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Tea Partiers, Birthers, Deathers, outer fringe, anti-government militias: hate groups...

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:14 PM
I'm sure there are lunatics that believe Obama is the Anti-Christ and are willing to murder him for it. Murdering cops and then attacking the funeral? PErhaps, I just don't know for sure. But besides the fact-or-fiction aspect of this latest story, I couldn't help but cringe when Olbermann seemed to jump on the opportunity to do some more generalizing and demonizing of entire groups of people that in essence have only one thing in common: distrust of the government.

The way they are lumping all these different groups together (after coming up with labels that even rhyme) and demonize ANYBODY wary of the corruption and distrustful of the government is painful to watch. What happened to journalism?

Does Keith Olbermann not see that he's applying the same techniques (generalize then demonize) as those he's pretending to be so appalled against? (rascism)

So if you were wondering what all this birth certificate fuss is about... you must be in a hate group.

In case you were upset by the way things are done in DC and you were looking into the tea bag movement... you must be in a hate group.

If you are 'outer fringe' (regardless on which side of the spectrum) you must be in a hate group.

If you are anti-government: Hate group...

And he didn't say it, because he didn';t need to say it in order for people to make the subconscious connection:

If you are a 911 Truther: Hate Group.

Oh and you're armed.
And you believe Obama is the Anti-Christ, simply because he is black and you are a hater.
And you may fly a plane into the building of the IRS, or throw bombs at a police officers' funeral.
Yes, you are a terrorist.
A domestic threat,
enemy belligerent.

You are the AXIS of PURE EVIL... just because you watched a youtube video and now you doubt whether or not the government is telling you the truth about Roswell.

You fringe lunatic, racist Birther, ignorant Deather tea-bagger, gun wielding foam-at-the-mouth tinfoil Al-Qaeda supporter, enemy belligerent home grown domestic TERRORIST!!!!

This demonizing of everyone who is critical of the Obama administration is pathetic, cowardly and just a really low level to stoop to. How low can you go? In partisan politics designed to divide and conquer the masses, there is no ultimate depth. Every day they can go lower and lower.

Shame on you Olbermann, you are nothing but the flipside of the coin, with Glen Beck and the likes on the other side... tugging at people's strings to keep the machine oiled and running, to keep the profits flowing, away from the people, straight into the bottomless pockets of the true rulers of this planet: the Corporations.

And no I am not a Conservative or Republican, or Liberal, or Democrat; I've never fallen for this divide and conquer crap.

Things aren't as black and white as they would like us to think, and anyone who thinks the people can be equally and correctly divided into two camps is a complete fool.

Dear ATS, recognize it when you see it:

1 - Generalize
2 - Demonize
3 - Divide
4 - Conquer


mod edit, sexually explicit term

[edit on Mon Mar 29 2010 by DontTreadOnMe]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:20 PM
good post on that.... I get tired of being lumped into categories because I have weapons, because I speak out over the obama, and because I support the constitution...

olberman is an idiot... and frnakly I often wonder why this guy is still on the air... some one has got to be desperate...

Oh... and yes, I cling to my guns and my bible and have antipathy towards others....well that is partly accurate. I do not care for the guy and that is a fact but as for any and most people I know that speak out against him to be linked up with some fringe elelment like the militia outfit is nuts and pure idiotic..

The guy is gone in a few years anyways...

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:21 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Pianist

Does Keith Olbermann not see that he's applying the same techniques (generalize then demonize) as those he's pretending to be so appalled against? (rascism)

Ofcourse he sees it and keeps applying it over and over, willingly and gleefully!

Olberman is no different than Glenn Beck, O'Reilly or Rachel Maddow, they talk out of both sides of their mouth. It's never alright for the "other side" (not that there really is one), to voice their opinion, only themselves.

I wish people would realize what a shill game is really being played out in the MSM everyday. As long as they can keep us entertained with left vs right #e, we'll never see reality!!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:22 PM

Originally posted by Conspiracy Pianist
And he didn't say it,

No, he didn't say it. He didn't say ANY of the stuff in your post. Except for the title. The rest is from YOUR brain.

Keith is far left. I think that's pretty clear. But you're piling a whole bunch of crap up on him that he didn't say at all. Just because YOU perceive these things doesn't mean you can rightfully blame him for saying them. He didn't.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:23 PM
reply to post by lilwolf

Olberman is worse than an idiot, he's a lunatic, and he screams like an insane old lady to get his point across!

Edit to add that is just as bad with Beck, all his fake crying and blubbering just make my stomach churn. They are both lunatics!

[edit on 3/29/10 by jennybee35]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:30 PM
reply to post by Benevolent Heretic

Sure he didn't say it.

BTW, I always thought I was far left as well, being a gnostic anarchist and all... who doesn't own a gun or Bible, never read the Constitution and has a hard time coming up with any sensible reason to be racist or Homophobic with a gay sister and a black sister-in-law whom I both love dearly.

...I think it's fairly safe to say that my observations aren't in the least tainted by subjectivity.

But ever since I came to the USA and witnessed the deep divide amongst the people here (Left vs. Right) I don't consider myself 'Left' anymore. It's a stupid play on the people, nothing else.

And he didn't say it, like I said, but you know it just has a nice ring to it:

Birther, Deather, Truther....

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:33 PM

Originally posted by jennybee35
reply to post by lilwolf

Olberman is worse than an idiot, he's a lunatic, and he screams like an insane old lady to get his point across!

Edit to add that is just as bad with Beck, all his fake crying and blubbering just make my stomach churn. They are both lunatics!

[edit on 3/29/10 by jennybee35]

I do indeed agree...I watch beck now and then but not to the point of becoming obsessed with him... sometimes he is dead on, and others well, I am not to sure...

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:42 PM
SO, SO sick of these guys.... It is insulting.

Tea Klux Klan.... wow

[edit on 29-3-2010 by infolurker]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:50 PM
Before Obama was elected I had the idea that he might end up being assassinated as a false flag for racial tension and to put some muscle behind Homeland Security.

Now I can add all this and Obama being a former muslim it could also be attributed to Iran.

Say he was killed and the assassin(s) remained at large for awhile. The media could run through the list of possibilities and create all kinds of havoc and then finally land on Iran to start another war.

The reasons for tptb to knock him off keep mounting.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:51 PM
reply to post by infolurker

this guy is a pathetic piece of pig dung... but for now he has the constitutional right to say as he wishes... (for now)

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:00 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Pianist

Its never okay to hate people due to skin color. But go ahead and hate people if they have different political views then you. It is true because Keith Olbermann says so.

If you hate taxes you are not a person. You are a teabagger. Teabaggers are to be hated. You are not to be respected.

If you don't know if Obama was born in Hawaii you are not a person. You are a birther. Birthers are to be hated. You are not to be respected.

If you have any beliefs that are not common, you are not a person. You are a lunatic fringe. The lunatic fringe is to be hated. You are not to be associated with.

If you have a different idea of a good government, you are not a person. You are anti-government. Anti-government freaks are to be hated. You are not to be loved.

If you are member of the group that won the revolutionary war and was intended to be the defense force for America, militias, you are not a person. You are to be hated. You are not an equal.

The only people to be appreciated are black people, Keith Olbermann, and those who share most of his views. Keith Olbermann says so and that is final.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:09 PM
reply to post by truthquest

I am not sure if you were making light of him or if you are serious there...

but either way i am a milita person and I am proud of supporting the constitution, all military people, rights to life, and about a hundred other things... but i am not an evil person or a bad guy... just an american.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:55 PM
reply to post by Idiot232

Before Obama was elected I had the idea that he might end up being assassinated as a false flag for racial tension and to put some muscle behind Homeland Security. Now I can add all this and Obama being a former muslim it could also be attributed to Iran.

Obama isn't a muslim. Obama is a 32° FREEMASON, of Prince Hall Lodge. The Freemasonry is using him as a SCAPEGOAT to spark a racial tension. You got the point. If Obama was killed and an ethnic civil war happens in USA, the Freemasonry and the Pentagon will install Martial Law and the democracy is OVER. Once it's done, USA falls and the European Freemasonry submitted to the British Royal family, will install a world dictatorship though UN. I'm baffled the american people is totally biting this bate. They are completely blind and can't see what's going on: Illuminati Freemasonry NWO agenda.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by ucalien]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:02 PM
Olbermann's just pissed cause fox News and CNN get more viewers than his network shows combined. Plus he's a moron and nearly useless.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Conspiracy Pianist

Let me continue your title there....... 'communists, terrorist sympathizers, anti-american, anti-military.....' you that there? Thats an extension of what the opposition was labelled during the Bush administration. So where were these folks acting outraged now? They were standing behind Palin insisting that Iraq was 'Gods war', they were standing on the opposite side calling folks 'anti military' because they opposed the war.

You want to talk about groups being infiltrated and spied on unfairly?

And yet this was all necessary to 'fight em terrorists and muslims' back then you know?

See I dont care if people want to form their little groups and play 'make-believe' with their guns and their uniforms. People are free to do that, people are free to form militia's purely for defense. We should note however that rightwing groups are not being singled out in this case however when people are critical. Left wing groups were equally treated with suspicion and labels back then post 9-11.

We dont know much about this militia and why they were infiltrated. Nobody can say they were 'completely innocent and peaceful', but then again nobody can say they were 'guilty'. We dont know all the information about this case and I see alot of people jumping the gun acting as if they are being unfairly singled out. This isnt a first and we must look back to the time when it was acceptable by most americans, in particular on the rightwing. It goes both ways.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Southern Guardian]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:07 PM
I haven't watched the video yet, but I saw Southern Poverty Law Center and it made me cringe.

The SPLC is one of the most hate filled, bigoted, racist, organizations in existence in America.

I wish people would figure out that the SPLC is just as much a hate group as the KKK.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:30 PM
Keith, Keith, what has happened to you? To turn into a NWO shill? to call the only real Patriots left in America terrorists? And Obama, what did you think would happen? You grew up in America, didn't you? Did you really think you could promise this and that, get into the Big Chair, and keep the Patriot Act intact? And all of GWBs little executive orders making him a Dictator, you kept those too, didn't you? And when asked to produce your certificate of birth, you gave us the run around. You promised us "Transparency," and all we got is closed door back room deals when Congress was out of session. You promised change, and all we got is the same old shaft, right up our collective butts. Well, whatever happens, you asked for it, didn't you? And while I am at it, you members of Congress lining your pockets still, even with the Good ship America sinks beneath your feet? Giving away your power to a single man? Committing High Treason against the Constitution you were supposed to swear to defend? What kind of reward do you think fitting for people like you?

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:22 PM

Originally posted by Southern Guardian
reply to post by Conspiracy Pianist

Let me continue your title there....... 'communists, terrorist sympathizers, anti-american, anti-military.....' you that there? Thats an extension of what the opposition was labelled during the Bush administration. So where were these folks acting outraged now? They were standing behind Palin insisting that Iraq was 'Gods war', they were standing on the opposite side calling folks 'anti military' because they opposed the war.

You want to talk about groups being infiltrated and spied on unfairly?

And yet this was all necessary to 'fight em terrorists and muslims' back then you know?

See I dont care if people want to form their little groups and play 'make-believe' with their guns and their uniforms. People are free to do that, people are free to form militia's purely for defense. We should note however that rightwing groups are not being singled out in this case however when people are critical. Left wing groups were equally treated with suspicion and labels back then post 9-11.

We dont know much about this militia and why they were infiltrated. Nobody can say they were 'completely innocent and peaceful', but then again nobody can say they were 'guilty'. We dont know all the information about this case and I see alot of people jumping the gun acting as if they are being unfairly singled out. This isnt a first and we must look back to the time when it was acceptable by most americans, in particular on the rightwing. It goes both ways.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by Southern Guardian]

I just don’t understand your logic although it is shared by many on both sides.

Who said those who are upset now where not upset then? When was this poll done that shows all of these lunatic fringe that are upset at Obama or our government were completely satisfied when our freedoms were stripped under Bush?

That’s just stupid, stupid, stupid to assume that because there was not as much outrage then as there is now that it is driven by party divisions.

Can you not see that there are more people upset and that they are upset about our freedoms eroding at an accelerated pace. Not only are more people upset but they are highly upset because what was set in motion many years ago is beginning to all fit together.

People are waking up, yes there are loons who are upset about Obama being black or simply the fact that the left is in power right now. But you have to wake up! You have taken the bait the MSM has put out and are part of the division they want to sustain.

I do not like the policies or actions of our Gov right now but I am not racist or a loon. I don’t identify with any political classification. I am an American who is witnessing OUR freedoms being stripped away. And that includes yours. (Assuming you are American)

Where was I when Bush was signing the patriot act? I was waking up to the corruption. Where was I when Habius Corpus was removed? I was waking up. Did I do anything, NO. Do I do anything now, NO.

But I am awake and soon enough we may not have anything left to act upon. That is unless we join together and demand our gov represents the people.

Oh and by the way, just because a MSM outlet tells you the American people are supportive of what is going on does not mean it is true. You know what does? The number of people on the streets.

Where I am at, I have not met one person who is happy about this latest move by our gov to nationalize more of the economy.

I dare you to find me and call me a racist right wing loon. Oberrman as well.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:10 PM
KILL THE PIGS! Ted Nugent:

The beginning is pretty funny.

TED NUGENT: VOTE THE PIGS OUT, STOP THE COMMUNIST TAKE OVER OF AMERICA (sorry for caps but article title was all caps and I didn't feel like retyping .. I'll let some socialist fix that for me too, ha)

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 01:16 AM
reply to post by Southern Guardian

Let me continue your title there....... 'communists, terrorist sympathizers, anti-american, anti-military.....' you that there? Thats an extension of what the opposition was labelled during the Bush administration.

This isnt a first and we must look back to the time when it was acceptable by most americans, in particular on the rightwing. It goes both ways.

It sure does! It seems like the pendulum swings back and forth, left to right, to keep this game running.

Much like with a pendulum, it is only one hand holding the string... perhaps nudging it here and there to steer it a little.

I guess it's just disheartening to see people who consider themselves progressives or liberals fall for the same trap of generalizing and demonizing 'the enemy' when it's their man who gets the seat in power.

What does the U in USA stand for again?

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