This thread is intended for newcomers, seasoned members and people like me who sit somewhere in between. Over the course of the last couple of
months, I have authored several threads in an attempt to guide and help people with various different tips and tricks for thread creation and
In light of those, I have decided to write another thread (obviously!) to highly some practices that will make your thread making far easier and more
productive. This thread will detail ways to make your threads noticed and how to build a proper OP, so that people are interested and ways to
encourage positive debate and civil debate.
Your thread title is perhaps one of the most important aspects of thread making. It provides an identity to the topic you are willing to discuss. It
sets the boundaries for what is on topic, and what has the potential to be removed.
Here are some things you should focus on:
#1--Your thread title must be relevant.
#2--Your thread title must NOT be misleading. (More on this later)
#3--The most effective titles are short and concise.
#4--They do not include all Capital LETTERS! (It's like your screaming at members to come look.)
#5--They have proper grammatical structure, punctuation and spelling. ( Those who English is not their first language are excused, however with
online spell checking, there really is no excuse.)
Structure is something that is very important. Nobody wants to read a 10 thousand characters of text that don't include a space in between
paragraphs or a separation of ideas. Learn to structure posts so that each individual idea or hypothesis is clearly identifiable and easy to read.
Think of every thread you author as an essay. I can tell you right now that if I open a thread, and it's all one sentence after another, no spaces
no paragraphs, I won't read it. Could be the most interesting thread of the month, I simply cannot.
It literally gives me a headache.
The number one reason for thread killing is claiming proof of something. I know this concept is hard to wrap your head around at first but let me
Far too often to I open up a topic and one of the first lines include a reference to something that without a shadow of a doubt, proves something to
be true. Whether it be 9/11, UFO's or just and old conspiracy theory you are re-evaluating.
NEVER claim proof outside of a personal opinion.
Truth is subjective, and what may constitute proof for you, may simply be hearsay for another member. It encourages people to dismantle you OP, line
by line and completely kill your thread.
It is important however to discuss what the topic or information at hand means to you. You may include lines such as, just my two cents, or In My
Opinion (IMO). Most people will leave your personal thoughts and opinions out of any sort of evaluation of the information you have presented.
The second issue is quality of content. Skunkworks excluded, it is important that you post something that has at least one source. A source is very
important. Which leads into my next point.
Sourcing is by far the most important aspect of any thread. It is highly important that you choose sources that can be verified as credible. Now
this is difficult in such forums such as the BAN forum or Prophecies and predictions, however in General Conspiracy or 9/11 forums it's important
that you show both sides of the issue you are discussion.
Now, even I am guilty of providing biased sources for issues that I feel strongly about. It's a very hard thing to get out of. I have attempted as
much as possible to include a view supporting my stance and a view that disputes it.
The important thing to remember is that there are ALWAYS at least several members who will disagree and who will provide a source to back themselves
NEVER claim that your source is better than an other's, simply because you chose that side of the issue. NEVER attack a member based on the source
they have used. Attack the source. If you can provide credible evidence as to why the source should be discredited, then you have effectively won
that argument.
This in recent times has become a sort of problem I have addressed in the threads above. I do however want to make clear that when you make a title
that is misleading or a source that is truly and obviously biased, prepare to be given some negativity. It's your job from that point to clearly
state why you think it is credible, or why you chose such a thread.
Doing so for Flags and "Interest Mining" will get you nowhere fast. Even less so if you actually admit to such trickery. Mind you we do encourage
truth here, so don't lie if asked.
Forum Selection
Selecting which forum to post your thread in can be a daunting task. The reason I know this to be true is perhaps 40% of the time, we see threads
that begin with an apology along the lines of " If this is the wrong place, sorry mods feel free the move it."
Let me be clear. There is no reason to state such a thing. If the mods want to move it, they certainly will. If you were to post " Please don't
move" that would not help you either trust me.
With that being said, allow me to explain my approach to forum selection.
Let's say we have a thread entitled " 4G Networks Are Killing Our Bees And The Government Knew About It!"
Now this can be posted in a variety of different places. However, you must select your target audience.
We could place this in the BAN forum, General Conspiracy Discussion or Technology forums. Where will it get the most attention? My answer would be
the Technology forum. Lot's of ATS members read those threads and they stand out because of their blue color on the recent posts page.
I could list a hundred different examples, but you get my gist.
This is not a reference to swearing or censor circumvention (both of which should be avoided as part of the T&C anyway) but a reference again to
structure. Do not use degrading language or Political Pundit names. (Obamacare, Billo The Clown, etc.) This simply provide fuel for trolls and the
like who use this sort of language to divert attention away from the topic and place the spotlight on them.
Know Your Audience
I am adding this part cause, well, it just came to mind.
NEVER, I repeat and scream NEVER state that you do not want certain people with a certain viewpoint to post in your thread. This is grounds for
automatic thread kill by however does not share your opinion.
As our members, or even Mods/Staffers know that this is user generated content and it's the myriad of different opinions, ideals and beliefs that
make this place so great.
We do not create threads just to stroke each other's ego or point of view. If you expect to only have people who agree with you to post, you are
sorely mistaken.
Mark my words members, this is a one way ticket to you being ridiculed and called out for something that might be extremely mundane and otherwise a
very on topic, progressive and positive discussion.
We must never feed the trolls. Actively working on creating clear, concise, to the point threads, regarding the information, not the person who said
or provided the information is paramount to thread success and troll prevention.
In closing all these topics and tricks can be used to greatly increase your page views and the quality content of your threads. There are many more
helpful hints which I leave to other members to post an discuss.
I hope you all enjoy and remember above all else here at ATS;
As opposed to senseless guides to thread creation?
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Hello ATS.
Hello, tothetenthpower.
Payback, isn't it so fun?
And hello to those new to ATS and the wonderful world of conspiracy theorizing.
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
This thread is intended for newcomers, seasoned members and people like me who sit somewhere in between. Over the course of the last couple of
months, I have authored several threads in an attempt to guide and help people with various different tips and tricks for thread creation and
Well, I'm not a newcomer, I am a seasoned member, and I do not sit inbetween.
So, where do I fit in that, other than the seasoned member, tothetenthpower?
For the newer members, tothetenthpower and I have known each other for a while.
I'm giving him grief, merely because I can, and because he knows I respect him.
I am using humor to show a different approach and as well how to reply in good spirit.
If ATS were the television show "Happy Days", tothetenthpower would be Marion Cunningham, and I would be Arthur Fonzarelli, "The
Fonz", and about the only person who could get away with telling me to Sit On It, in regards to conspiracies.
Fonzie, Sit On It!
Indeed, and here is one of my own trying to help newer members.
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
In light of those, I have decided to write another thread (obviously!) to highly some practices that will make your thread making far easier and more
productive. This thread will detail ways to make your threads noticed and how to build a proper OP, so that people are interested and ways to
encourage positive debate and civil debate.
Your thread title is perhaps one of the most important aspects of thread making. It provides an identity to the topic you are willing to discuss. It
sets the boundaries for what is on topic, and what has the potential to be removed.
Agreed, the thread title, is the first impact you have, when sharing your thoughts.
Especially when it comes to an International Forum like ATS.
While I am an American, tothetenthpower is Canadian, and many other members are from other countries as well, and it is an international website,
where ideas flow.
Originally posted by tothetenthpower
Here are some things you should focus on:
Forum Selection
Know Your Audience
Deny Ignorance
[edit on 3/27/2010 by tothetenthpower]
Now, all kidding aside, tothetenthpower is completely correct, these are defining elements.
1) Structure is important, because like a house, building a thread has to have all the basic elements, frame-work, building blocks, and doors for open
2) Content is equally important, as a house, a thread without furniture, people, and information to share, it it both useless and worthless, people
will not want to visit.
3) Sourcing is as well, like a home, a thread is important, because people will want to know where you got your information, unlike inside a home or
office where people can see your books, library, or college degrees, a thread needs to have your information sourced, so as to allow others to both
share in the knowledge, find it for themselves through their own perspective, and as well it give them a counterpoint to allow them a different view
to yours.
4) Misleading is important, but not like the others, you want people to trust you, so misleading someone is counter to your very purpose of being
here, unless of course you are a liar, and if that is true, people will find you out quickly.
Intentionally misleading through posting known false information is also against the terms and conditions.
And this goes as well for posting plagiarized information, claiming something as your own, when it is clearly not, ATS allows quoting, both online and
offline, so do it.
It is important to not be intentionally misleading, because we are all here to discover information.
Information is power, make sure your power, is not in misleading others.
5) Forum selections to me is one of the most important aspects because while you may know what you're referring to, others might not if you post
about Bigfoot in the Conspiracies in Religion, when in fact Bigfoot belongs in Mythical Beasts, or posting about Roswell in
Alternative Substances, when it clearly belongs in Aliens and U.F.O.'s.
This is the foundation of your thread, going back to number one and structure.
6) Language is vitally important, English being the preferred and mandatory language, but as well the words you use. There is a censor for foul
language, for a reason, as there are minors present from time to time, but as well that not all people like nasty words. While I might not always
agree with this because of being an American and Freedom of Speech, I do know how to use proper words. And as well the content, context, and
intent of your threads are based upon this as well, and it does show people not only how you think but how to see you as a human being on this World
Wide Web.
7) Knowing your audience is important, there are people from all over the world, different cultures, different religions, different belief systems,
different thoughts on aliens, Government, Cryptozoic animals, as well as different ages ranges.
You can go here to read about your target audience if you choose to do so.
8) Deny Ignorance is one of those things I would say are not only necessary, but edging towards mandatory, at least for myself, because
I do not like ignorance, nor the lack of knowledge and or information it breeds.
Denying ignorance is tantamount to defeating the darkness, stupidity, and criminality of the world, and it is something I find as a difficult thing to
If we as human are ever going to explore the Universe as a race, we need to do this last one not only upon international conspiracy theory boards such
as ATS, but through out our daily lives, off of this website as it is a means to not only conquer our fears, but ourselves through gaining
intelligence through any source in order to combat, effectively, the ignorance of racial hatred, the ignorance of a lack of education through
educating each other, and the ignorance's of those imposed upon us by those who would shackle us into a reawakening of those dark days of the
"Middle Ages", if we begin repeating those times again because of corruption throughout mankind.
With that and a message of Deny Ignorance I leave you with a song.
Godsmack - Speak
The message is quite clear in denying ignorance that if you are silent you are not speaking.
Ohh vengence will be swift and just the next time I get a U2U from you mister! lol
I do however like the Fonz reference, I am definetly Marion...definetly...
You make some very valid points, I do think that the song does articule what we are both attempting to say. You spoke a bit more about misinformation
and misleading members, this is vital to your experience.
Like so many others have realized, ATS is different from online boards. We remember you, for your content and your attitude.
This post is an example of supportive thread material.
In order to have a successful thread, the Opening Post in important, and a good opening post encourages solid well thought out contributions, that add
to the content of the thread.
What I am going to contribute is what turns me off form participating in a thread.
A big one is an opening post comprised of six youtube videos, and one line saying something like, Cool, take a look! or sometimes, nothing at all. I
will skip that thread every time. relying too much on youtube is a thread killer for me.
An opening post that relies on only one source, and that source is a tabloid or known low quality journalism. A good rule of thumb is this.
If the story is legit, it will be sourced more than one place.
Using a BLOG as your "proof" and NOTHING else is not how to contribute quality to the forums. If the OP cannot even use more than one source, and
give a paragraph of thoughts on the subject, why should I bother?
OK, now I am going to wrap up this post and allow my other forum mates to contribute their thoughts on this subject.
I will sign off hoping to see new members contributions around the boards, having taken all of our good advice!!
And I am looking forward to reading more tips myself.
How 'bout be nice, be interesting, don't take things personally and everything will be super.
You guys are really overworking the old noggin'. Be nice, be interesting and abide by the T&C. If everyone were to post in some almost 'mechanized'
format, it would get boring. I like opening up a thread and sometimes seeing scattered thoughts and the civilized rowdiness that erupts after a
misleading title, don't lie, you like it too.
How 'bout be nice, be interesting, don't take things personally and everything will be super.
You guys are really overworking the old noggin'. Be nice, be interesting and abide by the T&C. If everyone were to post in some almost 'mechanized'
format, it would get boring. I like opening up a thread and sometimes seeing scattered thoughts and the civilized rowdiness that erupts after a
misleading title, don't lie, you like it too.
In all honesty, yes there are sometimes when on occasion, I get into a great conversation stemming from a misleading title. Now this was not to make
everybody post in some mechanized form, it was simply a guide so that people can know what ATS has come to expect when it comes to high quality