posted on Jul, 3 2004 @ 10:53 AM
Dream Interpretation from
Everything in our life is a reflection on us and this hold true in our dreams. The storm in your dreams may be a reflection of some difficulty in your
life. Consider all of the details and notice if you took shelter from the storm or were you swept away by it. Did the storm pass you by, were you
safe, or did you suffer? All of us experience difficulties in life and our dreams make an attempt to bring us into awareness and out of denial. Think
about the storms in your life, how you will weather them, and what you can do to make them subside.
Lightning represents energy and a fantastic, altering force. It is generally a positive dream symbol which represents the dreamers "awakened" state
of consciousness. At times, a sudden shift in awareness, or unpredictable news, may shock us and leave us feeling anxious. However, enlightenment of
any kind has long term positive implications. When interpreting this dream, make attempts to connect it to important and highly charged events from
your daily life which have suddenly occurred or come into your awareness.
Dreaming about the living dead may carry a powerful message. If you are "walking around like a zombie," it usually means that you are emotionally
disconnected from things going on around you. You may be experiencing unhealthy detachment and are unable to appropriately feel positive or negative
emotions. Currently, you may be out of touch and outside of the main flow of life. This dream could positively sever you and help you to become aware
of emotional issues and circumstances in daily life that are difficult to face.
Some believe that the ghosts in their dreams are real representations of the dead. This is an unlikely explanation of this dream. More likely the
ghost is representing a part of you that is unclear and that you do not understand. At times, ghosts represent those things that unattainable or
fleeting. Demonic type of ghost images may represent your negative tendencies, unpleasant parts of personality or your "shadow." Old superstition
based dream interpretations say that dreaming of friendly ghosts is a lucky omen, and that you should be receiving unexpected good luck. On the other
hand, if you were very frightened by the ghost in your dream, then others will try to impose their will on you and you must be vigilant in order to
stand up to it.
At times you may experience the sense of smell in your dreams. The smell could be environmental. If there is a strong smell in your sleeping
environment, you may perceive it and incorporate it into your dream. Otherwise, the smell in your dreams is triggered by a memory. You may be
associating your dream experience with a pleasant or unpleasant order. For example, if you are dreaming about your mother, you may smell the aroma of
a food she once cooked. The smell may trigger emotions and reflect the general quality of the experience in your dream.