posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:22 PM
Hey all,
Finally was able to join ATS after 3 years of lurking on these forums and checking them daily.
Anyway, My name is Matt, I am 21. I am a pizza joint manager by day, and a crime fighting kabuki man by night. (Not really but one can dream,
I enjoy Computer Repair, Honda Auto repair, writing fiction, movies, TV shows.
I enjoy reading about alternative history, conspiracies, ancient astronauts, and lost civilizations.
I can't stand people who go about their lives without any clue as to the enormity of what we would call the "real world." They go about life ina
dream like state, content only to pay there bills, f**k, eat, and sleep. We all think that they are the ones who need saving. Perhaps we are the ones
who need to be put back to sleep.
Anyway, peace and hair grease.