posted on Jun, 3 2004 @ 08:03 AM
I am of the opinion that dreams are all sorts of things.
We know that dreams are a physical need for the body. Without REM we would die. Dreams are a stress release for the body and mind. For many people,
they are a way to work through a problem. Learning how to read what symbols your mind uses in dreams can tell a person a lot.
I have had shared dreams. I dream something that another person dreams at the exact same time. We are in each others dreams. This has happened
about a dozen times. Some with my mother, some with my husband, some with my daughter, and one with the neighbor.
I have had a few dreams where I was in a place observing and participating in something, and then when I woke up and watched the news, they were
discussing an incident that matched my dream. For instance, I dreamed I was sitting in an airplane and it was struck by lightening and I felt the
terror of the people as the plane was going down. I even saw someone about three rows up turn around and look at me. It was very vivid.
Dreams can connect you with God. As someone pointed out the bible tells of dreams of prophecy for Daniel and Joseph, etc.
I am of the opinion dreams have many different uses for us and we only know of a small portion of them.