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Wi-Fi anxiety: Man sues neighbor to shut off electronics

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posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by dbloch7986
Reply to post by americandingbat

I would like to point out to you that "large majority" may mean simply that 90% of the people tested may have not been able to tell and 10% are inconclusive (lucky guesses, etc.). Statistically speaking, that is everyone.

You're quite correct; I was a little lazy in my phrasing. It implies that a small minority guessed correctly more often than would be predicted through pure chance. Correlation, not causation; still, that is suggestive that something could be going on that warrants further research.

One thing I found interesting in the abstract (and I haven't read the whole article cause I'm just not interested enough to pay $30 for the privilege) is that it notes that overall people guessed correctly 4.6% more often than would be expected, although there was no difference between the self-declared electromagnetic hypersensitives and the control population. I don't want to push this too far without having read the article, but it's possible that we can all sense the difference on some level but most of us aren't bothered by it.

Originally posted by ALLis0NE

They are simply leaving it open for further study by saying there still could be individuals out there with this condition, but they have not been identified yet.

That's really what I was originally pointing out, thanks. I just found it interesting that a review study that didn't find evidence that EHS individuals could tell whether or not they were being subjected to the fields better than anyone else can nevertheless did find evidence suggesting that some people can. Worthy of further study, in my opinion.

..out of 182 self-declared EHS sufferers NONE of them were able to do what they claimed. I don't see why 1 or 2 more people would be any different, but in a world of unlimited possibilities, sure it could be possible, but we still haven't ever seen it to be possible.

Maybe you've read the whole article, but that's not what I got from the abstract. I thought it was saying that the ability to tell whether or not the field was active was found equally in self-declared EHS individuals and the general populace. But without seeing all the data it's hard to know exactly what conclusions can be drawn.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:24 PM
Reply to post by americandingbat

Personally, without conducting any research of my own, I do not believe people who claim EHS. The ones I have met that claim to have this "disorder" or whatever you want to call it have been (wording toned down to maintain civility) sissy-nannys that complain about everything to begin with or they thought they were somehow "cool" or "awesome or they were crackpots. That's just my humple opinion based off of my experience. No offense to anyone here that thinks you are in the 4.6% of that study that was undetermined (with a margin of error of 5%+/- of course).

Posted Via ATS Mobile:

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 06:25 PM
Regarding my last post:

/sarcasm at the last sentence. (Can't go back and edit on my mobile phone.)

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posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:52 AM
Of course, all you lab mice who are useing mobile devices are clouding your judgement so all your points are irrelevant!

his new finding, from MIT, should cause scientists to more closely examine the risks to human health posed by mobile phones and other wireless, personal technologies. — M.B. MIT neuroscientists believe they have isolated the brain region — just behind the right ear — where moral judgements take place. And they can suspend someone’s ability to judge right from wrong, simply by generating a magnetic field near the same spot where many of us hold our cellular phones and wireless, Bluetooth, headsets.


I'm disturbed by Darpa using this same tequnique by using EM waves to prevent sleep depravation under the name of " transcranial magnetic stimulation"

leep deprivation is a fact of modern combat. Current operations depend upon the warfighter’s ability to function for extended periods of time without adequate sleep. The widespread operational demand for optimal performance in sleep-depriving conditions demonstrates the necessity for development of methods to safely combat sleep deprivation and to prevent the associated degradation of performance. The goal of the Preventing Sleep Deprivation program is to define and implement approaches to prevent the harmful effects of sleep deprivation, and to provide methods for recovery of function with particular emphasis on cognitive and psychomotor impairments. Among the approaches currently under investigation include novel pharmaceuticals that enhance neural transmission, nutraceuticals that promote neurogenesis, cognitive training, and devices such as transcranial magnetic stimulation. The approaches discovered in this program will greatly increase our soldiers’ ability to function more safely and effectively despite the prolonged wakefulness inherent in current operations.


Sweet dreams!

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:56 AM
reply to post by Magzoid

So what is your point? We already know that electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetism, and magnetism effect the body.

...but there is no scientific evidence that anyone is capable of detecting radio waves with their mind.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 02:57 AM
reply to post by dbloch7986

"that study" was the university of essex investigation into the phenomena where they paid $200 to participants + expenses - naturally, every freeloading low life scum bag in the area would have converged on essex for a morning to get some free money and a cup of tea regardless of having an ES condition or not.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 03:03 AM

Originally posted by ALLis0NE
reply to post by Magzoid

So what is your point? We already know that electromagnetic radiation, and electromagnetism, and magnetism effect the body.

...but there is no scientific evidence that anyone is capable of detecting radio waves with their mind.

my point is that EM affects the body but scientists are so dumbed down by western medicine that they don't stand a chance of predicting the effects until it's too late.

one of these measurable effects comes in the form of getting nausea when the wi-fi (et-al) is switched on.

I'll be happy to bet a large sum of money to prove this to you and anyone else who's skeptical of this claim.

Granted there are crackpot/mad people out there that discredit the phenomena into being a psychosematic issue but there is a minority that a concious enough to discern the effects. - like psychis people or remote viewers can perform paranormal feats.

I'm a firm beleiver of the scientific peer reviewed process and the truth will prevail - maybe tomorrow, maybe in 40 years.

in the mean time I'm avoiding wi-fi like the plague.
I'm generally happy otherwise.

[edit on 30-3-2010 by Magzoid]

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 01:59 AM
I see no one has contacted me in over 9 months to test my powers. I win - but am still open to offers.

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:25 AM
Some "fact":
- people may not be all equal against radio frequencies effect
- it is said that an individual too highly exposed to high radio frequencies might then become more sensible to them. Like somebody living near a big cellphone antenna. Although some people might feel nothing.
- military , especialy Russian and US army study effects of high frequencies on humans/biological cells since the 50's. Complex interaction between high frequencies and biological (human) cells (and brain cells) may exist but are barely unknow appart from the military people.
- wifi, cellphones, bluetooth and other high frequencies "crappy" device could be replaced by infrared devices (iRDA standard, which is present on most PC and some mobil device), which is not harmfull at all but is constrained by infra red limitation (not going thru walls, shorrt distance, lower bandwidth).
- many people including very serious scientist are saying that high frequencies from cellphone antenna device, cellphones, wifi device, bluetooth and such high frequencies device may be bad for health, especialy at high dosage.
- some people are even saying it may block/inibate "psychic powers" like telepathy, telekinesis, etc (if such exist)

posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 02:19 PM
Electromagnetic sensitivity is very plausible in humans, as has been pointed out previously, the whole human body rely's on electrical impulses to function. If these are interrupted or interferred with then its perfectly plausible for a human to experience side effects. considering that way back on the evolutionary path humans share common ancestors with animals such as birds, which are well documented to be sensitive to such outside stimulus, it is perfectly plausible that remnants of the electromagnetic sensitivity could still be written into your human coding. What science knows about humans has been developed from case studies & experiments etc. Started in the past, when there were not as many (if any) directly interferring sources of EM affecting the human bodies.

What is certain is that manufacturers and the health institutes have a DUTY to investigate these claims even if they are only in the minority of users.


posted on Feb, 4 2011 @ 04:28 PM
They tell you to turn off electronics devices on planes, during takeoff. This is because of the 'sensitive electrical instruments), YET, we surround our brains with constant wifi, cell phones, LCD and tv noise without a mention of it's affects on our ability to regulate our thought impulses.

One hour of t.v. (any channel) destroys hours worth of meditation and shatter any clarity of mind. I'm sure this is by design...

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