I don't know but these videos look too perfect. Looks like a staged event to make Independents look bad and republican tea baggers gain all the
power. Check it out. This guy is full out making an arse of himself, you never see anything like this when folks like we are change are out raising
cain, and as soon as he comes out the door there just so happens to be a camera crew ready to interview him. An what do they hone in one as he comes
out the door? "I'm a Libertarian!" This was posted at demacratic spin central, huffington Post. They made a big deal out of it and a lot of folks
are calling palin a thug LOL Its a stunt I tell you!! The real message is that libertarians are punks and trouble makers. Guarantee there will be
more. Tell me what you think.
oh yeah and another thing how many protesters go it alone? Wheres the follow up crew?