posted on Apr, 21 2013 @ 04:45 PM
Saving this paragraph for future use;
I am not an atheist or an agnostic.
I am a Christian who has been an atheist in the past.
So I have no pro-atheist axe to grind when I ask this question;
What on earth is the point of Christians spending all this energy trying to demonstrate that atheists have a religion?
Where does it get us, exactly?
Supposing you manage to prove your point, what useful consequence follows?
Come on, tell me- where is the benefit of proving that "atheists and agnostics are religious"?
It certainly isn't going to induce them to change from being atheists and agnostics.
It's an empty. meaningless, debating point.
Why not divert all this ingenuity away from useless point-scoring and into some question more directly relevant to the debate between the two sides?