info when I get back from work. S+F

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:33 PM
ok, I will hold my breath and wait for this one.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:59 PM
Interesting. First off, I would imagine 'psy ops' refers to things like remote viewing for spying purposes and so on; basically phychic operations. But I have never even heard of this man before, so that's just assumption really.

I doubt this will go far, unless he really does have some seriously compelling evidence. A judge is not going to find in his favour lightly, given what that could do to his (the judge's) reputation and, possibly, job.

It'll be interesting nonetheless, and I'll find and watch some of his videos.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:01 PM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
I would suggest cry, because that is what people in denial usually do. Thanks for the great info OP. Will be following along, and will also go through all this info when I get back from work.

I like you. You'll believe anything.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:07 PM
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

what harm is there in believeing that maybe, yes maybe there are good people out there trying to do good things for the benefit of mankind, its your right to believe what you want, but dont attack other peoples beliefs, thats immature and not needed

[edit on 30-3-2010 by cosmodromia tis parnasida]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:20 PM

Originally posted by cosmodromia tis parnasida
what harm is there in believeing that maybe, yes maybe there are good people out there trying to do good things for the benefit of mankind, its your right to believe what you want, but dont attack other peoples beliefs, thats immature and not needed.

Believing something just because it feels good is very harmful.

Fact is, people like Elijah need to be mocked and ridiculued as does anyone who buys their snake-oil-by-way-of-ufology. They do great harm and hamper any serious study of this subject. As do those who will believe anything and everything, as long as it's what they want to hear.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:28 PM
""I don't know whether to laugh, cry or take hostages. ""

Take hostages, take them as far away from the *real* UFO field of research as you possibly can. Being lumped in the same category as these types of people is embarrassing beyond belief.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:28 PM
But then isnt the idea that good people dont exsist anymore just as harmful? I understand where you are coming from, but my opinion differs thats the beauty of a free society

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 03:19 PM
First of all WOW! if this guy pulls this of he'll become the man of the millennium. It'll be alot better if they filmed court cases here in the U.K to watch live so we dont miss a thing. Theres 3 ways this will go..

1, the judge will just laugh and send him of home.
2. the government wont let him say what he has to say (coruped judge/government)
3. the world changes for the better from tomorrow.

I personaly hope No3 but hey thats just me.



posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 04:48 PM
reply to post by ThinAir

I don't think much is going to happen, don't get me wrong, i would like to see it happen but there is something that bothers me.

He claims to have worldwide security clearance. If he does have that clearance why not flood the internet and the news with the documents he can obtain with that clearance, instead of playing by "their" rules via courts and so on.
Seems a very risky game to play if he is telling the truth.

I hope tomorrow will yield results but i am very doubtfull.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:00 PM
on't even know who this person is but I'm rooting for him, Woo hoo!
You GO Eliahi!

We need as many whistler-blowers pressing for disclosure.

reply to post by TÖP_BÜZzËR

I’d say the odds are leaning more and more to# 3, from now on regardless that this person succeeds or not. The stupid human paradigm is getting tedious, don’t you find?

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 05:11 PM

that is why we are each all here on terra-earth in our own special way

may his, and those with him, endeavors be quite successfull in raising human awakening


posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 06:23 PM
It'll be fun to see what kind of evidence he presents.

Hopefully it won't increase the credibility to the government too much; With more and more of these nutters they can easily shrug off the more professional studies which actually present real arguments.

Or he could just flip the world upside down, turn my deodorant into an aphrodisiac, create genetically modified flying pigs and.. Well you get the gist of it – actually do something good.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by aboveGoos]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 06:26 PM
@ Doomsday Rex:

I do share your pessimistic attitude, however you state he is a snake oil salesman, this man is selling nothing.
While I hold no belief to this person, I do believe his case is worth observing.

@Saturn FX;
well you wont have to hold your breath long, the court case is at 10:00 AM, UK time, today!

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