If you are reading this, perhaps you've stumbled upon this webpage because it went viral last week. In that case, the year should be 2020. Especially
if you are a teen, you might find some interesting info in this thread, from "old-schoolers" like me...
Or, perhaps you are an ATS member in 2010, or any year in between, and you wish to add a message for future eyes and minds.
Regardless, welcome to this historic thread.
In this thread, members can post messages to warn, advice or educate future readers. Come 2020, I will try to remember to bump this thread, so you
guys from 2020 get all the messages that have been preserved for you, and you can comment on the outcome.
Ok, here we go, here is my message for you 2020'ers...!!!
Hello reader!
(hopefully, I am one of you... )
I'm talking to you from the past, but with the full knowledge of talking to someone from a different era, so it's kinda like time traveling - just
in reverse...
Welcome to ATS.
Anyway, the reason for speaking to you through this message, is because I am worried that with every generation, the ideals of freedom, joy, love and
happiness are being purposely eroded by the few whom we call TPTB here in 2010.
To them, apparently, nothing is sacred, except profit and power.
Short sightedness is a symptom of a profit based capitalist system, not of a sustainable system with everyone's interests in mind, and we have lost
some precious things as a result already; extinct animal species to give an example.
But, something else is happening here in 2010 that's quite fascinating.
Right now (2010), we live in tumultuous times: many people believe there is an Apocalypse on the horizon; and surely you must have heard about the
2012 date... (if you are reading this in 2020)
As of this point (2010), all I can honestly say is that I'm not 100% sure of what is going to happen. There are too many variables, including the
possibility of hardcore religious people in power trying to get the Armageddon show on the road in order to get the Rapture under way. On the other
hand, there may also be a chance of a fake holographic projection in the sky, or what has been dubbed "Project Bleubeam", in an attempt to fake a
world changing event, to further the agenda of centralizing power and wealth. Or perhaps there's truth to some sort of Galactic Cycle, and we will
get blasted with cosmic rays mutating our DNA, or our brethren from space will finally come back and liberate humanity... who knows?
YOU DO!!! ...if you're reading this in 2020!!!
Anyway, to keep it short for now, I'd like to let you know that a lot of things that might be totally normal and acceptable to you, may be very
unnatural, even unacceptable from our perspective. Do you have an RFID chip embedded in your body? Did you ever read 1984 or Brave New World? Is there
a global currency, global government? Is there a tax on breathing? etc. etc.
Sometimes things change really fast, through False Flag attacks, wars, assassinations, or other proven methods, but in general people grow up and
adjust to their environment, thinking it is normal.
Perhaps here, we the people from 2010, can shed an interesting perspective on some of the stuff you folks from 2020 have accustomed to - and accepted
as natural?
I hope I will be here still, when you read this in 2020, so that I can look back and learn a few things or two myself as well...
Ok, have fun, and I look forward to hearing from you!