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The Myth of Pedophile Priests

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posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:20 PM
This is a good is shocking how the Catholic Church is being demonized for its human frailties. Teachers, ministers of other faiths...and not to mention the atrocities done to children especially girls in some stirct adherents to the muslim faith...girls married off legally at age 12, 13, 14.... It is the Catholic Church they attack.

Check any newspaper in any major city and you will find stories of how people abuse children. What many see as a cover up...was a mistake. Some of these bishops were not equipped to handle the situation and erred on the side of forgiveness. This was a Terrible sister was abused by a neighbor and my friend by a father on the school bus on a class field trip...neither of these men were prosecuted.

Stop vilifying a organization made up of frail human beings, who just like you are trying to do the right thing every day. Prosecute the few criminal offenders but stop this guilt by association. Every time you pre-judge a Catholic because of the sins of a few, you accuse one billion people...that is not fair.

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:33 PM
reply to post by FortAnthem

Of course, this selective outrage probably should not surprise us at all, as we have seen many other examples of the phenomenon in recent years when it comes to the issue of sexual abuse. To cite but two: In 2004, Professor Carol Shakeshaft documented the wide-spread problem of sexual abuse of minors in our nation’s public schools (the study can be found here). In 2007, the Associated Press issued a series of investigative reports that also showed the numerous examples of sexual abuse by educators against public school students. Both the Shakeshaft study and the AP reports were essentially ignored, as papers such as the New York Times only seem to have priests in their crosshairs.

[edit on 26-4-2010 by baddmove]

posted on Apr, 26 2010 @ 10:58 PM
Okay even if everything that guy said in that article is true. A group that boasts about its connection to god and how much of a moral compas they are should have closer to 0 cases. I know nobody is perfect and every group has their bad seeds but the way things are right now, if i heard the chief of police was a child molester i would be suprised, if i heard that he was transfered from county to county to cover it up i would be suprised. When the news tells me about another priest that was molesting children i am not suprised and when i hear about how they were transfered around to cover it up im not suprised i expect it.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 12:47 AM
I don't think it's any secret that Rome has been prophesied to fall soon

And to me, it's pretty clear that Rome is dliberately accelerating its own collapse

By prevariacating, making excuses, pretending to be reluctant to acknowledge the problem of paedophilia, etc., the Pope is of course creating opposition and outrage. Which in turn results in people (some quite prominent, but probably on the payroll) calling for the 'arrest of the Pope', etc.

In other words, all according to plan

People (whose emotions are played like violins by the media, the cabals, etc.) are now inflamed by scenes of priestly-paedophilia playing on the screens of their imaginations

This emerges in emotions of outrage, fury

Devout believers scramble to put things in perspective; cite statistics including the numbers of clergy of other religious denominations who are also charged with the same offences quite regularly

Those working the 'Bring down the Roman church' angle have been tutored to swiftly leap in and silence them

And the spin-off is the creation of just more of the Divide and Conquer tactic to which we're all exposed, in in many forms (politics being central formost) on hourly basis

Then there are those who've watched this all unfold over the past 10 to 20 years. Have watched the build-up, which has included regular 'news reports' about alleged paedophile priests. The public has been primed for years via the propaganda arm of the NWO (the whore media)

All leading to the planned demolition of the Roman church

which in turn must occur

in order to eventually usher in the One World Religion

Yes of course there are paedophile priests in the Roman Church

and within the Protestant religions

and certainly within Judaism

and Islam


Circumstance and opportunity applies to paedophile and other crimes

Babysitters molest and sexually abuse children

So do parents

and relatives of every stripe




teachers, child-care workers, home-tutors

swimming teachers

dance teachers

music teachers

gym teachers



Guide and Scout leaders

foster parents

adoptive parents

grocery deliverers




posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 01:24 AM
When u look at the romans a long time ago. Their leaders and senate were into all sorts of strange sexual perversion. Now the vatican is the same. They are just an offspring of the same empire from long ago.

It's not just priests that are Pedo's. Look at the 'Hollie Greig' scandal in Scotland. A judge, High Police officials, Lawyers, accountants, social workers, nurses.......They are all involved in paedophilia. And worst of all the Scottish and UK governments are covering it up.

The people of the world have been deceived by the elite. The elite of this world are abusing our children. The people of this world should unite against our Pedo elite!!!

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:13 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
All religious groups have pedophile scandals, and the Catholics (while the largest religious group) are at the bottom of the list statistically.

true, but what i think has everyone so upset is that the RCC covered it up. so while statistically, they may not be the worse, thier attitude and contempt when it comes to "cleaning up house" is what makes its so public.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:38 AM
Public de-willy-fication. With a miniture guillotene.

That'll fix it proper. For priests and uncles too.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:44 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem

Is pedophilia a result of celibacy or more prevalent in the Catholic Church?

Maybe not.

Too right being celibate has nothing to do with this. I have been celibate all my life and once your past a certain due mainly to peer pressure, you really do not care if you never have sex, and i am glad i made that choice when i was young.

I think the priests who offend are just the ones who refused to accept they where queer, and ran of to the church to just not face it. It has nothing to do with being celibate,a s the real priests will tell you once your after a certain age, sex and wanting it, really does not matter to you, and you can easily live without it, although that does not ever stop having sexual feelings.

The person who did the study too is right that most child abuse happens in the homes, and that is where married couples are, so that has nothing to do with being celibate does it.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by miriam0566

Originally posted by FortAnthem
All religious groups have pedophile scandals, and the Catholics (while the largest religious group) are at the bottom of the list statistically.

true, but what i think has everyone so upset is that the RCC covered it up. so while statistically, they may not be the worse, their attitude and contempt when it comes to "cleaning up house" is what makes its so public.

I'm not saying that the Church didn't handle this issue badly. They screwed up big time by trying to cover up the sex abuse.

My point in posting this was to take on the media inspired notion that pedophilia is widespread throughout the Church. To hear the MSM tell it, you would think that nearly all priests were closeted kiddy-fiddlers.

It also points out the media bias regarding how they constantly focus on Church abuse stories while virtually ignoring the widespread incidents that occur in the school system and other areas of society.

The media would have people think that pedophilia is solely a Catholic problem. This is not true, pedophilia is a HUMAN problem that affects every area of society.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 09:58 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
My point in posting this was to take on the media inspired notion that pedophilia is widespread throughout the Church. To hear the MSM tell it, you would think that nearly all priests were closeted kiddy-fiddlers.

i see your point, but.. if the church reacts in a way that is ethically filthy, what does that say about the organization as a whole?

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 10:02 AM
Just look at how the boy scouts had plenty of these problems too, the problem has nothing to do with being celibate.

Of course being celibate maybe will not bring happiness to people, but it does not turn them into raging sex monsters lol. Ask any decent priest, and they will tell you. No one on earth as an adult does not think about sex, as thats just a human thing, but that does not mean they want it.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 10:09 AM

Originally posted by oppaperclip
You know this priest is full of crap. here's an interesting statistic, 100% of priests that had sex with underage boys are pedophiles.

People throw the term around without knowing what they are talking about. A pedophile is defined as one who is attracted to pre-pubescent children. Not all underage kids are pre-pubescent. And to be a real stickler, it describes older adolescents who are attracted to pre-pubescent children. A more correct statement would be that they are all afflicted with paraphilia. Look at the latest DSM. In any event, they are all evil baby-raping criminals.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 10:12 AM

Originally posted by miriam0566

i see your point, but.. if the church reacts in a way that is ethically filthy, what does that say about the organization as a whole?

The Church did not do anything ethically filthy. People inside the Church were the ones who acted to cover up the crimes.

Their motives could have been; a false sense of charity toward the offender (who they believed could be cured), the desire to protect the Church from scandal, fear of costly lawsuits and, in some cases, even the desire to cover for their fellow child molesters. In many cases the cover up was a gross error in judgment for the individual involved. There are some cases where it is highly likely that the abuse was covered up by a bishop or Church authority who was complicit in the crime.

The blame for the errors in judgment or complicity in the crimes falls squarely on the shoulders of the individuals involved, not on the Church as an institution.

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 11:46 AM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
The blame for the errors in judgment or complicity in the crimes falls squarely on the shoulders of the individuals involved, not on the Church as an institution.

the church is the people.

i understand what you mean but we are talking about obstruction of justice that goes all the way up to its leadership

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 03:58 PM

Was the Church wrong to cover up the pedophilia scandals?
Hell yeah it was. I hope Pope John Paul II and all of those involved in the cover-up burn in hell for what they have done. ( I know it's bad to say that but, it's just how I feel)
Is pedophilia a result of celibacy or more prevalent in the Catholic Church?
Maybe not. This may be a case of media exaggeration. But then again, who are we to question the wisdom of the MSM?
[edit on 3/29/10 by FortAnthem]

The MYTH of pedophile priests?
As if pedophile priests don't exist?

What a load of rot.

This church systematically raped and tortured THOUSANDS of children and covered it up for decades.

And you pretend it's a MYTH ?

So many people lining up to support and condone the RAPE and TORTURE of THOUSANDS of children.



posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:00 PM

Originally posted by Target Earth
Priest fall into a very low % of molestation cases...I think 99% of all cases are friends or family. the other 1% percent is Clergy. The Media likes to pump up the statistics, and turn every priest into a monster, and so do all Comics, and the reason they go after Christians, Christians don't cut people's heads off.

Another person supporting the systematic RAPE and TORTURE of thousands of children, and it's cover-up for decades.

Priests who RAPE and TORTURE is OK -
because OTHER people do it - right, Target Earth?


posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:03 PM

Originally posted by Chance321
Not taking sides here, but. Has anyone stopped to wonder why it's just the Catholic church that's being targeted? I'm not saying it's not happening, it is and those guilty should be punished severly, but if this is happening at one why not the other religious institutions?

It IS happening to other churches.
If you bother to look.

The issue is that the Catholics have supported and condoned it for decades - allowing priests to continue rapeing and torturing more children.

The pope himself is part of the cover-up.


posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:05 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
This is a good is shocking how the Catholic Church is being demonized for its human frailties.

They RAPE and TORTURE children, then cover-it up.

How disgusting that you condone that evil.


posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:09 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
My point in posting this was to take on the media inspired notion that pedophilia is widespread throughout the Church. To hear the MSM tell it, you would think that nearly all priests were closeted kiddy-fiddlers.

4-5% of priests are abusers.
THOUSANDS of cases in recent time.
Many many more of the past millenium.

You are going out of your way to support and condone the systemic RAPE and TORTURE of children, and it's cover-up.

The organisation is corrupt, it condones and covers-up rape and torture for years.

Why on earth are you finding excuses for this evil?
What is wrong with you?

Originally posted by FortAnthem
The media would have people think that pedophilia is solely a Catholic problem. This is not true, pedophilia is a HUMAN problem that affects every area of society.

What nonsense.
We all know it's a widespread problem.

No-one thinks it's just the church, not the media, not anyone here.
You just made that up.

one of the places we DO see widespread RAPE and TORTURE of children is in the Catholic church - so we want to stamp it out in that place.

When we see it in OTHER places, we do the same.

Why do YOU want to CONDONE and IGNORE this one place where evil happens?

Just because it happens elsewhere?

Answer specifically :

Do you
* condone
the churches numerous rape and torture of children?


[edit on 27-4-2010 by Kapyong]

posted on Apr, 27 2010 @ 04:15 PM

Originally posted by FortAnthem
The Church did not do anything ethically filthy.

Church authorities covered-up the systematic rape and torture of 1000s of children.

But hey - that's OK with FortAnthem.

Who goes out of his way to condone and excuse the repeated and systematic rape and torture of children, and it's cover up.

All fine - according to FortAnthem.


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