posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 09:29 AM
Fuzball ... here's how you bring God down
By not worshiping Him. It really gets him down.
Your post doesn't really equate with your statement. You can't bring down God in some sort of conflict or fight. He will win in the end.
You can dissapoint him, by not knowing him, turning your back on him, or outright challenging his authority.
The last two are what the angels did.
Satan, challenged God's authority in his jealousy over our creation. It is so sad, I see so many threads that ask questions about bible beleifs,
and really all you need to do is open your bible. Read the first bit of Genesis, read the first bit of Job...there the issue of sovereignty are most
clearly raised. (sovereignty = right to rule)
The angels are allowed freedom of choice just like we are...they can chose to remain in Gods love, or chose to dissobey him.
God is allowing the rebellions and dissentions in order that we, yes us his most precious creation to realize that we can't/don't want to live
without Him, or outside his authority. He is allowing us and Satan time to prove that anyway we try we cannot rule ourselves justly.
Its that simple.
We Cannot Rule Ourselves Justly.
God allowes the rebellion to be kind. If He just thwarted Satan in the begining when enticing Eve to dissobey God, that wouldn't have been allowing
freedom of choice. God wants us to chose to serve him, so, he is allowing Satan to have control of this world until WE prove to ourselves that we
cannot live without Him. Imagine living the way God originally inteded for a perfect world, with perfect bodys free of sickness and unlimited
potential, forever dwelling as his companions.
Unless of course we desire the power and the glory for ouselves...then we have no place in his Kingdom.
So...we can't kill him, but only deaden our hearts and mind to him