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Palin for president are obamabot's BEWARE!!

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posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:09 AM
i have noticed with alot of website's post's blog's way to many to mention or post or even give them a link..they dont deserve it.

I may have been born the other day but it wasn't yesterday lol

obama's paid blogger's and self proclaimed AKA supporter's.
Are trying to spam the idea palin for president in the next election.

Why would they want that you may ask.
Simple they need someone obama can run against that they can pick apart.
and no one will fight back when they do...we already let them do it once.
they know they can do it again.

So please do not fall for the palin in 2012 crap i beg of ya use ya head's.

it's a set up so obama can have a easy win in next election..cause they all know he has messed up alot.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:14 AM
Now wait a minute.... lol

I'm a Palin 2012 supporter and have been-just read any of my post related to Her. I just put a tread/posting up this morning.

Wait, now I am a Obama person? I don't think so.

I believe you statement/warning is a little too broad.

Now, if you want to cut on her, go to my post today about her politicial hit map. You'll see I can even keep it real and call her/them out when they may do a little to much. Post:

I do understand the premise behind w/ Obama's team may be thinking but at this point, Palin isn't on their radar screen.

[edit on 3/25/2010 by anon72]

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:15 AM
I'll gladly laugh at suggestions that Palin be President.
But, wouldn't she kind of have to, oh I don't know, decide to run?
And what does that say about her? And Republicans?
And what would that have to do with "bloggers"?
Sarah is too busy trying to cash in to run, it would interfere with her various financial enterprises.
Give me a break!

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:20 AM
it's point of the problem.
if enough obama support's "even if they don't want to admit it"
blog post on website's ect.ect.
palin for president 2012
eventually palin will consider it and they know it.. it feed's her ego.

And as i said they would want her to run..simply because they would pick her alive like last election.
they don't want a fresh face to run.
if ya get my drift.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:22 AM

Originally posted by anon72
Now wait a minute.... lol

I'm a Palin 2012 supporter and have been-just read any of my post related to Her. I just put a tread/posting up this morning.

Wait, now I am a Obama person? I don't think so.

I believe you statement/warning is a little too broad.

Now, if you want to cut on her, go to my post today about her politicial hit map. You'll see I can even keep it real and call her/them out when they may do a little to much.

I do understand the premise behind w/ Obama's team may be thinking but at this point, Palin isn't on their radar screen.

Hmmm..just curious as to why Palin would be a better choice than Ron Paul or Bob Barr?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:26 AM
I think it will be a Mitt Romney/Scott Taylor in 2012



think Obama actually has a shot with these two as a ticket?

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 10:46 AM
reply to post by SmokeandShadow

Honestly, I just like Palin better than anyone else (even Scott Brown). I don't think Paul can carry the message and Barr-pff... never did like him.

Anyway, My wife and I got to meet Palin in 2008 at the Media PA rally. But even more so, we saw the WSJ/CNBC hour interview of her BEFORE she was nominated. Palin has/had a lot going for her prior to McCain.

I have written about her and why etc many of times on ATS threads. Whatelse can I say, I'm a sucker for a pretty face.... (joking). Anyway, we all have our personal favorites (I just happen to be in the Palin line)

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:01 AM
well you guys like to vote in the wrong people so it wouldnt surprise me. Bush the dumbo twice Obama the socialist next Palin after Palin the dad from Family Guy? I'm sure the fact he's a cartoon character wont matter.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:08 AM
I'm sure if she's elected everything will be civil and we will function responsibly and intellectually just as before.

I would not be surprised if Palin became president. She will be their next Reagan, in a skirt. Reagan was the biggest pieace of s**t to ever destroy our country, he did way more damage in 8 years than any other president in history. Let Palin be president and America will never be the same, trust me, if there will be an America.

posted on Mar, 25 2010 @ 11:08 AM
reply to post by TheAmused

obama's paid blogger's and self proclaimed AKA supporter's. Are trying to spam the idea palin for president in the next election. Why would they want that you may ask. Simple they need someone obama can run against that they can pick apart. and no one will fight back when they do...we already let them do it once. they know they can do it again.

I think Obama don't need to do ANYTHING to beat Sarah Palin. Actually, Sarah Palin is "self-beatable" and SOMEONE already found it out, first than everybody else...



Nor even a joint task force formed by CIA-NSA-FBI could have exposed someone as good as Tina Fey did...

Just for this record, Sarah Palin's eyes, just give me creeps... brrrrrrrrr

[edit on 25-3-2010 by ucalien]

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