posted on Mar, 26 2010 @ 10:55 AM
Hello ATS.
I've been meaning to do this for a while now, because I simply gawk at some of the posts I read on here. Most of them are not even posted with
malicious intent, which makes me gawk even more. This will not be sensationalist, there will be no pretty pictures or videos, this is just about me
wanting some answers. This not an american bashing fest either, I'm mearly trying to get some facts straight. I am posting this in the global
meltdown section, because I believe that what I have to say is connected indirectly to societal breakdown.
Anyhoo, so I checked out some online dictionaries, most of them american, and was equally baffled. I give you the definition of RACISM, according to
the Free Dictionary by Farlex :
rac·ism (rszm)
1. The belief that race accounts for differences in human character or ability and that a particular race is superior to others.
2. Discrimination or prejudice based on race.
Allow me a short digression here, to further my point.
Let us take, let's say, two RACES of the dog species. A Great Dane, and a Teckel, for example. It is fairly obvious that these two RACES have
significant physical differences, of size, bone structure, color etc...
Let us now take a look at one single race of dog, the Retriever. The retriever race can be broken down into several types (note that I am NOT using
the word RACE), namely the Golden Retriever, the Chesapeake Bay Retriever, the Flat coated Retriever, the Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever etc...
These animals, while sporting some small differences in morphology or color, are fairely similar to look at.
Let us now take the human species. Is the human species composed of extremely different looking individuals, as different, for example, as the
Bulldog, the Teckel and the Great Dane ? Obviously not. We do not have individuals who are ten times taller than others, with huge heads or tiny legs,
naturally hulking torsoes, or extremly different facial structures.
Digression over.
Interestingly enough, when I looked up the historical definition of RACISM, I came up with something more along these lines :
"The belief that the human species is composed of different RACES."
Now pause for a moment here, and contemplate.
Because the definition I have just given also happens to be the modern europeen definition of racism.
Now I would like to point out, to further my doggy example, that modern science has PROVEN that there are NO HUMAN RACES. In fact, a quick visit to
wikipedia will confirm this. Taxonomically we are all classified as the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens.
Now, my question here is the following.
Although many of you are not racist by your definition, you do come across as racist in mine. Because you are constantly on about the white race this,
the black race that, the hispanic race so on etc... etc.. So do you actually believe that there are racial differences between you and say, an
african, or do you guys actually realize that there are no human races, technically speaking, and "race" is actually just a sort of mechanical word
that most of you use to describe people who are different from you ?
It's really puzzling me, and it's really kind of misleading to someone from a different culture. I mean I'll find myself agreeing with someone on
one thread, and then sometimes on another they will come out with something that will really throw me, and I'll be like "whoa, this guy is actually
a racist ?"
Anyhow. Enlighten me.
[edit on 26-3-2010 by Ismail]