posted on Jun, 2 2004 @ 03:16 PM
There are no links to this post, just a very interesting observation.
I had the TV in my office on while eating my lunch today & had CSpan or one of the alphabet cable news networks.
They were showing Bush at the Air Force Academy saluting & shaking the hand of each graduating cadet....all 900 of them. They had two lines,
with Bush in the middle turning left & right, doing that over & over. He had also tried to make an analogy that the "war on a WORD" was equal to
WWII ( which must have tickled pink the military history majors in attendance!)
Meanwhile, they give an update on Kerry, who was at a Florida college as part of a round table discussion on bio-terror & first responders. I saw many
a "Doctor" nameplate & people in uniform, as well as in the packed audience. The audio clip had Kerry contrasting the exisiting plans short comings
& his proposed plan's improvement.
It struck me as completely laughable first, & then completely sad afterwards.
Hysterical that they send DIM SON on a photo-op that required him to spin 900 times like some toy store marionette. I would have loved to see the
898th salute!
Contrast that with Kerry who is talking, teaching & learning about the most prevalent dangers to domestic security, & leaving it open & bare for
The sad part came when I realized, as illustrated by our ATS stalwarts, that Kerry could have been shown digging Osama out of a rabbitt hole & Bush
could have been shown raping his dog.......they're praying for the Rapture that the Burning Bush will herald in his next term.