I have waited for some time until finally reporting on this story, as like me, many ATS readers enjoy instant results...
Tomorrow, on Wednesday the 31st March, Eliahi Priest (will explain him in a minute) is attempting to take the U.K government to Court, in a tribunal,
in Glasgow.
"The Material ELiahi will be bringing to light at the Tribunal with fact, evidence and Law can change the World forever ~ Including full official
disclosure and proof of Extraterrestrial Intelligence, Exotic Technologies and financial mechanisms to provide resources for global scale humanitarian
Eliahi Priest's website is;
This "contact zero" is an organisation created by Eliahi, with a few other people involved, which binds the ideas he holds and discusses, ones which
ATS members will be familiar with e.g Zero Point energy suppression, Majest[y] 12, UFO disclosure, alchemy etc.
(I will try to be unbiased and non judgemental in the reporting of this man and his story, and leave judgement up to you).
As well as being a member of 'contact zero', he holds a position of authority in
Which strives for, " A transformation of the war industry into a peaceful World Cooperative Space Industry?", an idea that once again is supported
by many ATS members.
Eliahi claims to have discovered, with help of some scientists (one which he frequently name drops, Malcolm Priest PHD), the Philosopher's stone,
which can turn base metals into gold, in some elusive process.
In addition, he claims to have witnessed some kind of higher intelligent life form coming down from the clouds at one point in his life, undergoing
If you watch any of Eliahi's videos, or read his (many) facebook notes and website articles, you may become frustrated at his hard-to-get-your head
around barrage of words. He frequently mentions that he is a "world peace diplomat" whose authority has a signature of Hilary clinton on it to
verify it's authenticity, the signature which I BELIEVE, to have been obtained through a loophole
(not formally from Mrs Clinton signing something that he wrote, and working with him personally).
His life situation is also a little confusing at first, he is a native Australian (with his first paranormal experience occurring to him at the age of
17) but has two children here in the UK, with a (presumably) English mother.
The tribunal on the said date (tomorrow)is also to do with his rights as a father;
Firstly as a loving Father to his two young children Eden and Arianna. If the Government succeed in forcibly removing ELiahi from the United Kingdom,
it is unlikely he will have the opportunity to see his children. As a loving and committed Father, he has a right of access to his children in the
United Kingdom."
While his speeches in his numerous videos, (accessible from Justin TV or from Facebook) may seem rambling and confusing(such as the repeated use of
the term His frequent use of the term 'psy op'), there are some definitive positives about his work and ambitions.
Eliahi Priest does not offer ANYTHING to sell, he is NOT pushing some book or Workshop for a ridiculous amount of money (i.e David Wilcock or Steven
Greer)(Steven Greer who he claims to have held dialogue with).
In a UFO community filled with men making money, this is refreshing to say the least.
Equally, you will become confident that he truly believes everything he says, and doesn't fear talking to members of authority with any information
he has (in some of his video's, he telephones the court etc).
The main cause for my curiosity in this case, is his claim that tomorrow, on his court date, he will present the jury with evidence of ET
intelligence, which is being hidden by the UK and US government.