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Bin Laden and available dialysis machines.

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posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 07:18 AM
The recent radio broadcast from *Bin Laden* could prove to be a huge final nail in the rapidly declining authenticity OS coffin. Here`s why..........

1. It is yet another critically timed media released fakery, reminding the world of the valiant and noble war of terrorism, as Bin professes from the heart words of vengeance and terrible repercussions, to those Western infidels responsible for the impending death sentence to his brother in arms, whom for some strange reason got no mention whatsoever in Bin Laden`s 9/11 video dairy!!!.

2. A huge can of worms has been opened - If Bin Laden is still alive, how did he manage to evade NATO surveillance teams that were surely put undercover at the very few hospitals that would welcome Bin Laden, with open arms for his life dependency kidney dialysis, that in later stages of renal failure need treating four hours a day, 3 days a week, there are just over 14000 dialysis centres covering 154 countries in the world, there are around 55 Muslim based countries in the world, a great pointer to just how many would put their countries at risk in welcoming Bin Laden, is reflected via the war in Afghanistan and devout Muslims fighting by their side, none as a country have declared war on NATO, but Muslims of various nationalities are indeed, fighting for the cause, but sadly, none have portable dialysis machines in their field kit medic bags.

So... Here we have NATO`s terrorist based world tour war, that boast among their ranks, some of, if not the best, counter terrorist and secret service units in the world, and by far the best tactical and undercover units, now i`m no military man nor do I have a clue as to the world of espionage and terrorism etc, but here`s a thought..

To combat terrorism or any conflict involving those whom follow, you need to remove from the equation those whom are followed, and in this case there is no bigger kingpin than Bin Laden, and if his reputation and status of world`s most wanted man putting him dangerously in the spotlight wasn`t enough, how the hell did NATO overlooking his life threatening kidney dialysis needs, and with it the chance of decreasing his odds of remaining a fugitive at large status to zero, by simply having the respective operatives staking out the very few that would have been on offer for the 1000+ visits a year Bin Laden needs to stay alive.

Ofc there is one other alternative, and that is to purchase the equipment and have it shipped to his secret address, but I think the respective agencies would have this aspect covered, and resources to monitor it

So the question is, and this goes out to all those debunkers here, how has Bin Laden managed what could be in the region of 9-10 thousand hospital visits for his treatment, to medical centres that have been put on the short list via the process of elimination and duly put under strict surveillance, whilst carrying the burden of the most wanted man on the planet, without being caught?.

I don`t think Pakistan would be an option anymore, do you?.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 10:17 AM
im under the impression he is dead. and if he is not dead, well we just dont wanna capture him. but im saying hes dead and probable has been since 05..

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 10:47 AM
Perhaps more research needs to be done on the subject of dialysis.

To have dialysis you need never go to a hospital or dialysis center and it can be done by yourself.

It is a form of dialysis called peritoneal dialysis. I am considering changing to this type of dialysis because it makes it possible for a patient to be totally mobile and travel anywhere.

The abdominal cavity is naturally lined with a membrane called the peritoneum. A permanent catheter is installed in patients abdomen. A tube is connected to the patients tube and a dextrose solution fills the abdominal cavity.

The dextrose solution pulls waste and escess fluid out of the body filtered by the membrane in the abdominal cavity and later the fluid is released into another bag and emptied.

Many prefer to do this while sleeping. I am considering this method as the needles in the arm 3 days a week are painful and you are tied to a dialysis center.

I can spend a couple of weeks or much longer camping on the river bank and still preform life saving dialysis all by myself.

The solution and bags don't take much room to store so I would keep at least a years supply at my home.

I have no doubt that our bad man could very well be using this method.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 10:55 AM
He has been living here in Florida since early 2002 when he came across the Mexican border. They wont find him over there. Try the beach.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:38 PM
You've been getting all your information from those damned fool conspiracy web sites again. Shortly after the 9/11 attack, Pakistani journalist Hamid Mir interviewed Osama Bin Laden and asked him about his supposed kidney problems. Bin Laden laughed and said his kidneys were fine. Thus, this whole Bin Laden dialysis bit is complete rubbish.

I think I'll believe Bin Laden's own word over that con artist Dylan Avery and those stupid conspiracy videos he makes in his dorm room, if you don't mind.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:42 PM
The people who think bin laden is still alive...get a clue. He's dead. He's been dead for almost a decade. Sorry, the government lied to you, but that's the government. It lies. Just like you'll fall down if you jump off a cliff, you should know the government will lie to you. It's a fact of nature. We found hussein in a hole in the ground, but we can't find bin laden dragging a dialysis machine behind him? The average continued life expectancy from someone on dialysis is 7 years because of complications, primarily risk of infection. Dragging a dialysis machine behind you while in the mountains...much less.

Of course, some people will insist the man's still alive like santa claus or the easter bunny still exists or that the world is flat. It's a free country, and you're free to be stupid. I just wihs you wouldn't make everyone else pay for it, but who am I kidding? zombies must make more zombies....

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 02:46 PM
reply to post by Seventh

My mother has had two kidney transplants. While she was on dialysis, she had a machine in our home. She could even go on vacation with it. She needed to do it 5 days a week.

We were far from billionaires and this was a couple decades ago so I have to assume that with a few bucks and today's technology, there should be no problem for him to get a little health care at home.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:27 PM
I posted this thread with one purpose in mind.. It was not intended for a debate on how or how often Bin Laden needed his treatment, but a more sinister aspect, why would people question or indeed refute the facts that he was not seriously ill in the 1st place?, here we have an interesting side to this whole fiasco including a very detailed event that happened in Dubai concerning an American surgeon specialist Dr. Terry Callaway at the American hospital there, and by all accounts has treated Bin Laden more than once.

I will leave it to you, the general public to decide on what is going on here, it makes for very interesting reading, if you do some research you will undoubtly stumble upon reports of two dialysis machines and where they were sent, you will also find that Bin Laden suffered from other life threatening ailments.

Why would reports of his health concern the respective parties involved?, so much so that they brush these off as false, there is no justification of war against terrorists, if there are no terrorists...yes?.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by dizziedame
Perhaps more research needs to be done on the subject of dialysis.

To have dialysis you need never go to a hospital or dialysis center and it can be done by yourself.

It is a form of dialysis called peritoneal dialysis. I am considering changing to this type of dialysis because it makes it possible for a patient to be totally mobile and travel anywhere.

The abdominal cavity is naturally lined with a membrane called the peritoneum. A permanent catheter is installed in patients abdomen. A tube is connected to the patients tube and a dextrose solution fills the abdominal cavity.

The dextrose solution pulls waste and escess fluid out of the body filtered by the membrane in the abdominal cavity and later the fluid is released into another bag and emptied.

Many prefer to do this while sleeping. I am considering this method as the needles in the arm 3 days a week are painful and you are tied to a dialysis center.

I can spend a couple of weeks or much longer camping on the river bank and still preform life saving dialysis all by myself.

The solution and bags don't take much room to store so I would keep at least a years supply at my home.

I have no doubt that our bad man could very well be using this method.

I don't know how you feel or what you think, but either way, good luck with your treatment!!

My brother in law went through that a few years back. He has since gotten a kidney transplant and is now doing fine. Don't know if it helps any but Aruba has a wonderful modern kidney and renal center and is therefore a favorite vacation spot for folks with your condition.

Again, regardless of what you think about 9/11, good luck.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:22 PM

Originally posted by Seventh
I posted this thread with one purpose in mind.. It was not intended for a debate on how or how often Bin Laden needed his treatment, but a more sinister aspect, why would people question or indeed refute the facts that he was not seriously ill in the 1st place?,

Mainly, becuase Bin Laden himself says this whole kidney problem bit is false, and yet for some unfathomable reason you insist on quoting the complete horse [censored] you're getting off those damned fool conspiracy web sites who have been caught red handed at making stuff up again and again. You're so eagar to look through garbage cans and analyze grammar symantecs looking for secret hidden information about Bin Laden and yet when a journalist actually goes to the guy and gets a direct answer it's like you don't even care.

The only one whose credibility is suffering from this is you, you know.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 11:58 PM
I believe there is a high probability that Bin Laden may be dead but even if he wasn't, I don't see any problems with him or his organization buying the needed equipment. It also wouldn't surpise me if he just got a new kidney from any number of willing people, though I do think that is against Islam and therefore unlikely.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:14 AM
reply to post by GoodOlDave

Bin also admitted 4 times that he had nothing to do with 9-11, my 2 cents, he is dead and has been since 01, cause of death either assasinated or died from health issues, he is buried in a unmarked grave in tora bora, and this is known by in-the-know people. Mossad proberly releases the regular ranting we see on TV every 6 months. I have made these assumptions through web research over about 5 years at different times, im happy to be wrong but i doubt i am.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:39 AM
My father goes to dialysis three to four times a week and it's a very simple visit to a clinic. All they do is a check up, something with his blood and pretty much tell him what he has to eat more or less of. My dad is to week to run a long distance and he still can lift heavy loads of carpet. But if my father was is Osama's shoes he wouldn't make it this many years. Maybe he's not in the caves and he's going house to house and hiding.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:51 AM

Originally posted by deenuu
Mossad proberly releases the regular ranting we see on TV every 6 months. I have made these assumptions through web research over about 5 years at different times, im happy to be wrong but i doubt i am.

Oh, rubbish. This "web research" is comign entirely from a bunch of con artists making up crap off the tops of their heads to get people all paranoid over shadows. How much inside information about secret Mossad operations and hidden graves in Tora Bora would a college kid making internet movies in his dorm room actually have, anyway?

You're only seeing the things you want to see, dude. If you want to believe Bin Laden is a shape shifting alien lizard you're going to find "evidence" proving that too.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:09 AM
Bin Laden isn't wanted in connection with 911 so this thread should go in the terrorism forum.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by jprophet420
Bin Laden isn't wanted in connection with 911 so this thread should go in the terrorism forum.

Wow! Really? And the multi-million dollar reward is for what - parking tickets? And being named in the Mossaoui indictment as the leader of the group responsible for 9/11? And the fact that the FBI says he is wanted in connection for 9/11?

Ooops, sorry, I forgot, 9/11 isn't mentioned on the FBI most wanted poster - you must be right then. Because as we all know wanted posters always include all criminal activities the target is suspected of. That's why when they are captured and brought to trial they don't bother with indictments, they just submit the Wanter poster instead, big time saver that.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by hooper

Originally posted by jprophet420
Bin Laden isn't wanted in connection with 911 so this thread should go in the terrorism forum.

Wow! Really? And the multi-million dollar reward is for what - parking tickets? And being named in the Mossaoui indictment as the leader of the group responsible for 9/11? And the fact that the FBI says he is wanted in connection for 9/11?

Ooops, sorry, I forgot, 9/11 isn't mentioned on the FBI most wanted poster - you must be right then. Because as we all know wanted posters always include all criminal activities the target is suspected of. That's why when they are captured and brought to trial they don't bother with indictments, they just submit the Wanter poster instead, big time saver that.

The FBI directly stated that Bin Laden is not wanted for 911 due to lack of evidence. Thats been posted here many times. Sarcasm is OK, but only AFTER research.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:36 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

The FBI directly stated that Bin Laden is not wanted for 911 due to lack of evidence. Thats been posted here many times.

And it is still wrong.




(Conspiracy to Commit Acts of Terrorism Transcending National Boundaries)

Background: al Qaeda

1. At all relevant times from in or about 1989 until the date of the filing of this Indictment, an international terrorist group existed which was dedicated to opposing non-Islamic governments with force and violence. This organization grew out of the "mekhtab al khidemat" (the "Services Office") organization which had maintained offices in various parts of the world, including Afghanistan, Pakistan (particularly in Peshawar), and the United States. The group was founded by Usama Bin Laden and Muhammad Atef, a/k/a "Abu Hafs al Masry," together with "Abu Ubaidah al Banshiri," and others. From in or about 1989 until the present, the group called itself "al Qaeda" ("the Base"). From 1989 until in or about 1991, the group (hereafter referred to as "al Qaeda") was headquartered in Afghanistan and Peshawar, Pakistan. In or about 1991, the leadership of al Qaeda, including its "emir" (or prince) Usama Bin Laden, relocated to the Sudan. Al Qaeda was headquartered in the Sudan from approximately 1991 until approximately 1996 but still maintained offices in various parts of the world. In 1996, Usama Bin Laden and other members of al Qaeda relocated to Afghanistan. At all relevant times, al Qaeda was led by its emir, Usama Bin Laden. Members of al Qaeda pledged an oath of allegiance (called a "bayat") to Usama Bin Laden and al Qaeda. Those who were suspected of collaborating against al Qaeda were to be identified and killed.

2. Bin Laden and al Qaeda violently opposed the United States for several reasons. First, the United States was regarded as an "infidel" because it was not governed in a manner consistent with the group's extremist interpretation of Islam. Second, the United States was viewed as providing essential support for other "infidel" governments and institutions, particularly the governments of Saudi Arabia and Egypt, the nation of Israel, and the United Nations organization, which were regarded as enemies of the group. Third, al Qaeda opposed the involvement of the United States armed forces in the Gulf War in 1991 and in Operation Restore Hope in Somalia in 1992 and 1993. In particular, al Qaeda opposed the continued presence of American military forces in Saudi Arabia (and elsewhere on the Saudi Arabian peninsula) following the Gulf War. Fourth, al Qaeda opposed the United States Government because of the arrest, conviction and imprisonment of persons belonging to al Qaeda or its affiliated terrorist groups or those with whom it worked. For these and other reasons, Bin Laden declared a jihad, or holy war, against the United States, which he has carried out through al Qaeda and its affiliated organizations.

3. One of the principal goals of al Qaeda was to drive the United States armed forces out of Saudi Arabia (and elsewhere on the Saudi Arabian peninsula) and Somalia by violence. Members of al Qaeda issued fatwahs (rulings on Islamic law) indicating that such attacks were both proper and necessary.

4. Al Qaeda functioned both on its own and through some of the terrorist organizations that operated under its umbrella, including: Egyptian Islamic Jihad, which was led by Ayman al-Zawahiri, and at times, the Islamic Group (also known as "el Gamaa Islamia" or simply "Gamaa't"), and a number of jihad groups in other countries, including the Sudan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Somalia, Eritrea, Djibouti, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Bosnia, Croatia, Albania, Algeria, Tunisia, Lebanon, the Philippines, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, and the Kashmiri region of India and the Chechnyan region of Russia. Al Qaeda also maintained cells and personnel in a number of countries to facilitate its activities, including in Kenya, Tanzania, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Malaysia, and the United States.

5. Al Qaeda had a command and control structure which included a majlis al shura (or consultation council) which discussed and approved major undertakings, including terrorist operations. Al Qaeda also had a "military committee" which considered and approved "military" matters.

6. Usama Bin Laden and al Qaeda also forged alliances with the National Islamic Front in the Sudan and with representatives of the government of Iran, and its associated terrorist group Hizballah, for the purpose of working together against their perceived common enemies in the West, particularly the United States.

7. Since at least 1989, until the filing of this Indictment, Usama Bin Laden and the terrorist group al Qaeda sponsored, managed, and/or financially supported training camps in Afghanistan, which camps were used to instruct members and associates of al Qaeda and its affiliated terrorist groups in the use of firearms, explosives, chemical weapons, and other weapons of mass destruction. In addition to providing training in the use of various weapons, these camps were used to conduct operational planning against United States targets around the world and experiments in the use of chemical and biological weapons. These camps were also used to train others in security and counterintelligence methods, such as the use of codes and passwords, and to teach members and associates of al Qaeda about traveling to perform operations. For example, al Qaeda instructed its members and associates to dress in "Western" attire and to use other methods to avoid detection by security officials. The group also taught its members and associates to monitor media reporting of its operations to determine the effectiveness of their terrorist activities.

8. Since in or about 1996, Usama Bin Laden and others operated al Qaeda from their headquarters in Afghanistan. During this time, Bin Laden and others forged close relations with the Taliban in Afghanistan. To that end, Bin Laden informed other al Qaeda members and associates outside Afghanistan of their support of, and alliance with, the Taliban. Bin Laden also endorsed a declaration of jihad (holy war) issued by the "Ulema Union of Afghanistan."

Yeah, I am sure the FBI doesn't think Bin Laden had anything to do with 9/11.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 12:58 PM

Originally posted by jprophet420
The FBI directly stated that Bin Laden is not wanted for 911 due to lack of evidence. Thats been posted here many times. Sarcasm is OK, but only AFTER research.

If you're going to quote the FBI then quote them correctly. They said there is no direct evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11 attack, and it's true, there isn't. This is becuase Bin Laden used indirect support to the 9/11 attack I.E. supporting it financially via intermediaries, and the FBI said they can see the trail of support between Bin Laden and the attack. It says that in the very FBI report you're quoting out of context. How do I know this? By reading the very FBI reports you people post. The only difference is that you conspiracy people stop reading when you come to the part that you want to hear, while I read the whole thing.

If you've "done your research" as you've claimed then you'll already know the reason why the charge of the 9/11 attack isn't listed on Bin Laden's ten most wanted rap sheet- the FBI doesn't charge anyone with crimes. It's the job of a grand jury to do that, meaining it would have to be in an open civilian court. The gov't wants to charge Bin Laden in a military court so they can keep the proceedings secret so they CAN'T charge him by a grand jury. If you didn't know this then you certainly have no business lecturing others here to "do their research", 'cause all of this can be discovered in a few minutes of Google searching. Some of it, I even got from the sources you people post yourselves.

Let's face it- you're not here to learn the truth of the 9/11 attack. You're here to promote your own personal favorite conspiracy story regardless of what the truth is and you'll grasp at any straw that even remotely appears to support it. You may fancy yourself oh so wise and in the know, but in actuality, you're no different from the other hundred conspiracy mongers here blindly quoting rubbish off those damned fool conspiracy web sites.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:07 PM

Originally posted by GoodOlDave

Originally posted by jprophet420
The FBI directly stated that Bin Laden is not wanted for 911 due to lack of evidence. Thats been posted here many times. Sarcasm is OK, but only AFTER research.

If you're going to quote the FBI then quote them correctly. They said there is no direct evidence linking Bin Laden to the 9/11 attack, and it's true, there isn't. This is becuase Bin Laden used indirect support to the 9/11 attack I.E. supporting it financially via intermediaries, and the FBI said they can see the trail of support between Bin Laden and the attack. It says that in the very FBI report you're quoting out of context. How do I know this? By reading the very FBI reports you people post. The only difference is that you conspiracy people stop reading when you come to the part that you want to hear, while I read the whole thing.

If you've "done your research" as you've claimed then you'll already know the reason why the charge of the 9/11 attack isn't listed on Bin Laden's ten most wanted rap sheet- the FBI doesn't charge anyone with crimes. It's the job of a grand jury to do that, meaining it would have to be in an open civilian court. The gov't wants to charge Bin Laden in a military court so they can keep the proceedings secret so they CAN'T charge him by a grand jury. If you didn't know this then you certainly have no business lecturing others here to "do their research", 'cause all of this can be discovered in a few minutes of Google searching. Some of it, I even got from the sources you people post yourselves.

Let's face it- you're not here to learn the truth of the 9/11 attack. You're here to promote your own personal favorite conspiracy story regardless of what the truth is and you'll grasp at any straw that even remotely appears to support it. You may fancy yourself oh so wise and in the know, but in actuality, you're no different from the other hundred conspiracy mongers here blindly quoting rubbish off those damned fool conspiracy web sites.

Lets face it, you cant find a single post made by me that supports your theory as to why i post here. You cant find one because it doesn't exist. I am here to get a new investigation to find out what really happened.

“The FBI gathers evidence. Once evidence is gathered, it is turned over to the Department of Justice. The Department of Justice than decides whether it has enough evidence to present to a federal grand jury. In the case of the 1998 United States Embassies being bombed, Bin Laden has been formally indicted and charged by a grand jury. He has not been formally indicted and charged in connection with 9/11 because the FBI has no hard evidence connected Bin Laden to 9/11.”

That is a direct quote from the FBI that contradicts what you just said. They DO NOT have enough evidence to present to a grand jury.

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