I've been lurking this place for a very, very long time. So tonight I thought, hey, why not register?
I'm particularly interested in space exploration, extra terrestrial activity and governments. As a long time lurker, i've got to know the rules here
very well and i'm looking forward to adding to the community.
Out of the closet at last! How many of you guys lurked for a time before coming out to help?
Welcome! We've been expecting you, we finally fixed the glitch in the absorbent RFID microchip capsule that we put in your drink the other night when
you went out to eat. All systems are functioning normally now. Pay no attention to the occasional ringing sound in your ears, that is normal
Like Keeper Ive been lerkin for 3 years before my first post. Actually I still lerk, sometimes better to lerk then to post, theres people out there
that want to step on your beliefs. But you probably already know that.
Hi TheNextOne, and welcome to the ATS community. For now, you can reply to any thread in any member forum you wish, as well as send & receive
U2U's (messages) to Staff only.
However, once you have achieved 20 posts, you will then be able to start your own threads and additionally send & receive U2U's to and from fellow
ATS members.