posted on Apr, 12 2010 @ 06:43 AM
What I can say about David Icke is that his mention of the "Truth Vibrations", the awakening of mankind to a much wider conciousness than that we
are in now, is happening and is going to happen now and in the near future to much more people. This awakening or shall I say Transformation is coming
from inside of you, like an Energy that is changing youre whole Body and transform it to who whe (the Earth Human race) really are and you can see it
as a quantumleap in Evolution.
Why I know this is because a year ago I experienced it myself. Unfortunatly only for 3 weeks of progress, because I was brought down by TPTB (or
who-ever they are [innercircle FreeMasons? Illuminati? Multi-dimensional Reptiles?]) by attacking me with an strong Negative Energy (you can't see
this but you definately feel and know it) focussed on me. This made me in one day total psychotic and I left the Transforming Energy out of me by a
wrong choice I'd make that time to stop this Negative influence. Right after that I was thinking I was possessed and I could not remeber anything
that had happened to me the weeks before. After a few month's slowly came back my memory of what really had happened. I failed to help Humankind in
this transitional process, the real Revolution and solution to the problem we are facing on Earth now.
I know I cannot proof anything physically to you of my story, but I know what I've experienced last year. I also know that there are people out there
that had the same experience of Transformation and are succesfully fulfilling their mission here on Earth now. Maybe I will post a thread of my
personal lifestory soon on ATS because there is much, much more to tell.
To get back to David Icke, i personally think he is Right in the most of things he explained in the past 20 years (do your own investigation! and what
have you personally experienced in your own Life to what makes you to question the so called 'Reality' that you are living in!), but i know
Reptillians and a Moon-Matrix is very difficult to grasp for a lot of people. You can also say that the real Truth is stranger than Fiction, and the
Universe is so, So Big, that anything could be possible but we simply do not know and understand it on this Consiousness-level. I'am looking forward
to his new book and wil read it when it's out.
BTW sorry for my bad English, i'm Dutch
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