Maybe I have been giving into all the paranoia, but lately I have been thinking a big "What if?" on a lot of natural disaster scenarios,
particularly a great flood. As I live in New Jersey and fairly close to sea level, I guess the thought combined with the fact it would actually
effect me kinda got to me.
So I went a little crazy trying to plot the best place in the U.S. to flee to in a great flood scenario, and I am talking 1000 foot plus waters. To
do this I first found a great map of the U.S. thanks to
mapsorama to use
for my overlays. Next looking at elevation levels for the U.S. I colored in water where a 1000 foot and 2000 foot rise in sea level would bring
Now, then going even further I figured we just went through one giant natural disaster, I don't want to put myself right in the middle of another!
So I began to plot all the volcanoes, fault lines, and areas of active earthquakes (keep in mind this is just my approximation of where they are
Yellow lines are faults, the larger the line the more dangerous the fault.
Red circles are earthquakes, the larger circles just mean a larger area affected or greater concentration of earthquakes, not necessarily larger
Blue circles are volcanoes, some may be dormant or extinct.
And finally, with all of those together, I found the safest places to flee to in the event there is a great flood.
The areas are all safe zones from the 2000' floods, the colors then expand as follows:
Red: Greatest chance of increased flooding, earthquake, eruption, tornadoes, or other natural disasters.
Yellow: Small chance of further flooding, earthquakes, or smaller disasters. Also includes areas that could be indirectly affected by a volcano, such
as ash clouds.
Green: If this area floods, the the movie Waterworld predicted the future, also has a very low chance of disasters.
So there you have it, my opinion on the best places to run and hide in a disaster. May come in use some day keep it handy.