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Golden Ice Age?

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:57 PM

I open a question for debate on whether in the light of 2012 (or 2011) we are heading for a Golden Age or an Ice Age or both. As we are nearing the end of an Interglacial, I can readily believe an Ice Age is just around the corner - you know Earth changes, Brown Dwarf, Precession, etc. As for a Golden Age, I'd like to hope so for it to happen, but it won't be much fun if it turns out to be extremely nippy. For me, it's quite a conumdrum.
What do others think?


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:08 AM
I think neither will happen, people will still bicker about opinions, and wars will be waged for no reason, and people will still make inane predictions about doom and gloom.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:32 AM
First off, a brown drawf is a star.

As for Ice age vs golden age, I'd wager neither. A Golden age is a combination of many factors, most of all including the economy. After all, who can really call a period of time golden without a little bit of excess income. If you are looking for a golden age, I would look to the late 90's. Plenty of money to go around then.

If you are looking towards a golden age in terms of enlightenment, perhaps maybe. Internet access is still breaking into certain countries and with more people having it, more opinions are shared, and more realizations are made.

I think it will probably be just another year, albeit a lot of people will most likely be celebrating Christmas from a bunker.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 06:07 AM
I like your question - and I'm surprised that more people haven't gotten into the discussion...

Regarding the Ice Age idea - I read once about a geological conception that our planet goes through phases lasting approximately 12,000 years... Ice Ages seem to come and go with geological regularity. In much the same way major earth changes and catastrophic events seem to follow a timetable of sorts too. Discounting for a moment all the ideas of precessional return of the 'gods' etc - even the most traditional geologists/ vulcanologists etc seem to adhere to some sort of cyclic pattern of geologically or astronomically-induced change to our climate and eco-system. For example, super caldera volcanic eruptions (Yellowstone is geologically way overdue), asteroid impact, continental slippage causing mega-earthquakes and tsunamis etc.

NB - I personally believe the interventionist theory of mankind's appearance (it certainly doesn't fit Darwin's suggested evolutionary timescales). When it comes to a Golden Age, I do think we're heading towards an age of renewal, preceded in all likelihood by cataclysm. I would suggest that there is both a physical and a metaphysical involvement of 'gods', or aliens (Nefilim..?) in our existence here on Earth, as well as the MasterPlan of a supreme Creator (Spiritual God with a capital 'G').

Certain forces are unquestionably at work to manipulate the power-brokers of this little planet; keeping the poor as poor as possible, retaining the wealth for the elite... While the upcoming events will be drastic and (for most people) unexpected, there is a geo-political agenda on the cards which already knows what to expect.

And I do believe there are sides to be taken.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 08:38 AM
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

Let's keep it going! My feeling is that the Golden Age is on the NEW Earth in another dimension. Any survivors on 3D Earth after the cataclysms would migrate to the Equatorial regions and start over as children, perhaps guided by ETs or whatever to kick-start their new civilisations. Since we're nearing the end of the Precession cycle, I'm puzzled about the new race, i.e. Cro Magnon into ??? What happened to Neanderthal Man 26,000 years ago? He disappeared and we arrived. So, is this going to be a complete wipeout?


posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:57 AM
An ice age isn't a far fetched possibility.
Look at what happened this year when a lot of the northern hemisphere was covered in snow. Al it needs is a major eruption and the conveyor belt to conveying. There is evidence found in ice cores that it did and just like turning the switch.
A golden age ? Not so likely. Unless the survivors of the sudden freeze were in shock and awe and finally come to the conclusion they are just a speck of dust and the only way to be remembered is means leaving those pesky human emotions like greed, arrogance, hate etc. behind them.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:00 AM
lol its already being discussed here

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 08:53 AM
NB - re: the post from JumpingBeanz - the thread she refers to isn't actually related to interventionism and precessional cycles, catastrophism etc; it's just about geomagnetic pole shifting. So we can carry on as we were until someone points out another thread relating directly to the sort of things I just mentioned...

Thanks anyway Jumpingbeanz..!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 09:17 AM
All I know for sure is that you shouldn't eat the Golden snow.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 10:03 AM

Originally posted by mclinking
reply to post by NoahTheSumerian

Let's keep it going! My feeling is that the Golden Age is on the NEW Earth in another dimension. Any survivors on 3D Earth after the cataclysms would migrate to the Equatorial regions and start over as children, perhaps guided by ETs or whatever to kick-start their new civilisations. Since we're nearing the end of the Precession cycle, I'm puzzled about the new race, i.e. Cro Magnon into ??? What happened to Neanderthal Man 26,000 years ago? He disappeared and we arrived. So, is this going to be a complete wipeout?


Gah! I'm all for connecting dots but you've got everything but the kitchen sink in there.
Multi-dimensions..better possibility there than life on other planets, including ET. To me ET comes from another dimension, not a planet anywhere in our universe.
A cataclysmic event can and will happen to our planet, it has before, it shall again. We are no more immune to it than cavemen or dinos.
We may survive, we may not.
Best to live life a day at a time, appreciate the sun when it comes up every morning, and don't waste time in your life speculating disasters...there is enough mini-disasters on our planet daily without us getting paranoid over THE BIG ONE which we would never see coming nor be able to stop.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:31 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

All but the kitchen sink in a few lines, eh! But lots of hypotheticals, aren't there. Like you, I know sweet FA about ETs. I missed one thing out, namely the 'new race' predicted by several sources (including a crop circle), such as Mother Shipton and Daniel Srsa. I don't fancy the idea of surviving and being genetically engineered into something else, do you?

By the way, your logo is fab! How do you get that reflection?


posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:45 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Great point made here - let's not worry too much about it..! I enjoy sunny days and spending time with my family as much as the next man.

Recently I got back into the Z. Sitchin 'Earth Chronicles' stuff, as well as A. Alford's "Gods of the New Millenium", which both got me onto wrapping my noggin around the whole 2012 issue.

As much as anything else, it's an imaginative exercise - I'm a novice screenwriter/ novelist, so tend to enjoy 'far-out' creative problems...

Gracias for your sensible post..!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Just realised that my apparent change of heart might seem radical; just to clarify - if anything does kick off in 2012, I do think we'll have to make very important personal decisions about our allegiances etc. If nothing kicks off, well - thank God, and carry on as before..!

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 12:52 PM
reply to post by mclinking

Neanderthal and us co-existed for a while. We're pretty much the reason Neanderthal died out. Not only were we killing them, we were also taking up resources that used to be mutually exclusive to them.

posted on Mar, 29 2010 @ 01:03 PM

Originally posted by mclinking
reply to post by AccessDenied

All but the kitchen sink in a few lines, eh! But lots of hypotheticals, aren't there. Like you, I know sweet FA about ETs. I missed one thing out, namely the 'new race' predicted by several sources (including a crop circle), such as Mother Shipton and Daniel Srsa. I don't fancy the idea of surviving and being genetically engineered into something else, do you?

By the way, your logo is fab! How do you get that reflection?


I know enough about ET and space to believe there is a higher likelihood of anything not human coming from a alternate reality than a different planet.
That is NOT sweet FA.
Been studying UFO's since I was 11, and most paranormal things since I could read a book.
Took my lifetime thus far to draw the beliefs and conclusions that I have, and I'm still learning, and always will be till the day I die..whether by old age or natural disaster.

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