posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 04:33 PM
reply to post by devildogUSMC
no offense to your personal situation but a majority of the people on ats have discussed in many threads how the government is actually making life
harder for the majority of aamericans
it's simple, raise cost of living, raise food costs, tax people, they'll be so broke and miserable (sounds like you?) that they will line up for
health care and hand outs even if it means tracking chips, chains and shackles etc
if the government wanted to they could have avoided everythinjg that led to life being 'so hard' in america, but a majority on ats would tell you
they did it on purpose so that you'd hate your circumstances enough to accept any others, no matter how bad
btw, didn't mean to hurt your feelings or anything, but you added that personal info so i figured it was up for conversation