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Massive Federal Raid in Lenawee County

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posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by Imightknow

Basically, a sealed warrant, or more likely "sealed indictment", is not released to the public, until all targets of the raid are apprehended. Three reasons are that 1) the investigation is ongoing and/or 2) there is fear of the targets fleeing, before they can be apprehended and/or 3) fear of the destruction of evidence.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:20 PM
Relevant to the thread:

Senate hearing on Militia's:


[edit on 28-3-2010 by kdial1]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:23 PM

Originally posted by UnlawfullPriest
reply to post by UnlawfullPriest

I found this on I think this is a decent message and should help dispel Some of the Stereotypical assumptions made about militia groups.

Sorry I don't know how to imbed this Videos, if you know how, Send me instructions I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks!

[edit on 043131p://bSunday2010 by Stormdancer777]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:26 PM
reply to post by kdial1

I had no idea.
two lines

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:28 PM
I've been following this since I woke up today, pretty much waiting for more info to come through, but there is one question I have:

In these videos, why do they cover their faces?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:32 PM

Originally posted by iamsupermanv2
I've been following this since I woke up today, pretty much waiting for more info to come through, but there is one question I have:

In these videos, why do they cover their faces?

Just think about what you asked.... I think you will find the answer if you think about it for a few minutes... If not U2U me and I will let you know.


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:50 PM
Hmmm... this is very troubling. Civil war is never something you can exactly plan for or ever even want. In my eyes there has to be another way.

Also we are absolutely positive it was militia members that were arrested?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:52 PM
Hrmm, from what information is on here it sounds like it was a legit raid, and of course the fact that they go by "militia" and have videos with weapons on youtube, would warrant the heavy response by the feds.

Everybody needs to keep a cool head and let the court system work. Granted this is not the right time for the Feds to be doing these kind of operations, but they have to do what they have to do I guess.

With the lack of info though too, it could be a probe to see what the militia response would be and how the operations are in order to get more response. Although I'm sure there are informants within these groups, but I doubt they have any real knowledge of what actual operations are and the like. Even then I doubt the militia really cares because they aren't doing anything illegal to begin with.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:53 PM
reply to post by OutKast Searcher

Whoah, kinda rabid there,huh? I never said I advocated violence in any form, and as far as I can tell, neither did the Hutaree! I see no mention of violent coups, no talk of overthrowing the guvmint, nothing. What I do see are people like you joining the "throw 'em all in jail 'cause they got guns!" bandwagon. And as soon as you add "They are CHRISTIANS!" into it, well, they must be complete toothless retards. I own guns, always have had guns, will always own guns. I have never threatened anyone at all, especially not the guvmint. I am also a believer in Yeshua and Yahweh, and the U.S. Constitution. I have been labeled some not very nice things because of my beliefs. The "guvmint" can say ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING that it wants to about you, me or the Hutaree to accomplish their agenda. That is the reason that I have to see proof of what is being said about them. Isn't that what ATS is for, to deny ignorance, receive as much proof as possible on the issues?

The question is, why does it offend you for me to ask?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:54 PM
LIVE FEED to Washtenaw County Radio scanner. I think this is all over, there is no traffic. I guess we are waiting for information to be released from the gag order in effect.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 04:54 PM
reply to post by kdial1

Those videos of Senate Hearings are fairly old. In fact, I think that is from 1995. Johnson has not been a part of The Ohio Unorganized Militia nor E. Pluribus Unum for years. He may not be part of any militia.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:00 PM

Originally posted by traderjack
reply to post by DoomsdayRex

Quit trying to bait people from real discussion with infantile barbs against anyone you don't agree with! Most of the militia folks have a better idea about the Constitution than the average American.

Moreover, call Obama's election an election by the 'People' is just a have truth. Most African Americans voted for him for no other reason than the amount of melanin in his skin. Most liberals thought he would get them 'free health care'. And the union folks don't realize that labor unions are always a slippery slope on the side of communism.

You want to throw slings and arrows of outrage then try making a valid argument.

The fact that you're claiming reverse racism on Obama's election is ridiculous. THE REASON IT'S A HISTORIC ELECTION IS BECAUSE WHITE PEOPLE JUDGED BLACK PEOPLE ON THE AMOUNT OF MELANIN IN THEIR SKIN. Have you forgotten our history so quickly? I really don't know why this has to be explained to you...

As for the health-care bill... the whole mandated private health-care was actually a project spear-headed by none other than Republican MITT ROMNEY in his own state of Massachusetts. And while I agree that a mandated private health system is ridiculous in many ways... the actual outcome is yet to be seen because most poor people will NOT have to pay for it. The middle class will have significant subsidies to theirs and many will be able to receive Medicaid by 2014.

And unions being a slippery slope towards COMMUNISM?!?

Seriously... get your facts straight. Unions can be corrupt, not all, but many, however that is NOTHING compared to the corruption seen in big-business. I bring that up because there is this right vs. left divide- the left tends to attack corporations the right tends to attack unions. But at the end of the day, unions have HELPED more people/workers than hurt and corporations have hurt more people than unions, destroyed more of the environment, and stolen more of our freedoms than any union every came remotely close to. Not to mention- corporations have WAYYYYYY more power, money, and control of our government than unions. This is why fear of a Communist takeover in this country is foolish... it's not gonna happen, not a long-shot. But Fascism... that's much more likely.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:11 PM
A new article stating more details:

Lackomar said he heard from other militia members that the FBI targeted the Hutaree after its members made threats of violence against Islamic organizations.

"Last night and into today the FBI conducted a raid against homes belonging to the Hutaree. They are a religious cult. They are not part of our militia community," he said.

From The Detroit News:

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by kdial1
Here is Hutaree (Miltia that got raided) Militia training Videos:


Oh LOOK! The little men are playing soldier. Lame asses. Bet they NEVER set foot on a battlefield (maybe a civil war reenactment) . Posers. They are the worst.

And the death-metal music made me vomit blood 4.9 times. lol...

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:19 PM
Sealed warrants or indictments. Check.
Paramilitary force. Check.
Supposed hate speech. Check.
Subjects detained without public notice. Check.
Subjects detained in the dead of night. Check.
Citizens told it was for the good of peace. Check.
Supposed Christian connection. Check.

Let me see, where have I seen this before? Can anyone say in a foreign country. Have to slowly pick up the dissidents without anyone really knowing the purposes.

Let me remind you.

They first came for the communists.

So, the purpose of all the hate speech legislation? You got it. You don't like the direction of the EMPIRE, what happens?

Does anyone else get the bad feeling this is JUST the beginning?

edit to add- You will see them villified for everything from being religious zealots to hate speech to whatever. Gotta make the citizens feel anyone against totalitarian enforcement of the NWO, are crazy.

[edit on 3/28/2010 by endisnighe]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:22 PM

Originally posted by Pharyax

Originally posted by kdial1
Here is Hutaree (Miltia that got raided) Militia training Videos:


considering the tactics used, the gear they have and so forth, id say ther are veterens among them... your statement was very ignorant.

Oh LOOK! The little men are playing soldier. Lame asses. Bet they NEVER set foot on a battlefield (maybe a civil war reenactment) . Posers. They are the worst.

And the death-metal music made me vomit blood 4.9 times. lol...

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:28 PM

On the Hutaree message board, an apparent member of the group named Anna left a message with some details of what happened. She says the FBI raid came into their home and she and one child escaped and are now driving south. Here’s the full message:

"The Federal Authorities have raided not only our group but also the Michigan Militia. They have hijacked their website and placed word there that they were not raided.

We need some help please. This has to stop. I am enroute south with my children using the wifi’s as I can.

They were catching others as they came to their rallying points, they broke into homes and took children and used the tasers on wives, my son who is 12 and I got out by crawling through the creeks behind our house.

My husband and others are taken, please call the press and tell them, if any in the Michigan Militia is still free please rally with them.
Please help."

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:31 PM
Special report coming up live now.

Disregard link no good.

[edit on 3/28/10 by nickoli]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by endisnighe

I absolutely agree. As soon as I saw that everyone kept saying "Christian Militia", I knew that they would be tagged as a bunch of crazies. I can find nothing they have said or posted, EVER, that justifies what is going on. If that information shows up and is real, I'll rethink my position. It seems to me that the guvmint has just decided to go after those who armed and prepared to take care of their families in the event of catastrophic economic or natural disasters. Why would that be?
I'm pretty sure that we will hear all kinds of reasons for this raid, but the thing is, will we consider any of them valid?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:36 PM
Dont worry about it. Its just the CIA making "us" look like idiots, and especially Wikileaks, before that story breaks. So at least they have a scapegoat for when TSHTF media-wise, and they have have someone to blame other than themselves.

Because of course "those crazy conspiracy theorists made us do it."

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