posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:08 PM
I have an idea, lets stop with the speculation and figure out a solution. Here is mine:
Year 2012 Dec 21st 11:11
A day of peace where we all raise our chakras, send out high vibration, invoke the white light, say our prayers and do the AUM vibration which the
buddhist monks have done for ages. It will help to raise our vibration and open our crown chakras to receive white light from the cosmos. Sound, as
you know is the creation of the universe. If we can all spread this message like wildfire, when the time comes, we have nothing to fear for we all
know what shall happen with the collective consciousness of all humanity. We will all merge into ONE frequency and thus raising our vibration here on
earth to another dimension pushing away the old and bringing forth a new light, a new dawn, a new era of hope.... space exploration, advanced
technology, scientific breakthroughs, releasing cures for all incurable diseases, new proven approaches to holistic healing, change of perception,
thoughts and behaviour where we are all one, living in unity, peace, love and respect. No more corrpution, no more profiling, no more racism, no more
wars over religion, resources, differences, greed, power etc. Our new religion will be Gaia.
John Lennon was brilliant when he had written the song "imagine"!v=uC5AAqDrAmM&feature=related
Everyone coming together as ONE. It would be THE GREAT GATHERING.