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The Vatican - Global Domination - The Sun God

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:50 PM
I don't see it. What I get out of the above video was that all the cool cities had sun dials and noone had clocks. It makes sense to have a sun dail in public places. That the sun spells out Jesus' initials is just cool,

The part of the video where it tries to show a symbol with the white house, you have to be very very generous to make that work. I don't know the original plans for dc, but behind the white house, at the present time, there isn't an up and down road.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 02:50 PM
I don't see it. What I get out of the above video was that all the cool cities had sun dials and noone had clocks. It makes sense to have a sun dail in public places. That the sun spells out Jesus' initials is just cool,

The part of the video where it tries to show a symbol with the white house, you have to be very very generous to make that work. I don't know the original plans for dc, but behind the white house, at the present time, there isn't an up and down road.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

On the edge I looked at the link you put out. If the stuff was real the guy writing the book would put it out for FREE. Not charge you 19.99. Truth is always free, the ones making $$$ off the written word are just geting in on the chaos as people look for answer but only find more questions.

Oh and remember when the messenger did come what happened to him or her, we as humans didn't want to spend the lifetime learning that what the messenger brought, So we has Humans Killed the messanger, because we could not understand, and wanted the quick and easy path.

The way I see it, there won't be anymore messengers, why send any if all the humans are going to do is kill them, learn nothing, but lie and change the message into a religion which means nothing.

Same god with a different name, folks killing each other over foolishness, and the greed of petty men wanting power over the masses.
Its all rather sad. And pointless.

Its the old Divide & Conquor game. Give the people something easy and they will jump through many hoops. I could explain it more but it would take a lifetime. And well Ive noticed few ever wish to take the long walk.

So go ahead and jump on the band wagon pay your 19.99 and get your Hidden trueth to the mysteries of the ages. Enjoy the RIDE. Its all a bunch of BS.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:32 PM
reply to post by Eye of Horus

Well,Eye of Horus,I guess this kind of information wouldn't be what you want to hear,is it?

By the way,almost the entire book is available on line,for free,and when I bought the book,it was under $10.00.

Have you ever purchased a book of information before? There are some actual costs involved in printing,etc...

Maybe certain truths only resonate for those "with eyes to see". I highly doubt you could "debunk" a single thing he has to say,but you can cry "BS" all day long.

Suit yourself!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:02 PM
i knew all of this already but still pretty interesting to see it from a different angle

but its still missing so much more information,

one hint ill give, dont be so hasty to think its our sun they are worshipping!!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:14 PM
Well done Jack! If there is nothing to the sun/son worship why the sundial? And of course there is the Catholic monstrance, in the very least a stylized sunburst. "And on the third day he (the son/sun) rose again, according to the scriptures" this could be taken as the rising of the sun from the dead of night just as surely as the Christ rising from the dead.

How will this waxing and waning of the Vatican's power play out? There is much turmoil regarding the pedophilia. People are leaving and parishes and schools are closing. The economic state has something to do with that too but is it all connected? Has this possibly been staged to come to fruition at this time? I know that seems out there but consider that the Illuminatti might be planning to introduce the one world religion. Would there be a better time to do that? There is this promoted and perceived worldwide threat from Islam. Christianity in general is splintered and under attack like never before. New age philosophies are the rage. The old guard Vatican is rightfully under attack and the Catholic fatihful will be left without a place to turn. (This isn't entirely true as there are a couple of minisucle pre Vatican II enclaves functioning in the world outside the Vatican. Yes, there are a couple other Popes out there too! Yes, a thread of it's own.) Was it Ratzinger's assignment to blatantly undermine the Church over the course of five decades and finally hand over the people to the anti-Christ? When Obama first took office he made an appearance at Notre Dame and some other Catholic institution and there were a number of blatant slights to the Catholic tradition during those appearances. Was that symbolic of his elevation above the authority of the Church?

Interesting thread and responses Jack. Good job all!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:26 PM
Very interesting post!

Can you refresh me on the Obama Mummy theory...I couldn't find it....

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:50 PM
I think you are right that whoever controls the information and knowledge, The Vatican, will have a strangle hold on the power of the world. I think you are also correct in that we are in the middle of a "Holy War,” which we have been in for a very long time. However, do not forget the other major religion, Jewish.

The U.S. is a Christian nation.

Almost all of the presidents can be characterized as Christians, at least by formal membership. No president thus far has been a Jew, a Buddhist, a Muslim, a Hindu, a Sikh or an adherent of any other specifically non-Christian religion.
I am sure a majority of the members of Congress faith's align the same way.

The Islamic community is the only religion that has acknowledged that we are in a "Jihad" or "Holy War." The U.S. is on the side of Israel because our beliefs align with the Jewish prophecies. Which is something like, Jesus can only return once a few temples in Israel are restored.

The problem with that is some of the most sacred mosques, outside of Saudi Arabia, are built directly on top of where those temples once stood. See the Dome of the Rock Mosque. What is left of that Jewish temple is the Wailing Wall.

Before WWII and the creation of Israel that entire area was controlled by Islam. Islam, or the Ottoman Empire, took over the area and knocked down the Jewish temples long ago. If you read about the fail of the Ottoman Empire near the time of WWI you’ll find that it had something to do with debt. Who do we know that controls the world’s money supply and debt? Maybe, the Rothchilds perhaps? TPTB?

A number of subsequent financial crises did emerge towards the end of the nineteenth century that increased European involvement in the empire’s internal affairs, primarily in collecting taxes from securities pledged against debt.

The "War on Terror" is actually a "War on Islam" and if you believe Israel had something to do with 9/11 and the framing of Islam, then it makes perfect sense in that we have been trying to remove the Islamic authority from Israel. So, we can slowly but surely fulfill our religious prophecies.

This has been in the making centuries. The problem now is that people are waking up. They don't believe the bible and religion as fact anymore. So, the "Holy War" has to be silent, there has to be another reason in order to justify the war. Terror. That is why nobody really understands why the U.S. is at war with Iraq and Afghanistan.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:18 PM
reply to post by berrygurrl

Can you refresh me on the Obama Mummy theory...I couldn't find it....

I know this one is out there but it cannot be discounted as something that is out of the realm of possibility. We've already seen how they give us the illusion of our reality and play a very different game themselves behind our backs. They laugh about this and I believe a large part of this scheme has something to do with whatever it is their worshiping.

First of all you have to wonder why in the world a Pope would need or want a mummy in the first place.

VATICAN CITY (CNS) -- The Vatican Museums had a rare opportunity to unravel some of the secrets inside a 2,000-year-old Egyptian mummy. Ny-Maat-Re, a female mummy given to Pope Leo XIII in 1894, had been in a serious state of degradation since the 1990s.

Source link is in the opening post.

Now when we consider that the mummification process that the ancient Egyptians carried out took months of painstaking work they must have had a reason for doing it. We are told that they wanted to prepare their kings for the afterlife and that it helped them into the netherworld and what not. Silly ancient Egyptians we think and laugh.

Well what if they counted on us being able to extract the dna far into the future? What if the Pharaohs of that time signed a contract of sorts with Rome? We know that ancient contracts still hold water. What if there was some sort of religious relevance to this being done by future worshipers of the same sect? What if they knew whatever had to get accomplished couldn't get accomplished without one of these Pharaohs present to accomplish their ultimate goal? All worth considering.

Now when we consider Obama's recent move to stop funding for Nasa and utilize private companies in our space endeavors we have to wonder why. We know Obama's Chief Economic Advisor is a Skull And Bones member and the economic decisions being made of late leave a lot to be desired. Anyway, can this be because there are things that private companies can aspire to do that would not be scrutinized by the public? They are a private company and what they do is their business after all.

Now let's consider yet another angle with this whole Obama mummy theory. A little known scroll called the Tulli Transcription was recovered in Egypt and it was quickly grabbed by the Vatican never to be heard of again. There have been attempts at acquiring the original but all attempts have been futile. I have come across a translation and I have no idea if it has anything to do with this theory but lets take a look at it anyway.

Mind you this is a translation so it is suspect. For more information on this transcript you can visit the link and even do searches for the information yourself.

"The transcription I send is from an original papyrus of the New Kingdom that I found among other papers and documents of the late Prof. Alberto Tulli, former director of the Egyptian Vatican Museum . . . the original is in very bad condition. The beginning and end are missing, its writing (in hieratic) is pale, and with several lacunae . . .. . . the current director of the Egyptian Section of the Vatican Museum, Dr. Nolli, said that Prof. Tulli had left all his belongings to a brother of his who was a priest in the Lateran Palace. Presumably the famous papyrus went to this priest. Unfortunately the priest died also in the meantime and his belongings were dispersed among heirs, who may have disposed of the papyrus as something of little value." (de Rachewiltz, 1953)

In the year 22, of the third month of winter, sixth hour of the day ... among the scribes of the House of Life it was found that a strange Fiery Disk was coming in the sky. It had no head. The breath of its mouth emitted a foul odor. Its body was one rod in length and one rod in width. It had no voice. It came toward His Majesty's house. Their heart became confused through it, and they fell upon their bellies. They went to the king, to report it. His Majesty ordered that the scrolls located in the House of Life be consulted. His Majesty meditated on all these events which were now going on. After several days had passed, they became more numerous in the sky than ever. They shined in the sky more than the brightness of the sun, and extended to the limits of the four supports of heaven ... Powerful was the position of the Fiery Disks. The army of the King looked on, with His Majesty in their midst. It was after the evening meal when the Disks ascended even higher in the sky to the south. Fish and a variety of birds rained down from the sky: a marvel never before known since the foundation of the country. And His Majesty caused incense to be brought to appease the heart of Amun-Re, the god of the Two Lands. And it was ordered that the event be recorded for His Majesty in the annals of the House of Life to be remembered for ever."

Now this whole theory has been discussed here on ATS before. In this thread. As well as this thread. There is yet another thread that deals with the idea that ancient Egyptians knew of future cloning abilities.

So to take all of this into account, knowing what we know about these swine who lie to our faces, is it too far out there? I don't think so.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by jackflap]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by thinline

I don't see it. What I get out of the above video was that all the cool cities had sun dials and noone had clocks. It makes sense to have a sun dail in public places. That the sun spells out Jesus' initials is just cool, The part of the video where it tries to show a symbol with the white house, you have to be very very generous to make that work. I don't know the original plans for dc, but behind the white house, at the present time, there isn't an up and down road.

Well then let's consider the oldest known recorded use of a sun dial. The dial of Ahaz. Old testament documentation tells us that this particular sun dial was used to add fifteen years to the life a king. It actually moved backward. Time travel? I don't know but it's worth considering. As for the masonic layout of D.C. I believe everyone knows of that.

What of the strange occult images that are displayed all over the world being of similar design? Don't tell me you've never looked into that either? If you haven't, maybe when I get time I'll post some interesting pictures for you. Or if there are members with them already, maybe they will be so kind. You could look into these things as well.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:36 PM
reply to post by tankthinker

i knew all of this already but still pretty interesting to see it from a different angle but its still missing so much more information, one hint ill give, dont be so hasty to think its our sun they are worshipping!!

Believe me, I know I'm missing a lot! Not that I purposely didn't include anything but the information is overwhelming. I was confused as hell just trying to figure out a coherent way to present what I did. As time permits, I'll add more. As for the hint, don't leave us hanging man. We need info!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:25 PM
reply to post by jackflap

I don't mean to be "pushy",but the links I gave can clear up alot for you. You don't have to buy the book,there are over 30 excerpts available.

I know you haven't had the time to do that so far,but I wouldn't forget about it,either.

You sound like the scholarly type,so you could appreciate the research Tom Horn has done.

That's the last time I'll butt in!

Best wishes to you in your studies!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:38 PM
reply to post by On the Edge

I don't mean to be "pushy",but the links I gave can clear up alot for you. You don't have to buy the book,there are over 30 excerpts available.

Believe me, I don't feel you are being pushy. You have some information that you feel is pertinent and I thank you for bringing it to the thread! I did read the material and it is intriguing. I will search for the online sources as well.

If you have more material or know where the online sources are that would be great too. We have to be careful though because when delving into this kind of stuff one can get sidetracked on the 'mysticism' of it all. We need to keep a clear head and see it for what it is.

A bunch of sick elites playing games for their own benefit to the detriment of an entire world.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:34 PM
Thank you for taking it in the spirit it was given.

You are doing a far better job of telling this than I can. I can read information,internalize it and categorize it,but when it comes to disseminating it...not so good! (So,I Copy and Paste,from those who can say it so much better!)

Alot of the things we are talking about here go right over my head,but they add to the complete picture that we are seeing emerge.

It's not for everyone,though,and "truth" means different things to different people. For instance,if it turns out that all this is talking about "the anti-christ",then there are tons of people who will throw that concept right out the window,and would probably like to toss the Christians out the window with it!

If I can add anything else,I would be happy to. Needless to say,you got S&F from me for tackling a very deep subject and I applaud your ongoing research.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by jackflap

With regards to the last video "Obama: The Chosen Pharaoh part" that was Jeff Rense interviewing Tom Rifat. Rifat is a regular on his show I never miss, only for the reason of entertainment purposes only. The statements he's made in past shows can be so outlandish it can sometimes keep you in stitches. While he has many theories on different subjects I have found him not to be all that creditable.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:33 AM

Originally posted by tooo many pills
The Islamic community is the only religion that has acknowledged that we are in a "Jihad" or "Holy War." The U.S. is on the side of Israel because our beliefs align with the Jewish prophecies. Which is something like, Jesus can only return once a few temples in Israel are restored.

Here's another way to look at it. When the Bible stated that Jesus would return when THE Temple was built again, it's more than likely means:

Body =Group of People

It was a parable. The "temple" isn't actually a "temple". It means a "body". Now, when Jesus says that all his followers are part of his "body", this is what he is referring to.

Now, I believe that the "body" of Isreal must be restored again in its rightful place assigned by God- Jerusalem.

Just my opinion. Good Post OP.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:36 AM
Hence why the US is so adamant about a Peace Accord between the Isrealites and Palestinians...they want to set it off, so to speak. And it can't start until that happens.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 06:28 AM
reply to post by jackflap

some more interesting research that you can add to your research can be found on a local boy's(south african) site called "thehiddenrecords".
the stuff is facinating. you would be so interested.
he claims the Vatican does not point to the sun, but somewhere else, more interesting, as do most other ancient sites.
have a look

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:59 AM
reply to post by nycfrog27

I agree with most of that, but I think for Israel, the body, to be completely restored they have to rebuild their strong holds of Jerusalem, the Temple of the Mount and possible others. I am no religious scholar or anything, I just think it makes more sense for the Jews to actually have control of the area for the prophecy to come true.

All that is left of the Temple of the Mount is the Wailing Wall. What is on top of what was once that temple is the Dome of the Rock shrine and the Al-Aqsa Mosque. This is why Jews hate the Muslims, and the Chrisitans are on the Jew's side.

According to Jewish tradition, it was from here that the world expanded into its present form and from where God gathered the dust used to create the first man, Adam. It was the place God chose to "dwell", hence the construction of two Jewish Temples at the site. Traditionally, it is believed that a Third and final Temple will also be located here.

The Dome of the Rock shrine actually has a "holy rock" inside of it called the "Fountain Stone."

The site's significance stems from the religious beliefs regarding the rock, known as the Foundation Stone, at its heart.

Read about that rock. It is pretty wild what the Jews really believe, and the fact that the Muslims control the area is the reason for almost all wars in the past millenium apart from the wars on communism.

Sorry to go a bit off topic from you and your thread jackflap.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by tooo many pills]

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:11 AM
reply to post by tooo many pills

Read about that rock. It is pretty wild what the Jews really believe, and the fact that the Muslims control the area is the reason for almost all wars in the past millenium. Sorry to go a bit off topic from you and your thread jackflap.

You are not off topic at all my friend. I believe that what is being brought up ties altogether and I believe it is at the heart of the big conspiracy itself. I mean why are the three major faiths fighting over God's piece of real estate anyway? Do they believe that God wants them to be killing eachother over Him?

I believe that God is omnipresent and as He has told us this very same thing so I see no need to limit Him to that little piece of 'Holy' ground. The game that is being played against us relies on our limited perspective of God. It relies on the fact that people are prideful and want things their way. So it is very easy to suggest that all the major faiths have a hand in this little plot of land and watch them exterminate eachother over it.

Take three children one by one. Show them all the most fantastic toy and tell them each individually that it is theirs. Then put them together in a room and throw the toy in. Can you just imagine the fire works?

[edit on 30-3-2010 by jackflap]

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