posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:27 PM
I am always amazed at claims made by people that don't actually have any factual evidence to back them up. Israel manufactures much of its own
weapons. How you can look at this scene and say it was US weapons is BS.
And why are they always amazed at the slaughter of innocents when they strap explosives on or pack a vehicle with them and go kill innocent women and
children. Then when it comes back at them they try and act like it is a crime. It is a crime on both sides period.
Just last week or the week before, HAMAS wrote a letter to Syrian officials complaining that they were being terrorized by palestineans that were
shooting Hamas members and planting explosive booby traps on them calling them terrorists! What total BS coming from the terrorists themselves. Keep
on trying to blow up innocent people and when it comes back at you, take your own medicine. As long as terrorists kill innocents, many of them their
own people and muslims, and then hide among their own civilian populations, then don't piss and cry when you get punched in the face with a missile
or a bullet, just like the rockets or AK-47 rounds you send into Israel or any other place. And don't even try the excuse of "our rockets don't
kill as many Jews as their rockets do"! Total BS. When you learn to live like decent people and quit complaining that the rest of the world has left
you in the dust while you worship meteorites in the cube in Mecca, maybe you won't have the problems and retaliation attacks you have today. Not to
mention that these muslims think killing anyone who doesn't believe in their insane religion. And if you think for one minute that Allah rewards the
killing of innocent women and children with 72 Virgins for committing Suicide/Homicide, you are extremely delusional. I am so sick of the BS that
comes from the terrorists that I refuse to even listen to them any longer. Straighten out your own house before trying to tell others to straighten
out theirs, or better yet, remove the plank from your own eye before trying to remove the splinter from someone elses.
[edit on 27/3/10 by spirit_horse]