posted on Apr, 1 2010 @ 12:28 PM
After the above....On a much more serious note,
those "Survivalists" who keep dreaming of Hunting, Fishing
and Growing Food & Vegetables are just that....DREAMING!
Because in a true SHTF (S*** Hits The Fan) situation,
the original calamity would have been caused by war,
large scale natural disaster, mass-scale disease or
cataclysmic geologic or space impact event where
a large portion of the environment would be completely
WIPED OUT or so heavily polluted by radiation and general
contamination that there would be little that is fit to eat
and drink!
There WILL NOT BE ANYTHING to hunt or fish for OR those
resources in themselves would be so contaminated that
large scale die-off would be highly likely leaving LITTLE
OR NOTHING as a practical food source.
What the original disaster didn't finish off, the cold
and damp of winter WILL !!!! What YOU MUST DO is
have enough food and general supplies to last at least
TWO YEARS preferably FIVE where you live quite literally
in an underground bunker or, at the very least, in an easily
defendable compound with enough LARGE-SCALE weapons
to fend off the likely 5,000 to 500,000 refugees who will be
crowding around YOUR space looking for something to eat.
In such a scenario the only practical way to defend yourself
QUICKLY is by using Chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction
because those refugees will quite literally be a stark raving
mad mob of lunatics and crazies looking for something to eat!
I'm not saying this is what you SHOULD DO, what I am saying
is that in a SHTF scenarios the basic rules of society go completely
right out the window and if you want YOUR GENES to survive
and pass on to the next generation, you may need to do some
pretty despicable things in order to prevent yourself from
getting caught up in a mass mob that in the end will simply
cannibalize itself until the population dies off enough to
be able to be supported by it's immediate physical environment.
In the end they'll be half-starved, brain-wasted semi-humans
where it may be better to put them out of their misery than
allow them to further destroy what little natural environment
there will be left.
What is better? Total Human Extinction or saving
the few that that have the ability & intelligence to
actually SURVIVE & PROSPER in an extremely difficult
post-apocalyptic environment by killing off the
weak and dangerous!
Again, you need AT LEAST TWO TO FIVE YEARS of basic supplies
and mass-destruction scale weapons PLUS enough seed supplies
and farm tools to implement a practical, self-supporting
food sourcing operation to serve the best & brightest of the
post-apocalyptic generation and where possible, TO KILL OFF
the portion of society that will cause danger to your compatriots
by way of excessive population, disease, war or famine.
It's better to have a few saved souls than have none at all!
[edit on 2010/4/1 by StargateSG7]
[edit on 2010/4/1 by StargateSG7]