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Japan First? - UFOs and ETs - Disclosure Incoming? *NEW*

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posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:41 AM
Asia seems to be a real hotspot for UFOs lately. I think that we might be lucky enough to get some real information from a government for once in regards to extraterrestrial life. The whole world is starting to see more signs and in Japan specifically there is a lot of people speaking out about disclosure.

Japans new First Family is setting an extraterrestrial trend that politicians are following closely. Other head Japanese Government Officials are also speaking out. It appears the the head governments of the world are starting to take a new outlook on the possibility of alien life. Can Asia be the place first contact will be made?

Here is some info on Japan and disclosure. This info is all relatively new and the Asia First Contact video is from a few weeks back.

Nobutaka Machimura - (Japanese Chief Cabinet Secretary) - "UFOs do exist and aliens have visited the Earth. Certain identified flying objects or UFOs from outer space have visited Earth. The Government position on this is that the Government has no strategy regarding UFO sightings. It is possible that the mysterious drawings and designs of Nazca, Peru have alien origins." It appears the Japanese Military is actively trying to develop a strategy to deal with disclosure.

Japan Lacks UFO Strategy - Wired

Miyuki Hatoyama (Wife of Prime new Minister Yukio Hatoyama) - Now here is a new swing on global leaders and their perception of ETs. It appears the new First Lady of Japan has been abducted by ETs. She claims that her soul traveled by triangular craft to Venus. She states Venus is very beautiful and very green. Could very well be a publicity stunt, but I am sure people in her position could find a better way of getting attention than making herself look crazy, yes? Maybe more people in power positions will start speaking out as disclosure becomes closer.

Japan's new first lady says rode UFO to Venus - Reuter's

Michio Kaku (Theoretical Physicist, Astrophysicist, and professor in physics at City University, New York ) - "We will inevitably make contact with alien life from outer space..get used to it." "In the history of our intellectual development this will represent the crowning achievement of 2,000 years of investigation into the nature of matter -- space and time."

Michio Kaku On Aliens On Physics ...

ASIA - UFO Disclosure and First Contact - Asia (Make it past the first minute of music and you are good...)

And here is a link to a China News Broadcast from March 12th, 2010 describing a MASS UFO sighting, by even police.

2010 China News - Mass UFO Sighting

"Benjamin Fulford, former East-West editor for Forbes Magazine, lives in Japan, speaks fluent Japanese, and got drawn into an incredible world of international financial intrigue a few years ago." David Wilcock Presents the Exclusive Benjamin Fulford Interview - Disclosure Project:

Fulford Quicktime Podcast

And here is another video that is a new series all about disclosure and the lies of government has fed us. This video is brand new and contains a lot of new evidence regarding pictures, documents, videos, and interviews. Fastwalker is a codename given by various government agencies to refer to UFOs. It is a MUST see! Watch the whole series it is extremely informative. "The Government cover up finally exposed! The biggest secret in the history of our world is about to be revealed. "For the first time, Fastwalkers in a feature length documentary form discloses information you were never meant to know. Amazing Fastwalker UFO photos and Fastwalker footage gathered from around the world that you were never meant to see. Never before has there been such a wealth of information presented by such unbiased experts who focus on providing a 'World View' of what is really happening on planet Earth, rather than what 'we are told is happening.'"

Part 2 ...Use the links through the video for the whole series.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:44 AM
I think that story of the Japan first lady was covered here
on ATS a few months back so thats nothing new.

But will look at some of the other stuff u got

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:00 AM
Wow, thanks for the info. I currently live in Japan so it would be exciting to see some of that kinda thing com eup in the news. I'll be back to look at some of your links later. Any idea when this disclosure will happen?

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:09 AM
reply to post by bulletproof_monk

Hello bulletproof_monk. I am not sure of an exact date, but it appears Japan is actively preparing for disclosure and a mass event of sorts. I am hoping soon other governments, especially mine here in the U.S., will follow their footsteps in publicly speaking about this topic in a positive light. I think the longer we are kept in the dark the more real their lies become.

If you guys haven't checked into the MJ12 Documents you should.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:17 AM
It's sad that I am afraid to click on any link posted on ATS. Too many crashes and hard restarts...

I've waited and waited for disclosure. I don't believe it will ever happen.
I no longer believe. I used to believe in Bigfoot, I believed in Nessie and I believed that Aliens were visiting us and would make themselves known.

I believed in ghosts and in God and the AntiChrist. I believed the stories of black eyed kids. I believed your stories. I believed in hope and change. I believed that I could do anything I wanted to do if I wanted to do it.

I no longer believe. This world, like this board, is populated by liars, charlatans and attention seekers. Greed, in the form of attention or money.

No more blind belief. I now require proof.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:25 AM
reply to post by c2o...

Proof is what you can find, and what you can make of it. Maybe you don't have an alien shaking your hand, but to some that is what it would take. Maybe you don't have the NWO knocking at your door having a meeting in your house but does that mean they don't exist? Good luck hiding behind your fear and ever finding any truth. No wonder you no longer believe. Luckily there are more people out there trying to figure out what has been kept secret from us than ever before. We have been lied to on so many levels, I guess if you want to give up that is understood, but I feel it is the reason we as a whole are weak right now, because of views such as yours.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:38 AM
I think America would be one of the last countries to have disclosure on the topic of aliens and UFOs.
Im glad to hear that Japan is heading in the right direction and are actually sharing things with the public instead of keeping secrets. I will post anything I hear in the news about this if it comes up.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:40 AM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
reply to post by c2o...

Proof is what you can find, and what you can make of it. Maybe you don't have an alien shaking your hand, but to some that is what it would take. Maybe you don't have the NWO knocking at your door having a meeting in your house but does that mean they don't exist? Good luck hiding behind your fear and ever finding any truth. No wonder you no longer believe. Luckily there are more people out there trying to figure out what has been kept secret from us than ever before. We have been lied to on so many levels, I guess if you want to give up that is understood, but I feel it is the reason we as a whole are weak right now, because of views such as yours.

My views are not the reason we are weak. I have no fear and I have not given up. I just don't believe in all the lies anymore. The lies here.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by c2o...]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:41 AM
reply to post by c2o...

There is nothing wrong with requiring proof before believing something. I believe that some people here at ATS could benefit by this line of thinking, as it seems that we daily have to wade through the trough of BS slopped upon the boards of this site to find threads that have claims with supporting evidence.

There are some things that I accept require blind faith. None of these things are topics I will research on ATS. There is no shame in wanting proof, no matter what anyone tells you.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 02:56 AM
Of course we need proof. I feel like we have proof though already but it, for some reason, is not enough! Look at government documents PROVING they are hiding information about this. If there isn't anything to hide then why all the secrets? Also, you can look at all the pictures you want, and if you can't realize that some are real then I don't know what to tell you...Of course MOST can be explained, but what about the few that CAN'T? Look at all the videos, I wont even post any because you can look at threads. Look at NASA footage, here, on ATS, that still hasn't been debunked. What about people like Lazar and Colonel Philip Corso, are they all lies? I don't know, I guess I feel like the proof is already there for people to see in many cases, but it feels like we need a mass disclosure event to awaken everyone.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 03:32 AM

Originally posted by Smell The Roses
Of course we need proof. I feel like we have proof though already but it, for some reason, is not enough! Look at government documents PROVING they are hiding information about this. If there isn't anything to hide then why all the secrets? Also, you can look at all the pictures you want, and if you can't realize that some are real then I don't know what to tell you...Of course MOST can be explained, but what about the few that CAN'T? Look at all the videos, I wont even post any because you can look at threads. Look at NASA footage, here, on ATS, that still hasn't been debunked. What about people like Lazar and Colonel Philip Corso, are they all lies? I don't know, I guess I feel like the proof is already there for people to see in many cases, but it feels like we need a mass disclosure event to awaken everyone.

[edit on 28-3-2010 by Smell The Roses]

I agree with most of your post. I do not believe all claims without proof are lies. I just think most are. I truly believe there is life after death and there is no doubt in my mind that "we are not alone". I'm just tired of the flat out fabrications that permeate this board.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 05:59 AM
For some people, there will never be enough proof. The rest of us just need to stop trying to convince the hardcore deniers and get on with our lives. I have seen enough to convince myself, and anyone else who wishes to join me in believing is welcome. All others, sorry but your disinformation falls on deaf ears.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:46 AM
Waiting for disclosure is like waiting for the next ice age.

Just forget about it.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:39 PM
reply to post by tabris

Lol I hear you friend. I just am hoping a government other than the U.S. steps up and starts releasing more info. One can only hope. By the way I hope people got a chance to watch the Fastwalkers series, as it is filled with evidence and amazing interviews.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:17 AM
UPDATE*** New info on upcoming disclosure! This video was just released today. Project Disclosure is telling people to wake up! Must Watch!

This is the National Press Club Outing from Government Officials, willing to testify under oath concerning these events. This is the real deal folks!

UFO Disclosure needs to be Announced by Obama 9/2010! - March 28, 2010

(Inside The Government Intelligence and Military community they are starting to come out in large numbers.)

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:50 AM
They will never get their chance to testify before congress. Not that they need to. Most people already believe in most, if not all of what they're saying, and the hardcore deniers will never be convinced, short of a flying saucer landing in their front yard and an alien walking right up to them. Even then they would probably maul the unfortunate ET, screaming "Where's the zipper!?!"

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 03:55 AM
Every morning when Mrs Hatoyama gets up she eats the sun and not only has been to Venus but knows the Japanese Tom Cruise.

Definitely more first families should be this mad.

[edit on 29-3-2010 by pazcat]

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 04:24 AM
Here is some more new info for anyone interested. If you are not familiar with you should take a minute and start there. "Exopolitics is the study of the key individuals, political institutions and processes associated with extraterrestrial life. Information concerning extraterrestrial life and technology is kept secret from the general public, elected political representatives & even senior military officials."

The National Press Club is holding their annual conference this year and it looks to be bigger than ever. Project Disclosure is gaining momentum with many new people in the fight for truth. Global Disclosure is trying to force its way through.

X-Conference 2010 coming up in Washington D.C. in May. This event might be a huge event this year and very important. With more people willing to speak out than ever before and the inability to keep hiding everything a major news announcement may be coming soon. Here are some notable points that will be touched on at the X-conference. Follow the link and click the program link at the bottom of the page for the full thing. The site only will link to the home page.

Lectures -

From USA

-Stephen Bassett - Disclosure 2010 - Contact 2012

Paradigm Research Group's executive director will discuss the very latest developments in exopolitics and the Disclosure movement including a major new PRG project which will have been announced shortly before the X-Conference. He will expand your thinking about what to expect in the post-Disclosure world - how to prepare for it and what to do when it gets here.

From the UK

-Gary Heseltine - The History of British Police UFO Sighting

Gary has been researching this subject since 2002. He has now amassed over 350 sightings between 1901 and 2008 involving over 700 British police officers. Gary’s presentation will comprise of a brief history of how his research began before giving a selection of the types of cases contained on his PRUFOS Police Database website i.e. radar/visual, close encounters. He will also comment on recent UFO/ET developments in the UK.

From Russia

-Paul Stonehill - UFO phenomenon in Russia (the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union, and post-communist Russia)

Paul Stonehill will describe Soviet and Russian military research of paranormal phenomena (including the SETKA program files; UFO sightings by Russian military; dangerous encounters; cosmonaut sightings and revelations). KGB and paranormal phenomena: the secret police interest in the research and its files. USOs (unidentified submersible objects) in the Russian and international waters and Soviet Navy's secret USO research programs.

The lecture will present history of UFO phenomenon in Russia and the countries it has controlled. Military, scientific, and intelligence (both Soviet and American) reports of UFO sightings, as well as offer a detailed analysis of the most famous UFO cases. Vivid description of incidents in Ukraine, Russian Far East, the Tien-Shen Mountains, along the Sino-Russian and Iranian borders, and the Russian Arctic territories; the strategic Kola Peninsula, the faraway baffling Chukotka, Karelia, the Urals, Kazakhstan, and Yakutia. UFO sightings reports from the formerly inaccessible Soviet territories and Russia's top secret sites. From the ancient Russian "signs in the sky" to unsolved mystery of the Tunguska Phenomenon through the sightings of modern Russian cosmonauts, the lecture will describe the fascinating history of UFO phenomenon in the former Russian Empire and USSR.

And if you are interested in seeing what this is all about here is some videos of X-Con.

(2hour X-Con 09 video from Exopolitics Denmark. Make sure to let this one load or you may want to find another version.)

X-Conference 09 07/26/09

X-Con 2008

Google Video Link

There is an entire network of people working on disclosure right now. Here is a site that is updated daily, globally, if you want some more info.

Exopolitics Institute - Updated Daily

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 07:55 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses
I am sorry but There is no disclosure! How many times we have heared this crap. The disclosureproject is very old almost 10 years and there is not a single progression in it. In fact people are saying stuff like this 50 years ago: Disclosure is coming and coming. But it is all false hope. I can bet on my house that there will be no disclosure. You guys are conspiracy nuts. Now I do believe in UFO's and alien lifeform, but to say that our government is hiding it from us is just fantasy.

Every year there is a conference of some charlatans and every year you here this year there is disclosure coming. "Just in", or "Breaking news", or "There is something going on" "there are things behind the shemes going on" "there are somethings moving". Every time. But it is nothing. Its all vague feeling and abstract. There is nothing going on. There are no more and more people coming out . There is nothing.

You believe that nuts of a wife of the minister that was abducted to Venus and says it is green. I am sorry but Venus is green?? Did I miss something?

Now the only "disclosure" that wille ever come is when we find Alien lifeform on other planets with scientific telescopes or from SETI. No other disclosure is going to happen ever.

Look what did the british "disclosure"brouht us? Nothing Just some files released and people are saying"something is going on". Well there is nothong going on. The British government didn't say there are alien among us. It is just fantasy. But I think I made my point.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:50 AM
reply to post by Smell The Roses

Sorry Smell The Roses but I don't see the links you've posted indicating any imminent announcement from Japan. Much of it is not exactly new. The video of the chinese news story is problematic as you seem to have taken the youtube users title and description at face value. I'm guessing you don't actually speak Chinese (like most of us here), so how do you know what is being said in the video? I doubt the video is actually from March as has been stated as everyone is wandering around in summer clothes, Beijing is usually freezing in March. There are so many UFO stories that originate from videos that have been misrepresented on youtube and certain 'researchers' are happy to site them as evidence of mass sightings.

I wouldn't pin too much hope on the exopolitics guys either, many of them are self appointed and proclaim to have inside knowledge and they have been doing that for years. They speak at their conferences year after year and nothing changes.

A good point you have made is the character of Japan's leader and his wife. I agree that this would make it likely that out of any nation, they would be the ones to be open about the ET subject. I think that other countries such as the US and UK would find a way to undermine such an announcement if Japan should make it.

I think that the US and UK would disclose very gradually, so as to remain in control of events, maybe an acknowledgement of very basic life to start with. There will be contact with other life forms one day, it's inevitable but I wouldn't count on our leaders coming out with one big historic 'disclosure' type announcement.

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