posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 12:28 PM
reply to post by muzzleflash
I thought for some time about writing a response to your post. I came to the conclusion that you didn't watch the video or you just hate cops
If you didn't watch the 2nd video-a few minutes long-please do. It is all pretty well told the events that lead up to the OPing Video.
As to the Police using their partol bikes at trained. I think you wasted you finger energy on that point. But, in case Im wrong. What I wanted to
say was in response to the original question of if the cop should be arrested etc.
The point of using the bikes as trained was for the purpose of: The officer won't be arrested as her defense is she was doing exactly what was
authorized by the Mayor/Gov to do and what she was trained to do. Therefore, any court/jury would not be able to do anything with the individual
officer-per se.
Perfect example is the Rodney King incident: I am sure you and everyone else was cringing in their seats as they watch King get beat on by the cops
with their batons.
Well, what you most didn't see was the events leading up to the beating. (another whole thread). Anyway, the cops on the scene were faced with a
situation in which they were trained to handle-not to mention there was a supervisor on scene (again another thread). They proceeded to act as
trained and directed to do-the jury agreed (not with the training-which was eventually changed a little) and the cops got cleaned of the charges. You
know the rest.
I'm sorry you don't agree with how I put my thoughts out about what happened but you don't need to focus your anger or whatever at me.
The one unsigned contract that EVERY US CITIZEN and person living here has to agree with is: You break our laws and you will be held accountable or
forced to comply.
The only way the contract can be broken, other than changing the law, is for the person to leave the country. I opted to play by the rules (for the
most part ;] Well, what are you gonna do?