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Is it a Shadow Person?

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posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 05:55 PM
-Sorry if this is in the wrong forum i just thought this would be the place to put it-

Over the years ive seen my share of ghosts and experiences. The house i lived in until i was 5 was still occupied by its former owner who was caught in a loop, he would "break" the ceiling fan in my bedroom "fix it" and leave and he wore a hat. A neighbor who knew him described him and it matched mine to the letter. But my more recent experiences are a bit odd. The house I've resided in since is new, no one has lived here before us.

I can't remember when it first started but I'll just tell you my recent accounts. Over the past year my "ghost" had become more friendly i guess is the term. He was fully aware of me but only me it seems. No one else has or has yet to see him. At first i thought it was a hallucination since these happened at night and i was generally woken up by him. I've seen shadows and rarely voices, though i do recall hearing one call my name at least once when i was younger.

This is what threw me off my original idea; the touching. Nothing sexual[just thought I'd put that out there, and im female] i would wake up to the feeling of a quick touch of my face or a "pet" on the head. These touches are supposed to be cold according to others but i don't recall them ever being. If anything it felt like an actual person.

Yes, i was alone and my door/window is closed and locked. The catch also being i never actually saw it until the last time anything happened, which was a few months ago. I had just lain down and turned out my light when i had the strong feeling something was watching me. I am wide awake, i had not fallen asleep. I look over and see a young male silhouette, no hat or anything. If i wanted i could've reached out and touched him but i didn't. I kinda wish i did but at the same time i have no idea how i would react if i happened to feel something. I can't really remember what i did after this but i felt the "pet" on the head again after i looked away.

Seeing him/it freaked me out a little bit but generally these things never really bug/bugged me. I would just shrug it off and go back to sleep, things like this don't scare me. Sometimes i was more annoyed i had been woken up because i had to get up early the next day

In the more recent cases before i saw him he mainly seemed to show up when i was really sad or depressed over something. Leading me to believe he was drawn to/fed off this negative energy.

After some research it seemed that this ghost was a shadow person, but some things just don't fit. Any ideas/similar experiences?

I'm posting this because i want to hear your take on it and if its all in my head. If you have any questions im happy to answer them.

- Edited for spelling, grammar, and to address the question in the topic

[edit on 27-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 07:04 PM

In the more recent cases before i saw him he mainly seemed to show up when i was really sad or depressed over something. Leading me to believe he was drawn to/fed off this negative energy.

Sounds more like the entity is trying to comfort you.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:14 PM
reply to post by Phlynx

Agreed. Exactly what I thought when I read that part of the paragraph.

posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 08:54 PM
Judging by your neutral feelings toward the entity I would have to agree that he is attempting to nurture and comfort you. Was he a father when he was alive?

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:15 AM
I believe the same thing. Though when he first started showing up after my family moved he would go to great lengths to get my attention; such as pulling the sheets off, even tried to grab me once after i turned out the light but this was when things barely started happening. Hes not the same entity as the one from my old house, the one in my old house was more of an imprint from a memory that looped and was unaware of its surroundings. I'm hoping i could find out who or what is in my current home(or was as he's been gone awhile) but it seems i will never know. No recent deaths in the family or the usual sources.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 01:42 PM
Sounds like who/whatever it is, as others have said, they are definitely trying to comfort you and not the opposite (which is always a good thing) also since you’re not fearful when this is happening could support this as well.

Out of curiosity though have you had any negative experiences or have they all been positive ?

BTW it’s interesting that there has been no deaths in the family as you have said but personally I would guess that this is a indeed a deceased family member doing this but you should (well I would anyway) seek out a medium to find out exactly who it is.

And have you ever called out asking for them to stop what they are doing for whatever reason, i ask because if you would want it to stop as they seem to be friendly i'm guessing they just might.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by Rising Against]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 03:02 PM
Excellent avatar, ItsAgentScully.

Just wondering [i wonder a lot] but it could be a thought form. Thought forms or Tulpa's are created by yourself or even someone close to you and are often born of intense focus, they are not necessarily created by choice.

Also if your home is new then it may be an idea to enquire what was on the land before your home was built.

I have a Tulpa and what you described sounds similar.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
Sounds like who/whatever it is, as others have said, they are definitely trying to comfort you and not the opposite (which is always a good thing) also since you’re not fearful when this is happening could support this as well.

Out of curiosity though have you had any negative experiences or have they all been positive ?

BTW it’s interesting that there has been no deaths in the family as you have said but personally I would guess that this is a indeed a deceased family member doing this but you should (well I would anyway) seek out a medium to find out exactly who it is.

And have you ever called out asking for them to stop what they are doing for whatever reason, i ask because if you would want it to stop as they seem to be friendly I'm guessing they just might.
[edit on 27-3-2010 by Rising Against]

The only negative experiences i recall are having the sheets violently pulled away and one night i thought i was attacked. Since the night i saw him he hasn't come back, he seems to come and go usually and i can tell when he is around. I wish he would come back around since i didn't have the sense to try and interact with it back then, since it seems im the only one he interacted with. I don't mind it hanging around i just want to know what it/he is. The only dead male relative i know of is my grandfather who has been dead for about 30 years now and he wasn't exactly fatherly.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 03:36 PM

Originally posted by kode
Excellent avatar, ItsAgentScully.

Just wondering [i wonder a lot] but it could be a thought form. Thought forms or Tulpa's are created by yourself or even someone close to you and are often born of intense focus, they are not necessarily created by choice.

Also if your home is new then it may be an idea to enquire what was on the land before your home was built.

I have a Tulpa and what you described sounds similar.

Thank you! I like it too. Never heard of Tulpa's, i'll look into it. What does your Tulpa do? The home was built near some old native american lands i believe.

[edit on 27-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:19 PM
reply to post by ItsAgentScully

I see, well calling out to them could be worth a try at least and also in regards to finding out whom or even what it is you could seek out the help from a medium.

At least that's what i would try.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:35 PM

Originally posted by Rising Against
reply to post by ItsAgentScully

I see, well calling out to them could be worth a try at least and also in regards to finding out whom or even what it is you could seek out the help from a medium.

At least that's what i would try.

If i can't find out myself I'll look into finding a medium

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by ItsAgentScully

Well good luck and hope you find everything your looking for.

posted on Mar, 27 2010 @ 06:07 PM
reply to post by ItsAgentScully

Well some day im hoping to elevate it to an egregore but for the time being it stays with me and watches. In the past it has been quite mischievous moving objects but lately its presence is quieter due probably to less effort on my side on focusing on it. However I know its still there and when I feel I have negative energies aimed towards me I use it to keep them at bay. It does ok but of course it can’t solve all my problems! Wish it could.

posted on Mar, 28 2010 @ 01:13 AM
reply to post by kode


I've been reading more into the Tulpa stuff and im keeping it as a possibility. Not quite sure how it could have been summoned though. Hm.

Anyone else have thoughts/opinions? I appreciate negative as much as i do positive. Or are you all as stumped as i am?

Edit: I just remembered something that happened when my family first moved in. My family and i were watching tv and it was late, the only light source being the glow of the tv. I look over into the hallway to see a shadow/silhouette walk past. I could swear it was a person. I tell my dad what i saw and he turned all the lights on and took out a butcher knife thinking someone broke in. The house was empty and nothing had been moved.

Our house is also a 2-story and as a child i recall being afraid to go upstairs(where my bedroom is) because of what was in the dark and the feeling of something watching me. I'm sure it was because of the shadows i would see out of the corner of my eye and the hallway incident. If anything else happened the memories escape me at the moment, the ones i just wrote are vague to me but the hallway one i remember more clearly after forgetting about it for so long.
[edit on 28-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

[edit on 28-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

[edit on 28-3-2010 by ItsAgentScully]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:00 PM
Just a bit of a bump to see if anyone else has comments etc etc

Otherwise, nothing new to report that i can recall. I was hoping something else would happen but so far, nothing. Been pretty busy but i do plan on attempting to make some sort of contact if possible. Never had a spirit vanish like this before. This is mostly just me thinking aloud and echoing things that have already been established somewhat.

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:24 PM
I know it does not sound very exciting or paranormal but your story reminds me of a movie long time ago (can't remember the name, sorry) which had a similiar plot and the "ghost" turned out to be a vagrant/homeless person who had moved in while the house was empty and was living in the attic, unknown to the residents. Do you have a basement, attic, or large crawl space under the house? You said you were the first one to live there. Was the house vacant a long time before you moved in? Have you changed the locks since moving in? Do you have any storage sheds on the property where someone could lay low as necessary? You wanted all possibilities so mentioning this. Of course it could also be any number of the scenarios mentioned in other posts. I don't think any of us, or most of us at least, have a lock on everything that exists in the realm of the universe.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by manta78]

[edit on 21-4-2010 by manta78]

posted on Apr, 21 2010 @ 11:54 PM

Originally posted by manta78
I know it does not sound very exciting or paranormal but your story reminds me of a movie long time ago (can't remember the name, sorry) which had a similiar plot and the "ghost" turned out to be a vagrant/homeless person who had moved in while the house was empty and was living in the attic, unknown to the residents. Do you have a basement, attic, or large crawl space under the house? You said you were the first one to live there. Was the house vacant a long time before you moved in? Have you changed the locks since moving in? Do you have any storage sheds on the property where someone could lay low as necessary? You wanted all possibilities so mentioning this. Of course it could also be any number of the scenarios mentioned in other posts. I don't think any of us, or most of us at least, have a lock on everything that exists in the realm of the universe.

[edit on 21-4-2010 by manta78]

[edit on 21-4-2010 by manta78]

This was one of my first thoughts of possibility but none of the elements are here. No basement, attics, or crawlspaces. We keep everything locked up. Its not a very big house so any humans would be found rather quickly.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:02 AM
Ok that's good. Then I would go with two things just to be thorough. Let a dog loose within the house if you haven't already done so to sniff at will, and keep him or her there for a while, and change all the locks on the doors. Sorry can't help any with any possible paranormal scenarios.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 12:12 AM

Originally posted by manta78
Ok that's good. Then I would go with two things just to be thorough. Let a dog loose within the house if you haven't already done so to sniff at will, and keep him or her there for a while, and change all the locks on the doors. Sorry can't help any with any possible paranormal scenarios.

Its cool. And I'm well guarded, thanks for the input.

posted on Apr, 22 2010 @ 03:45 PM

When you say that it mostly comes around when you're feeling sad or depressed, I get the opposite reaction than the others on here. It kind of worries me, and I think it is a possibility that it is feeding off of that negative energy.

I guess the question is, do you actually feel comforted by its prescence?

Also, I have had experiences with shadow people as well (if that is what this is) and they almost exclusively come around when there is a lot of negative energy in the house (depression, sadness, anger). The most recent occurence of them was when my parents were fighting non-stop. It put a lot of stress on everyone in the house, obviously, and that's when they started showing up again. I actually chased one down telling it to go away (probably not the best idea considering I was angry with it lol).

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