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Eurozone agrees on bailout plan for Greece

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:19 AM

Eurozone agrees on bailout plan for Greece

BRUSSELS (AP) -- Heavily indebted Greece won a major pledge of financial support from the other countries that use the euro and the International Monetary Fund in a deal that aims to halt the government debt crisis undermining Europe's currency union.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:19 AM
It appears that the EU has fallen prey to the IMF. I almost wonder if this was the intent. The Euro would have to be undermined in preparation for a global monetary union or the US is using the IMF to stay on top.

Either way, the EU could be compromised. France and Germany seemed to know this and tried to prevent it, but they simply don't have the influence that the powers behind the IMF and the World Bank Group have.
(visit the link for the full news article)

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:43 AM
As someone who is actually meant to be in Europe, I'm as afraid of France and Germany as I am some sinister, anonymous International Monetary Fund. This European Union seems to be more about some Franco-German empire-lite than anything else. No one else really seems to have the influence on it that they do and no one else seems to really benefit from it in the way that they do. On top of that, no one really seems to have it in for the British and specifically England in the way that they do.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:53 AM
I'm beggining to think that the whole crash of '08 and subsequent bubble was an financial false flag event used by the IMF, World Bank and Wall Street to consildate assets and to engage in currency wars.

As long as the dollar is backed by oil. No one else stands a chance being that most nations currency is based on fiat nothingness.

SO now USA and wall st. have a hand in Europe and will begin making the EU their bi-atch.

We are the evil empire. Everyone's waitng for the other shoe to drop on this side of the pond, but it ain't going to happen. The 28 trillion lend out by TAARP has become the invading army of us emperialism. We control your debt, we control You.

Probelm-crisis-solution. Nothing more American than that. F- yeah

Sadly, it's either us or the muslim banking system. Eugenics vs. sharia law, tough call.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:36 AM
reply to post by Merriman Weir

You can leave the Franco part out. They have no real say. It's all Germany.

Anyway, this whole thing is one big joke. Greece is going to default anyway. it's just been delayed for a time. It would have been better if they allowed it to default. Do you know where they are getting the money from? The U.S.A, Bennie is going to crank up that printing press and save Greece. Here's the next question though: Portugal. Now that it has seen it's credit rating dinged, what is in store? Will the IMF be able to bail them out too? And what of Italy, Spain and Ireland. Soon they will be at the table for a handout.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:41 AM

Originally posted by MikeboydUS
It appears that the EU has fallen prey to the IMF. I almost wonder if this was the intent. The Euro would have to be undermined in preparation for a global monetary union or the US is using the IMF to stay on top.

Either way, the EU could be compromised. France and Germany seemed to know this and tried to prevent it, but they simply don't have the influence that the powers behind the IMF and the World Bank Group have.

It can look like that but I have been following this closely for the past month and its quite to the contrary.. Its actually an extremely clever move by Germany.. The IMF will be involved should they be needed but will only be allowed minimal wrangling and will not be able to affect the European Central Bank.

* By not involving the IMF, Germany risks having to fork out the Lions share for bailing out several other EU states through bilateral loans of taxpayers money at low interest rates..

* By involving the IMF, if even for use of their policies in cutting public spending - citizens and politicians of the troubled state will not be able to blame the EU for making them cut their spending.. And on top of that, EUROZONE states will be contributing 80%+ of loans both bi laterally and through contributions already guaranteed to the IMF.

* The Germans are now, without a doubt the leaders of the EUROZONE and are beginning to shed their past fear of the spotlight as a result of WW2 and putting their foot down so to speak. The Germans actually wanted the IMF to get involved in order to punish Greece slightly while also helping it through bailout funds.

* France did not want to get the IMF involved because one of Sarcozy's biggest political rivals in France is at the head of the IMF and it would have been political suicide for him to allow a complete IMF intervention.. So they made a compromise for an overhaul of the EU fiscal control system in return for backing a small amount of IMF intervention.

* Involving the IMF now will give the fresh post Lisbon EU a chance to create a European Monetary Fund using Internal EU policy based on IMF tactics while also implementing the French pushed "Top Down Economic Governance" - ie. Federal EU economic control over the EUROZONE economies.

This little fiasco with a state that takes up 2% of the EU GDP has actually given the federal EU absolutely MASSIVE new powers over the continent.. And at the same time, convinced the population and politicians that they need it by allowing it to "Allegedly" get out of hand..

Fact is though.. its not even guaranteed that Greece will even need a bailout.. But the balance of power has shifted as a result anyway..

Its all Mindgames lol.. I wouldn't mind but the whole thing is like an open book.. Its always obvious what the outcome is going to be.. Every politician wants complete EU integration so noone will allow it to fail.

Check out and look through the back catalog for all the info ; ]

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
This European Union seems to be more about some Franco-German empire-lite than anything else.

This is definitely the case in the EUROZONE but to be fair, they take up half the population and GDP..

In the EU as a whole, its UK & Franco-German power that runs the whole show.. the Brits could get more involved if they wanted but I think their politicians are afraid to publicize whats happening with the EU taking over the continent.

But at the end of the day, every Capital City gets a veto so any one can block policy but who is going to stand up against UK & France or Franco-German pressure?

And EU power has gotten so big in the continent now that the only States that can actually really affect it are the three I mentioned above..

Guaranteed that over the next 5 years and as a result of this crises, the EU will become by far the most powerful Entity on the continent..

Its crazy what has been done in the past 4 months since the Lisbon treaty came into effect.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:45 AM

Originally posted by antonia
And what of Italy, Spain and Ireland. Soon they will be at the table for a handout.

This is the thing.. Journalists like to throw around the PIIGS word when talking about the fiscal problems..

I know quite a lot about the Irish situation and know that it is stable and the deficit is decreasing so no bailout needed here..

How can Spain and Italy not cut public spending and curb their deficits? Of course they can.. That kind of economic policy is the easiest to implement.. Just stop paying public workers and save money. Let them strike, who cares, job done.

Greece won't default..

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:48 AM
Sorry if this is off-topic, although its related.
But where has this Euro-ZONE thing come from all of a sudden? its always been the European Union and Democratically should be. Is this psychological games ploying the public into thinking were now in "Zones" similar to those seen in Baghdad?

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Dermo

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
This European Union seems to be more about some Franco-German empire-lite than anything else.

This is definitely the case in the EUROZONE but to be fair, they take up half the population and GDP..

In the EU as a whole, its UK & Franco-German power that runs the whole show.. the Brits could get more involved if they wanted but I think their politicians are afraid to publicize whats happening with the EU taking over the continent.

Yes, I agree with the point about the Eurozone, but the EU overall? I'm not so sure: we must come a very poor third then. Can you expand on how what we're actually getting out of it? Whilst I understand mainstream media will tend to play-up the negative, can you pinpoint areas where we actually do rather well out of the whole thing? To be honest, it seems to me, that we're getting endlessly shafted so, whatever benefits we do get must really be 'behind the scenes' as it were.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:53 AM
The PIIGS issues is not simply a journalistic moniker. It is a concept widely spoken of in economic circles. The problem is not deficits, It is sovereign debt. The debt is not even in a currency they control. The speculators have been betting on the Euro to let out one big fart because of this. Considering it is Goldman and their ilk running this game, I'd be more apt to trust their observations.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 08:54 AM

Originally posted by Merriman Weir
I'm not so sure: we must come a very poor third then. Can you expand on how what we're actually getting out of it? Whilst I understand mainstream media will tend to play-up the negative, can you pinpoint areas where we actually do rather well out of the whole thing? To be honest, it seems to me, that we're getting endlessly shafted so, whatever benefits we do get must really be 'behind the scenes' as it were.

It is definitely a poor third alright.. But ye still have power.. Its just the fact that the UK still has an empire of sorts means it kind of sidelines the EU.

I think the main thing the UK is getting out of it is no more wars with Germany lol..

The UK does have power though.. especially now that it pretty much runs the EU foreign policy show..

But where has this Euro-ZONE thing come from all of a sudden?

Countries that use the EURO are EUROZONE states.. So basically these problems are contained within the EURO for the time being.. It would only spill out to the rest of the EU if the EURO collapsed.

Originally posted by antonia
Considering it is Goldman and their ilk running this game, I'd be more apt to trust their observations.

Ah yes, definitely correct.. however as policy or strategy changes in each of these states, outlook also changes.. The current outlook only goes by current policy. A slight policy shift can change everything.. The future is not set in stone.

[edit on 27/3/10 by Dermo]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:06 AM
reply to post by wylee

If you think about it both the EU and China appear to be on the verge of being humbled.

Both of them were predicted to have great economic futures, but both had internal problems that are now rising to the surface. Things were not as they seemed.

People discuss how much US debt Japan or China has, but it may be more important to ask who is holding most of the world's debt? It doesn't matter how much US debt Japan or China has if the US has the rest of the world by the throat. Whoever controls the world's debt controls the world.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:19 AM

Originally posted by antonia
Here's the next question though: Portugal. Now that it has seen it's credit rating dinged, what is in store?
The Portuguese government has already presented an Economic Growth Plan, that was considered a step in the right direction to correct the problem, and unlike what some media say, Portugal's situation is much different from the situation in Greece.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:21 AM
Greece wont recover

This just for the media so they would have something postive.

Nice photos of EU leaders i wondering if they were talking about on how to end us.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:22 AM
reply to post by Dermo

Another thing that people seem to ignore is that the Eurozone economy has been affected by the high price of the Euro when compared with the Dollar, and, as expected, this answer from the EU to the Greek situation made the Euro's exchange rate fall, making it easier for the Eurozone exports grow, making the situation of the less affected Eurozone countries even better.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:25 AM
A fine example of Socialism at work. Take heed America. You can't provide everything to everyone. It is nothing more than a myth and a theory that looked good on paper.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by djvexd]

[edit on 27-3-2010 by djvexd]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:35 AM
reply to post by ArMaP

Yes, most definitely.

But its hard to convince people of the obvious on this site at times.. everyone wants doom and gloom, noone wants to judge the facts, only speculative outcomes that only come to fruition 1% of the time..

Originally posted by djvexd
A fine example of Socialism/Communism at work.

Socialism isn't communism..

Where are the Communist EU states please..

You sound like a propaganda machine lol

[edit on 27/3/10 by Dermo]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:38 AM
reply to post by Dermo

[edit on 27-3-2010 by djvexd]

[edit on 27-3-2010 by djvexd]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by djvexd

Please explain to me how France.. A Socially democratic capitalist country is Communist..

Socialist, Yes.. Communist? No.

Do you know what Communism is?

Have you ever been to France?

Do you know what you are talking about?

I don't think you do

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 10:18 AM
You know what I was duped by not checking my sources so I retract Communist and my statement towards you, and lodge an apology. Socialist still stands, and the Socialist backed party swept the regional elections. And yes I have visited France and Germany and England and Russia and Japan.

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