posted on Aug, 14 2010 @ 01:38 PM
S & F to the OP, in spite of not being perfectly correct in the broad usage of the term "Satanist", which others were quick to point out.
One thing that's a bit bothersome is the trivializing of the matter by the seeming majority, who prefer to discount things like "human
And so how about the BP oil "spill"? Seems like this did in fact turn out to be pretty "big", and human lives were lost, coincidentally "11"
victims (the number has occult significance, read 10,000 threads on 9/11 if you want).
Anyone who has taken the time to look into the Occult does in fact find out that human sacrifice has a traditional role, whether you choose to lay it
at the feet of "satanists", or some other group. I myself prefer to use what I feel is a more accurate term for those who practice this form of
sacrifice, that is, "occultists". No, not all who are into the occult practice this, but some do.
Who today, for example, might practice something as horrible as "human sacrifice"?
Our masters of course. Some may be Illuminists, some may call themselves Luciferians, and perhaps others will look to "Satan". Who cares?
They're in charge, and regardless of who or what they "worship" (besides themselves), they do seem to indulge in killing people, and on the
surface, their killing often appears to have little "utilitarian" value by itself, at least in terms of magnitudes, and so it begs the question:
WHY do our masters seemingly practice human "sacrifice", or if this is not what it is, then let's find a better name for it at least.
9/11 was a crime, perpetrated by our elite masters, that took several thousand victims, and was then used as an excuse to launch a war that took many
thousands more.
We can look at 9/11 from different angles. Yes, the building was damaged by it's constant contact with the salt in the air. Yes, it had to
eventually come down. Yes, we can find simplistic "profit" motives, that might have come into play in the decision to pull these buildings down.
But when we look at HOW they chose to do it, one must wonder why so many lives?
We could put it like this: What is it that the occultist elite "get" out of killing people? Seems like there should be a "real" benefit that
they believe they should receive for the "sacrifice" they make.
The "traditional" answer is POWER. Yes, they already enjoy tremendous power, but keeping it is another story. There are families out there,
"dynasties" some would say, that are very powerful, and are multi-generational real examples of power-retention that, in some cases, span over a
thousand years. Think about that.
Since I'm not a religionist, I don't feel the need to posit a "devil" that makes them do anything. Rather, we may easily consider a "way of
power", or a philosophy perhaps, at the foundation of successful groups, that does in fact involve ruthless attitudes and behaviors.
This "attitude", inculcated over the generations, basically looks out upon mankind as a vast "herd", that is literally not "worthy" of being
treated "human". Hard to get our minds around perhaps, but that attitude concerning their fellows sits at one end, while at the other is a
monstrous pride in their own family's worth, and accomplishments, that seems to confirm the attitude regarding their slaves.
In a way, it makes sense. What if you were part of a great royal line, and when you picked up a history book, it was largely a story of your own
wondrous family. Perhaps you would feel like you were "divinely" appointed to rule. Perhaps the many stories that you heard from your father, and
grandfather, as you grew up, all came together in such a way that you internalized a sort of "ruthlessness", that essentially made you "perfect"
to continue all that had come before, but now in your generation. Which is why they seem to just get stronger, year, after year.
Some are probably thinking this is just too "off topic". I don't think so. Yes, Christians have picked up a bit of pagan history, and perhaps
exaggerated this or that, or plugged in their Devil too easily, all that is fairly plausible. But there is a "truth" behind the horror. And after
we get past talking about nut-jobs, and "satanists" like the La Vey variety, etc., what's left?
What's left is the world we live in. It's a world run by a powerful few. It's a world where there is constant war. Buildings can tumble down in
broad daylight, in the middle of one of the world's biggest cities, killing thousands, and yet, all is well amongst the slaves.
The powerful few seem to adhere to a "religion", or philosophy at least, that we would basically characterize as "evil". It is why they're in
charge, and will remain in charge. Yes, they are willing to kill. Thousands, millions even.
Is this a kind of "satanism"? As I said above. Who cares. Pick a name, it's all the same from the perspective that our masters have no qualms
about murder, even on a large scale.
Could what they do be properly called "sacrifice"? Probably. A lot more to it, but the more you get into the "real" Occult, the more you
see that there is a "reality" to it, even if it isn't what's stuck in the popular mind.
As Aleister Crowley would probably tell us, after he basically "sacrificed" his life to the exploration of some of these matters, there is indeed a
reality to occult pursuits, it isn't just all myth. But as his case shows, especially in thinking about his exploration of the sexual side of it
all, we could better classify his pursuit as more of an investigation into human potential, even if the necessary symbolic language proves
unnerving to some.
I would submit that there are those who are farther along the occult path of power, especially amongst our masters, than most of us would ever guess.
Sure, we hear about La Vey, or Crowley even, but we hear very little about English royals who might also have been serial killers. Or Hapsburgs, who
have had torture chambers for centuries, and still do today. And we're "lucky" when we get a small hint that perhaps Diana was likely killed on
orders from the Prince. So much more going on in their circles!
On second thought, perhaps there is a devil, or at least "demons", but I think they prefer that we just call them "Massa"...