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CFTC Whistleblower Injured in London hit-and-run

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posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:51 AM
Something right out of a movie:

CFTC Whistleblower Injured in London hit-and-run

London metals trader Andrew Maguire, who warned an investigator for the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission in advance about a gold and silver market manipulation to be undertaken by traders for JPMorgan Chase in February and whose whistleblowing was publicized by GATA at Thursday's CFTC hearing on metals futures trading --

-- was injured along with his wife the next day when their car was struck by a hit-and-run driver in the London area.

Seems someone is sending a warning to this guy and his family.

We will never be able to "fix things" as long as mob rules apply and unfortunately I sometimes think all we have are mobsters in charge.

Standing up to the raw unadulterated power of the cretins running this world is bad for you health.

[edit on 28 Mar 10 by Gools]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:49 PM
Sadly, not at all surprising. I just read the book No One Would Listen by Harry Markopolos (whistleblower who knew Madoff was a fraud 10 years before he was caught). He said he told his local police to be on the lookout and he bought a gun for protection. Its risky when lots of money is involved.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:51 PM
Wow. I wonder if the intentions were injury.
I would imagine that silencing someone is much more effective.
Interesting post. Thanks.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:58 PM

Originally posted by Gools
Seems someone is sending a warning to this guy and his family.

Decapitated horse-head under the comforter must be out of fashion with the new millenium crime syndicate.

A couple of youtubes still up on this incident.



posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:40 AM
reply to post by Gools

I'm seriously curious as to why this hasn't gotten any more play here on ATS. "JP Morgan Whistleblower Injured in Hit and Run Accident the Day After Testifying" should have gotten more attention.


posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:44 AM
we live in hell and thats for certain, just look at all the #$%%$ people do for $$

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:50 AM
They are sending a warning to him after he testified? Bit retarded don't you think? What, is the warning that the next time he testifies against someone they might just stop and waste his time with police and paperwork and swapping of insurance details? If you are after sending a warning to someone, even if it is after the fact, wouldn't you find a better way than ramming them with your own car, which might break, leaving you stranded at the scene of the crime. What a scene that would be, "Well I was trying to threaten you but by jove my vehicle seems to have expired in the process, I'll just shake my fist at you instead while running off down the road cackling maniacally".

Its London, lots of uninsured drivers in London. Doesn't even sound like it was all that serious of an accident. Just someone making off to avoid a ban and a fine.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by m4nchur14n]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:21 AM
First, we have Dubai property credit crisis. Suddenly, media submerged by news of Hamas commander assassination by Mossad agents.

Look at the recent news after this whistleblow. Moscow metro subway got bombed. Too coincidental.

I'm sick and tired of powers playing God here.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 11:10 AM
New York Post:

JPMorgan 'chase' story in UK

Last Updated: 4:51 AM, March 29, 2010

Andrew Maguire, a metals trader at the London Bullion Market Association, and his wife were traveling in their car when a second car coming out of a side street struck their vehicle. That car then hit two more vehicles before fleeing.

London cops using helicopters and patrol cars chased the hit-and-run driver before nabbing that person, whose name has not been released by authorities.

Maguire and his wife were released from the hospital yesterday. London police would not comment on the accident investigation.


To my knowledge , the NYP is the first US news source to cover the story. Maybe somebody would like to thread this article in ATS Alternative.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 10:52 AM
Andrew Maguire's first interview up today at King World News.

Please spread the word folks...the scope of this scam is mind-numbing...the cover-up at the regulatory and media levels blatant.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:07 AM
JTMA's First Rule of Business:

Ethics is inversely proportional to the size of the deal.

posted on Mar, 30 2010 @ 11:27 PM
Bill Murphy today:

To get right to the point, I am having extreme difficulty concentrating on the mundane action (usually a highlight of my daily routine) in the financial markets. GATA has one of the financial scandal stories of all time and nobody in the mainstream financial market press is paying attention … or won’t give it any attention … YET!!! It just blows me away.

To calm down I went over to get some lunch at my “watering hole,” Chili’s, and chat with my favorite bartender, Ms. Martha. My friend “Big Mike” was there. Mike, a Marine vet, is a decorated Viet Nam war hero. He was shot up, and hit so much, that he has had 37 operations since that war. The stories this man has! One of them is that he NEVER took a prisoner. Killed them all.

Anyway “Big Mike” was bewildered why my testimony was blacked out … “the only one” he said. Then he got to thinking and had an answer to his own question. He was a “black ops” guy in Cambodia during the Viet Nam era. When he was in yet another hospital recovering from one of his many operations, a government guy came to him and said if he mentioned anything he did in Cambodia to the press that he would end up in Leavenworth “making small rocks out of big rocks.”

“Big Mike,” a champion weight lifter, carried a “big stick” with him yesterday when he came over to our gym below where I live. Based on his life, he is that concerned about mine, especially after he found out about what happened to Andrew Maguire. Many years ago he heard the story about me getting beat up, which was right across the street from Chili’s.

Oh well … the Russian version of NBC is sending a reporter and cameraman to where I live tomorrow at 10. The GATA story will at least be allowed to be told in the former Soviet Union. This is beyond bizarre.

Bill Murphy yesterday (March 29):

The gold scandal story is larger than life to begin with … now throw this spooky stuff on top of it. Veteran Café members will recall that in the early part of this century what happened to me during a six week period…

*My car was stolen and then found on a nearby highway one day after the insurance company paid me off. There was no damage to the car, money left in the console, and a cashmere sweater in the back seat.

*My web site was hacked and somebody send out a very goofy email supposedly from me, but it was not me.

*Coming out of a restaurant/night spot less than two blocks from where I live, somebody jumped out from behind a wall and sucker-punched me with brass knuckles. I was out cold and thought my jaw was broken.

Nothing like this has happened before or since.

Last night I did what I could to booby trap my door and put a golf club next to my bed.

Le Metropole Cafe is a paid subscription site so I am unable to link these quotes , but Bill is always very gracious when it comes to circulating snips on the web. He wants the manipulation story OUT THERE. Obviously GATA receives zero consideration from our managed MSM outlets.

The Andrew Maguire component is particularly important and I want to thank the ATS hierarchy for indulging me an occasional unlinked contribution.

Much appreciated

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 01:59 PM
If you listened to the King World News/Andrew Maguire interview posted above and were left wondering why Maguire didn't address the hit & run auto "accident"....

I also asked a GATA news source why Mr. Maguire had not discussed the accident in his interview with King World News. He is reported to be 'very concerned' for his safety and is reluctant to discuss this aspect of his coming forward.


It's been 5 days since the incident and we're still waiting for London authorities to release details of a police investigation involving a simple hit & run.

posted on Mar, 31 2010 @ 05:12 PM
You know it always amazes me when the REAL and IMPORTANT conspiracies get no attention on ATS whereas some dip# with an out of focus grainy photo of lens flare gets top billing and 100 pages of discussion. :shk:

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 01:49 AM

Originally posted by Gools
You know it always amazes me when the REAL and IMPORTANT conspiracies get no attention on ATS whereas some dip# with an out of focus grainy photo of lens flare gets top billing and 100 pages of discussion. :shk:

I've noticed myself Gools , especially across the past year or so. I'm not sure what this phenomenon accrues to but mother-wit tells me it isn't necessarily a positive development.

Ed Steer of Casey Research put this up yesterday morning re: The King News interview....

In the wee hours of Tuesday morning, Eric King of King World News sent me the interview headlined above... and linked below. Because the interview runs about 40 minutes in length... and I already had a pile of stories in my Tuesday report... I decided not to run it until today.

But I did listen to the whole thing as soon as I got it... and it was a shocker to say the least! I called Eric on the telephone as soon as I got up in the morning... and he told me that shortly after he posted the interview, his website had been hacked and about the last third of the interview had been deliberately erased from one of ISP's servers. It was the part where Andrew Maguire and GATA's Adrian Douglas started talking about things like "fraud", "treason" and "financial terrorism".

Full Text

And last night , a-lot of folks (myself included) were unable to access the King World News website.

This morning GATA' Chris Powell explained:

Sophisticated attack disables King World News site for 2 hours
Submitted by cpowell on Thu, 2010-04-01

Dear Friend of GATA and Gold (and Silver):

Internet servers hosting the King World News Internet site, which today posted a half-hour interview with three GATA board members, were attacked and disabled tonight from approximately 8 to 10 p.m. ET.

The servers are maintained by one of the largest Internet site hosting companies in the world and one of its technicians told King World News proprietor Eric King, "We cannot figure out why this cluster of servers is being attacked." The King World News site host has maintained the site on a "grid" system of servers so that ordinary technical problems with any one server cannot disable the site, but tonight's attack was sophisticated and brought down the entire grid.

Full Text

Good night folks...SLEEP tight.

[edit on 2-4-2010 by OBE1]

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 02:52 AM
This is all about the economy we all know that. Gold and silver are the only things left worth anything as far as currency goes. The paper dollar is falling fast and it is evident. There are many new threads here on ATS disusing this. This isn't even a conspiracy because it is so blatant. This guy was one of the good people, trying to send a message and he got targeted, and probably still is. Here is a video of him 2 days ago talking about the silver manipulation. Hopefully more people will get a chance to see this. S+F thanks for the info.

Andrew Maguire speaks on silver manipulation:

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 12:12 PM
Hi Smell The Roses. Good to see this story circulating on youtube
but to clear-up any possible confusion...the fellow in the video isn't Andrew Maguire , whom I imagine is holding a very low profile at the moment.

Email from Chris Powell yersterday , updating: King World News web attack.

From: [email protected]

Le Metropole Members,

Attack on King World News site meant to shut it down

King World News today received more detail about yesterday's attack on its Internet site, which happened soon after the posting of Eric King's
half-hour interview with GATA Chairman Bill Murphy, board member Adrian
Douglas, and your secretary/treasurer about last week's hearing of the U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission.

The major Internet hosting company that maintains the King World News site reported to King World News: "Your hosting account is the target of a
distributed denial of service attack. To protect the network resources, we
have temporarily placed your Web site behind a network filter. Once the
attack has ended, service will be restored to normal. ... Computers were
attacking your account."

Eric King told GATA today, "We are on one of the top grid server systems in the world, where traffic is not an issue, and this has never happened
before. This was a case of an entity needing to silence the messenger."

From the same email:

Meanwhile, GATA's friend Trace Mayer, proprietor of, reports
that his March 28 commentary on last week's hearing of the U.S. Commodity
Futures Trading Commission was followed by a similarly massive attack on RunToGold's Internet
server. "To handle spikes in traffic," Mayer says, "I am on an expensive
enterprise-level cloud server with a company that handles hosting for some
of the big dogs, like Sony and Toyota, and my server got hammered. The site
was down for 2 1/2 hours, from about noon to 2:30p PT on March 30. There
were no issues with my hosting provider and it appears we have everything
under control now. I have never had an issue like this before. Anyway, it
looks like we have someone's attention. Keep yanking on that tail."

GATA indeed will keep yanking on that tail but our friends also risk getting
bitten. We're grateful to them for that.

CHRIS POWELL, Secretary/Treasurer
Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee Inc.

Still no word on Maguire's hit & run...not even the perpetrator's identification

posted on Apr, 2 2010 @ 04:04 PM
reply to post by OBE1

Ah thank you very much for that info mate. I was confused by that. Thanks for the Chris Powell email. I can't believe King World News is under attack now. Silencing the messenger is where this will begin but where it ends could be damn ugly.

posted on Apr, 4 2010 @ 04:01 PM
You're more than welcome STR...thank you.

Murphy interview from The Daily Bell with excellent after-thoughts commentary by Scott Smith.

Exclusive Interview

William Murphy Explains his Testimony at the Recent CFTC Hearing and the Future of Precious Metals Markets

Sunday, April 04, 2010 - with Scott Smith

Introduction: Bill Murphy grew up in Glen Ridge, New Jersey and graduated from the School of Hotel Administration at Cornell University in 1968. His senior year he broke all single season Ivy League pass receiving records and was Honorable Mention on the All-America Football team. He went on to become the starting wide receiver for the Boston Patriots in 1968. Bill went on to a career in the futures industry as a commodities broker. Early on he worked for Shearson Hayden Stone and Drexel Burnham before starting up his own introducing brokerage on 5th Avenue in New York. In 1998 he opened up, a financial market website geared to the gold market. In January 1999 Bill became chairman of the Gold Anti-Trust Action Committee (GATA) to expose the manipulation of the gold price by The Gold Cartel.

Full Text

posted on Apr, 5 2010 @ 12:41 AM
This story, and a terrific summation of its history and what is at stake, just made the Huffington Post

It's Ponzimonium in the Gold Market LINK

This means that there are thousands of clients -- Asian and Middle Eastern governments and sovereign wealth funds among them -- who think they own hundreds of billions and perhaps trillions of dollars of gold bullion, and are being charged storage fees on that fantasy bullion, but they really own unsecured gold loans to the banks at a negative interest rate.

There is nothing new about this. Morgan Stanley paid several million dollars in 2007 to settle claims that it had charged 22,000 clients for storage fees on silver bullion that didn't exist.

You would ask for delivery of your gold immediately. It would be a "run on the bank." What about things like ETFs linked to gold? Most of them also claim, as assets, these "deposits" at the LBMA banks. The entire gold market is complete "ponzimonium," a word popularized by the CFTC's Bart Chilton. This does not even take into account the tungsten gold bar counterfeit issue, which has emerged over the past year or so.

During the CFTC hearings, Jeffrey Christian of CPM Group apparently informed us that the LBMA banks actually have about a hundred times more gold deposits than actual gold bullion.

Thus, when the "New London Gold Pool" blows up, we might find that the dollar decline that has been going on since 2001 could accelerate dramatically. You would be surprised how little most big hedge funds know about gold. But they do know the scent of blood in the water. And they learn quick

[edit on 5-4-2010 by seataka]

[edit on 5-4-2010 by seataka]

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